Sunday, December 31, 2006


In Db Press: 3 warms, 95/7,6 drop set
Flat Db Press: 65/9,9 drop set
Dips: 3 set to failure
Flat Fly: 40/11,11

Squat: 4 warms, 325/3 355/3 365/3 drop set
Trap Bar Squat: 2 warms, 225/10,10
Leg Ext: 70/12,10 drop set

Friday, December 29, 2006


I weighed in at 169, but forgot to take the BF! Or maybe I didnt want to know.
The game plan is to get control of meal timing and planning. I will reduce carbs slighty on arm days, and off days. The goak is to know lose 1 pound of fat every two weeks. So, every other week I will post my BW and BF.

Note: New supplement that I am using is Anabolic Pump by USP Labs. After a few days specificaly today, I feel muscle fullness most of the day. And the last few workouts, I have been moving more weight in comparision to last year at the same weight. Pretty cool so far.

In Db Curl: 2 warms, 40/6 45/6,5
Tri Bar Ext: 2 warms, 75/6 85/6,5
Cable Curl: 1 warm, 57/8
Rope Press: 1 warm, 42/9
Con Curl 30/12
Kick Back: 25/12

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Delts and Hams:

Db Delt Press: 3 warms, 80/7,6 drop set
Front Raise Cable: 2 warms, 35/9,9
Rear Db Raise: 1 warm, 250/11,11
Leg Curl: 2 warms, 52/6,5 drop set
Wide Leg Press: 2 warms, 315/10
Db Leg Curl" 1 warm, 25/12

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Back and Calves:

Felt good today!

Pull ups: 10,7,7,6
Deads: 3 warms, 365/3 385/3 405/2 drop set
Db Bench Row: 1 warm, 65/9,8
Close High Pulldown: 90/13,12
Calves: 2 warms, 135/11,9 singles

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


In Db Press: 3 warms, 95/6,6 drop set
Flat Db Press: 75/6,6, 65/8
Dips: 3 sets to failure
Flat Fly: 40/11,10

Monday, December 25, 2006

Rest Day! Merry Christmas.

Although I will be enjoying food and drink today as I did the last couple of days. I am really looking forward to cleaning the diet up over the next week.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Squat: 4 warms, 315/3 345/3,3 drop set
Hack Press: 2 warms, 250/7 drop set
Step Ups: 50/12,12
Leg Ext: 65/14,12
Some abs

Saturday, December 23, 2006


In Db Curl: 3 warms, 40/7,6
Ly Tri Bar Ext: 3 warms, 80/7,6
Cable Curl: 1 warm, 55/8
Rope Pressodwn: 1 warm, 40/10
Con Curl: 25/14
Db KB: 20/15

Friday, December 22, 2006

Delts and Hamstrings:

Db Press: 3 warms, 75/7,6
Front Raise Cable: 2 warms, 32/8,9
Rear Raise Db: 1 warm, 20/11,12,11
Leg Curl: 2 warms, 50/6,5 drop set
Wide Leg Press: 2 warms, 270/12
Db Leg Curl: 20 x 2 to failure

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Pull Ups: 8,7,6,6
Deads: 2 warms, 315/6 365/3,3
Db Bench Row: 1 warm, 65/8,7
Narrow High Pulldown: 1 warm, 95/8
Calf: 5 sets

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


In Db Press: 3 warms, 85/8 95/5,5
Flat Db: 85/8 75/6 65/8
Chest Dips: 3 sets to failure
Flat Fly: 40/10,10

Shoulder is still bothering me. But I was able to get have a decent workout. Its holding me back so I am still cautious.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Monday, December 18, 2006


Squat: 4 warms, 315/3 335/3,3
Hack: 2 warms, 350/6 drop set
Step ups: 1 warm, 50/12
Leg Ext: 60 to failure for 2 sets

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Bar Curls: 3 warms, 105/6,5
Tricep Pressdown: 3 warm, 82/7,6
Alt Db Curl: 40/10,8
Lying Db Ext: 30/10 35/8
1 arm cable curl: 1 warm, 22/9
1 arm tri press: 1 warm, 20/9

Friday, December 15, 2006

Back and Calves:

Weight in: 168, BF with hand held, 11.2. Content with results. When compared to last year, I am leaner at the same weight.

Lat Pulldown wide: 3 warms, 140/8 150/6
T Bar Row: 2 warms, 170/5,4 drop set
Db Deads: 1 warm, 105/8,10
Lat Under: 3 rest pause with 110
Calf work: 2 warms, 3 rest pause

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Shoulder is still bothering me, but not as much as last week. So I took it easy and still had a nice workout.

Mid Db Press: 3 warms, 75/8,8
Dips: 4 sets to failure
Flat Db Press: 65/7 55/9,8
Cable Abs: 3 sets

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Leg Press: 3 warms, 630/6 655/5,4
Squat: 2 warms, 285/6,7
Leg Ext: 70/13/11
Walk Lunge Db: 45/12

Monday, December 11, 2006


Bar curls: 3 warms, 100/6,6
Tri Pressdown: 3 warms, 80/6,6
Alt Db Curl: 1 warm, 40/9
Db Ext: 1 warm, 30/10
1 arm cable curl: 22/12,9
1 arm tri press: 20/12,9

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Delts and Hams:

Shoulder is feeling better, but being safe than sorry. So I did some rehab movements to help stregthen and stretch the rotator cuff. It actual give me a little pump! I will be day to day as far as my next chest training.

Single Leg Curl: 1 warm, 27/12,10
Lying Leg Curl: 1 warm, 45/6
Stiff Leg Bar: 3 rest pause sets with 145
Rotator Rehab


Back and Calves:

Lat Pulldown wide: 3 warms, 140/8 147/6
T Bar Row: 2 warms, 160/7 170/5
Db Deads: 1 warm, 105/8,8
Lat Pulldown Close: 1 warm, 110/9,8
Calf work: 2 warm, 3 rest pause sets

Friday, December 08, 2006

Chest and Abs:

Prior to my last chest workout, my left shoulder was acting up. I injuried it many years ago and on occasion it flares up. Well, its flaring up. Last Chest training, I was able to have a nice workout. Going into todays, I was cautious and carefull. I may skip my next chest training to give it more rest, since it only hurt with pressing movements.

Mid Db Press: 2 warms, 65/12,12,11
Dips: 4 sets to failure
Flat Db: 65/10 55/12,10

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Leg Press: 3 warms, 540/6 630/6,6
Squat: 2 warms, 275/6,6
Leg Ext: 70/12,12
Walk Lunges: 45/12,12

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Bar curl: 3 warms, 95/7,7
Tri Press: 3 warms, 75/7,6
Alt Db: 1 warm, 40/7
Db Ext: 1 warm, 30/10
1 arm cable curl: 1 warm, 25/6
1 arm tri press: 1 warm, 20/10


Delts and Hams:
Push Press: 3 warms, 145/7 155/6
Side lateral ladder: 3 x
Upright Row Bar: 1 warm, 80/8,7,8
Single Leg Curl: 2 warm, 25/10
Lying Leg Curl: 1 warm, 45/5
Stiff Bar: 135x 3 rest pause sets

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Back and Calves:

Lat wide pulldown: 3 warms, 140/8 145/6
T Bar: 2 warms, 160/6,6
Db Deads: 1 warm, 95/8,7
Lat under pulldown: 1 warm, 110/8
Calves: 3 working sets


Mid Incline Db Press: 3 warms, 95/6,6 drop set
Flat Bar: 1 warm, 175/7,7
Dips: 3 sets to failure.

I cut the workout short due to my left shoulder hurting. Its a very old injury, that just acts up once in while.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Well, the nice thing about bodybuilding and training, is the option to mix things up! In that case, I had a change of heart and I started the volume training again. Back to the 5 day split. Now, I know I had said that I was going to finish the Dc training, and it felt great. But for now, I thought it through, and going back to the 5 day split will be best for me as my pro show debut is less than a year away.

In other news, I reached a goal of mine. I will be sponsored by USPLabs!

Leg Press: 3 warms, 540/6 610/5,6
Squat: 2 warms, 255/6,7
Leg Ext: 1 warm, 70/10
Walk Lunge Bar: 70/12,12

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Biceps, Forearms, Back:

Cable Curl: 55/8,5,5 rest pause set
Reverse Bar Curl: 50/10,11
Pull ups: 6,5,5 drop set with rack pull ups
Lat Under: 110/6,5,4 rst pause set

Looks like I will finish this round than do one more to see if I make any strength gains. I was planning on doing 3 rounds, but I am eager to hit the volume 5 day split again.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Chest, Delt, Tris:

In Db Press: 75/7,5,4 rest pause
Dips: 2 sets to failure, regular
Up rows: 75/8,5,4 rest pause
Close Rev Press: 130/6,4,4

I through in the dips!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Calve, Hams, Quads:

Calf Raise: 90/15/10/9 rest pause
Stiff Bar: 195/6,5,5 rest pause
Leg Press: 360/15,15,12 regular

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Rest Day/Cardio:

Moderate pace on the bike for 25 mins

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Biceps, Back:

In Db Curl: 40/6,4,4 rest pause
Rope Curl: 40/7 35/12 regular
Lat Behind Head: 115/6,4,3 rest pause
Deads: 275/8 315/6 335/5 drop set

Friday, November 24, 2006

Rest Day/Cardop:

Bike for 25mins.

Wanted to train today, but feeling tired and sore from this weeks DC Training.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Rest day.

Chest Delt Tri:

Mid Inc Db Press: 75/8,5,4
Push Press: 105/8,5,5
Tri Press: 60/6,6,4

All three were rest pause sets.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Calves, Hams, Quads:

Just logged the working sets, either DC or straight sets.

Single Calf Raise: 45/8,5,5 rest pause
Leg Curl: 40/9,5,5 rest pause
Squat: 225/6 245/6,7 straigt sets

The great thing about this workout, is that the quads have to do all the work as the calves and hams are fried! Therefore the legs are nicely warmed up but the same time its harder.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Biceps, Forearms, Back:

Bar Curl: 80/7,5,5 rest pause
Hammer Curl: 25/10,9 normal sets
Lat Pull Wide: 120/7,5,4 rest pause
Bent Over Row: 165/8,7,7 normal sets

Again, I am not writing the warm ups sets, but I will dictate which sets are rest pause or straight normal tempo sets. The bigger lifts will be straigt normal tempo sets for the fact of safety!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Well, I thought it was time to mix things ups.

After doing a sucessful 4 day split for about two months, I have started the DoggCrapp Training. I have done this two times in the past and it is intense for sure! I know a lot of you think my workouts are short, but wait until you see what I do. But the key is all out intensity with 6 second negatives and combined with 3 rest pause sets that means only 15 to 20 sec rest between each set. For the next two months I will be doing the DC training and will only list the working sets.

Please email me if you have any questions on the training or the log itself

Chest Delt Tri (DC)

Flat Bar: 185/6,4,4
Db Delt. Press: 65/7,4,3
Tri Bar Ext: 60/7,4,4

My goal for total reps is 15reps, so the only exercise I will increase next round is the tri bar ext.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Quads and Calves:

Woke up feeling sick and tired. So I kept it really light. I was able to get a good burn but didnt move a lot of weight.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Delts and Biceps:

Mid Db Delt Press: 3 warms, 85/8, 90/5
Side lateral Cable: 1 warm, 22/8
Db Shrug: 1 warm, 85/8,8
1 arm cable curl: 2 warms, 25/10
Alt Db Curl: 35/7 30/10

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Rest Day: Did nothing!

Back and Hams:

Pull ups: 9,8,7,6
T Bar: 2 warms, 160/5,6
Lat under: 100/10,10,9
Leg Curl: 2 warm, 50/6
Glute Ham Raise: 8 assisted reps

Monday, November 13, 2006

Chest and Tri's

Mid Db Press: 2 warms, 85/8 105/3,3 drop set
Flat Bar Press: 1 warm, 180/8,8
PIP In Db: 50/10,10
Rope Press: 2 warms, 40/9
Bar Ext: 60/8,8
some abs!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Delts and Bi's

Mid Db Delt Press: 3 warms, 75/1o, 85/7,6
Side Cable: 1 warm, 20/10
Db Shrug: 1 warm, 85/8,8
Bar Curl: 2 warms, 95/7,6
Alt Db Curl: 1 warm, 35/9

Quads and Calves:

Squat: 4 warms, 275/5, 315/3, 325/3
Hack: 2 warms, 240/10
Walk Lunge: 50/12
Calves: 2 working sets

Friday, November 10, 2006

Rest Day/Cardio: 16 min HITT on the bike.

Weighed in this morning at 163.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Back and Hamstrings:

Nice workout today even though I was up at 4am! Back has become one of my favorites to train.

Pull ups: 10,8,7,5
T Bar Row (old school): 2 warm, 145/7,7
Lat Close: 100/8,8,8
Leg Curl: 2 warms, 50/5,4 drop set
Stiff Db: 65/12

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Chest and Tri's:

Mid In. Db Press: 3 warms, 95/6,5
Flat Bar: 1 warm, 175/8,8
In Db PIP: 45/12 50/10
Tri Ext; 1 warm, 65/8 70/8
Rope Press: 30/10,9,9
Lower abs: 2 sets

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Quads and Calves:

Squat: 3 warms, 315/3 320/3
Hack: 2 warms, 240/7
Walk Lunge: 45/15
Calf Raise Singles: 3 sets

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Delt and Bi's

Push Press: 3 warms, 145/6 155/5 drop set
Side Lateral Seated: 1 warm 35/8,8 drop set
Con Curl: 1 warm, 35/10,9
Cable Curl: 1 warm, 50/8,7

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Back and Hams:

Lat Wide: 3 warm, 140/7,6
Deads: 2 warms, 315/6,6 drop set on plate 225/14
Db Bench Row: 55/10,11,9
Leg Curl: 2 warms, 50/5 drops

Friday, November 03, 2006

Chest and Tri's

Weigh in and BF. 161.5 this morning and BF by machine, 9.7. Not bad but hoping to not gain anymore unless its muscle. So, the goal would be keeping the BF under 10 percent with the hand held machine

Flat Db: 3 warms, 95/7,6
Mid Inc Bar: 1 warm, 170/8,7
Dips: 2 sets to failure
Tri Pressdown: 2 warm, 65/7
Db Ext: 25/9,8
Cable Crunch 2 sets.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Rest Day/ Cardio: 16 min HIIT bike


Leg Press: 3 warms, 540/6 595/6,7
Front Squat: 2 warm, 190/8
Leg Ext: 1 warm, 75/10
Calf: 4 sets

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Delts and Bi's:

Push Press: 2 warms, 140/6 150/6 drop set
Side Lateral Seated: 1 warm, 35/8,7
Con Curl: 2 warms, 35/10
Cable Curl: 1 warm, 55/7

Monday, October 30, 2006

Back and Hams:

Lat Wide: 3 warms, 135/8 140/7
Deads: 2 warms, 295/4,5
Db Bench Row: 55/10,9,9
Leg Curl: 2 warms, 55/4 2 drops

Little tired this morning so I did the deads 2nd. Actually, it was pretty good, since the back become warmed and pre fatiqued.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Rest/Cardio: 16 min HIIT Bike


Chest / Tri's

Flat Db Press: 3 warms, 95/6,6
Mid Bar Press: 1 warm, 170/8,6
Dips: 2 sets
Tri Press: 2 warms, 75/7
Db Ext: 25/10,8
Cable Crunch: 2 sets

Friday, October 27, 2006

Quads and Calves:

Leg Press: 3 warms, 540/6 585/7
Front Squat: 2 warms, 185/9
Leg Ext: 1 warm, 72/10
Calf: 2 warms, 115/12,11

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Delts and Bi's

Push Press: 3 warms, 135/8 145/7
Side Lateral Seated: 1 warm, 35/7,6
Front Raise: 1 warm, 65/8 70/8
Con Curl: 2 warms, 30/10
Cable Curl: 1 warm, 50/8
Wrist curl: 2 sets

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Back and Hams:

Little tired this morning so I didnt feel as strong.

Deads: 3 warms, 315/6 365/2,1 drop set
Lat Wide: 1 warm, 120/9,7
Db Bench Row: 55/10,8
Leg Curl: 1 warm, 45/8 50/4 drop

Monday, October 23, 2006

Chest and Tri's

Flat Db Press: 3 warms, 95/6,5
Mid Incline Bar: 1 warm, 165/7,8
Dips: 9/8
Tri Press: 2 warm, 75/6
Db Ext: 25/9,8
Cable Crunch: 50/14,13


Quads and Calves:

Leg Press: 3 warms, 540/6 565/6,7
Front Squat: 2 warms, 175/8
Leg Ext: 1 warm, 70/11
Calves: 4 sets

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Detls and biceps:

Mid Db Delt Press: 2warms, 85/7,6,5
Side Lateral cable: 1 warm, 22/10
Bar Shrug: 1 warm, 185/8 195/6
Bar Curl: 2 warms, 90/8,6
Alt Db Curl: 35/7,8

Friday, October 20, 2006

Rest Day/Cardio: 15 min HIIT on the Bike.

Weigh in: 159. Happy with the weight. About 10 percent above contest weight, and strength is good. And should only increase.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Back and Hams:

Pull Ups: 9,7,7,6
T Bar: 1 warm, 135/6,7,7
Lat Close under: 100/10,8,9
Stiff Db: 2 warms, 85/11
:eg Curl: 1 warm, 45/7,5

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Chest and Tri's

Little tired today and the weights reflect it. But still a good workout. You cant increase the pounds all the time, but you can keep the intensity high

Mid Db Press: 2 warms, 85/8,6 drop set
Flat Bar: 1 warm, 175/8,6
In Db Fly: 45/11,11
Tri Bar Ext: 2 warms, 75/4
Rope Press: 1 warm, 35/8
Ball Crunch: 2 sets to failure

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Quads and calves:

Squat: 3 warms, 275/5 305/3,4
Hack Squat: 2 warms, 230/8
Walk lunge: 45/12
Calf Raise: 4 sets

Monday, October 16, 2006

Delts and Biceps

Mid Db Delt Press: 3 warms, 85/6,6
Side Lat Cable: 1 warm, 22/8
Shrug: 1 warm, 185/6,6
Rear Raise: 1 warm, 20/9
Bar Curl: 2 warms, 85/8
Alt Db: 35/8,7

I didn't train for 3 days due to going to Baltimore to support a client in his show. In addition, I had a chance to spend time with the family as we enjoyed the inner harbor. After missing a few workouts, I am now renewed and focused on hopes to doing a pro show next year. It will either be the Cape Cod or DC show. It's go time! And I will leave it at that with keeping my workouts intense and each one driven to looking my best.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Rest/Cardio: Bike, 15 min HIIT

Tomorrow, Saturday, will be off from training due to attending a contest in which I have a client competing in.

I did weigh myself this morning at 159! I have hit the mark and will be more focused on not eating aa much junk.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Back and Hams

Pull ups: 8,7,7,6
T Bar Rows: 2 warms, 130/7,7
Lat Close: 100/8,9,7
Stiff Db: 2 warms, 95/8,6
Leg Curl: 1 warm, 42/8

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Chest and Tri

Mid Db Press: 3 warms, 95/5,4
Flat Press: 1 warm, 170/8,8
PIP Incline: 45/12 50/7
Bar Ext: 2 warms, 70/8
Rope Press; 1 warm, 32/9
Ball Crunch: 2 sets

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Quads and Calves:

Nice workout today with some increases. Goal this year to hit 405 for a double with keeping the bw at 160. Have a long way to go, but it will happen

Squat: 4 warms, 295/3,4
Hack: 2 warms, 215/10
Walk Lunge: 40/15
Calf: 2 warm, 100/15 single drops

Monday, October 09, 2006

Delts and Bi's

Incline Delt Press: 3 warms, 75/7,6
Side Cable: 1 warm, 20/10
Shrug: 1 warm, 185/9,8
Rear Raise: 1 awrm, 20/8
Bar Curl: 2 warms, 80/9
Alt Db: 1 warm, 35/8

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Back and Hams:

Pull ups: 7,6,6,5
T Bar Rows: 2 warms, 120/6,6
Lat Close: 100/9,8,8
Stiff Bar: 2 warms, 205/6,6
Leg Curl: 1 warm, 40/7

Friday, October 06, 2006

Rest Day/Cardio: HIIT Bike for 15 min

Chest and Tri's

Mid Db Press: 2 warms, 85/8,6,6
Flat Bar: 1 warm, 165/8,9
In PIP: 40/12,12
Tri Bar Ext: 2 warm, 70/5
Rope Press: 30/10,10
Ball Crunch: 2 sets

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Quads and Calves:

First time I squated heavy in a while. Hoping to hit the big numbers before the New Year.

Squat: 4 warms, 285/3,4
Hack: 2 warms, 205/10
Walk Lunge: 35/15
Calf Work: 2 warms, 90/12,12

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Delts and Bi's

Push Press: 3 warms, 135/6 145/7
Side Lateral Seated: 1 warm, 35/8,6
Front Raise: 1 warm, 65/8 70/9
In Db Curl: 2 warms, 40/7
Cable Curl: 1 warm, 47/8

Monday, October 02, 2006

Back and Hams:

Deads: 3 warms, 315/6 345/4,4
Lat Wide: 1 warm, 115/11 120/8
Db Bench Row: 55/9,8,7
Pullover: 65/13
Leg Curl: 2 warms, 45/6,6

Pleased with the number on deads. I will take 3 rotations off from them and then start on were I left off. The plan this year is not to go above 10 percent of last conest weight and to hit new marks on deads, push press, squat, and db bench press.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Rest Day / HIIT Cardio on the Bike for 15 min.


Chest and Tri

Flat Db Press: 3 warms, 95/5,5
Mid Bar Press: 1 warm, 165/8,9
Dips: 2 sets to failure
Tri Press: 1 warm, 67/8,8
Db Ext; 25/9,8

Friday, September 29, 2006

Quads and Calves:

Leg Press: 3 warms, 540/6,9
Front Squat: 1 warm, 165/8,11
Leg Ext: 60/12,11
Calves: 5 sets

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Delts and Biceps.

Strength is up and so is the weight! I layed off of Inc Db curl due to the forearm acting up a bit.

Push Press: 3 warms, 135/8 140/7
Seated Side Lat: 2 warms, 35/8
Front Raise: 1 warm, 65/8,9
Cable Curl: 2 warms, 55/8,7
1 arm preacher: 25/12,11

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Back and Hams:

Deads: 3 warms, 275/6 315/4 335/4
Lat Wide: 1 warm, 112/10 117/9
Db Bench Row: 55/9,8
Close Grip Pulls: 100/10,10
Leg Curl: 1 warm, 40/8 45/5 drop set

Monday, September 25, 2006

Chest and Tri's

Flat Db Press: 2 warms, 85/8 90/6,5
Mid Inc. Bar Press: 1 warm, 155/8,8
Dips: body x 2
Tri Press: 1 warm, 60/9, 65/7
Db Ext: 25/8,8

2 sets of weighted ab pulldowns

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Quads and Calves:

Nice workout today, due to being heavier! In a couple of weeks I plan on weighing myself every 2 weeks to keep things in check. If I do plan on a pro show next year, the first goal is not to get to heavy! The next goal is to bring up the chest more and legs.

Leg Press: 3 warms, 470/8 515/8,11
Front Squat: 1 warm, 160/8,12
Leg Ext: 60/10,9
Calves: 1 warm, 90/15,12 drop with singles


Rest day

Friday, September 22, 2006

Delts and Bi's

Push Press: 3 warms, 135/6,5
Seated Side lateral: 1 warm, 30/8,9
Front Raise: 1 warm, 60/10,9
In Db Curl: 2 warms, 35/7,7
Cable Curl: 45/9,8

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Back and Hams:

Deads: 3 warms, 275/6 295/4 315/3
Lat Wide: 1 warm, 110/10 115/9
Db Bench Row: 55/10,8
Close High Pull: 100/10,9
Leg Curl: 35/9,8,8 drop set (new bench, cant do as much weight but felt good!)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Chest and Tri's:

Flat Db Press: 2 warms, 85/6,6,6
Mid In Bar: 1 warm, 155/7,7
Dips: 25/7, drop set
Tri Press: 1 warm, 60/8,7
Db Ext: 25/9,8

Basic and to the point! This will be the approach over the next couple of months.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Well, I trained today. Felt good but it knocked me out. I will be doing a simple 4 day split and train 5 days per week for a couple of months. The goal is to gain some of the strength that had went down, and gain some more. It's all about the basics and during this time, keep the body weight no more than 15 pounds above contest weight.

Quads and Calves:

Leg Press: 3 warms, 450/8,8,8
Front Squat: 1 warm, 155/8,8
Leg Ext: 60/9,11 (new machine, dont need as much weight)
Calves: 5 sets

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The show is over! And I am proud to say that I won the Battle of the Swords and captured my pro card. The feeling was great and I am happy that my family and clients/friends Rob and Anthony were there to help and motivate me.

My plan is to compete in a Pro Show with in the next 2 years, but the focus over the next few months is to go basic and build muscle. I think my condition is up to par for the bigs, but I need a more size. I will continue to post workouts but not until Wednesday, as I will take off a few days.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Last Depletion workout! Woke up a little tighter in comparison to yesterday. Content with the look and should be even tighter tomorrow.

Did 4 light sets of the following

Flat Fly
1 arm db row
Side Lateral Cable
Con curl
Tri rope 1 arm

10 min really light bike

And will do posing tonight for about 10 minutes!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Depletion workout for Chest, Delts and Tri's, plus 20 min light cardio

Did 3 sets of each between 12 and 15 reps

In Db Press
Flat Bench
In Fly
Delt Press
Rear Raise
Tri Press

Will pose later today!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Depletion workout for Back, Traps and Bi's, plus 20 light cardio. Will pose tonight.

Did 3 sets of each,
Bent Over Rows
Lat Pull Wide
Close Row
Db Shrug
Upright Row
Cable Curl
Alt Db Curl

Pretty good energy today from the carb up yesterday. Will be droping carbs with sodium each day until Thursday.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Leg Depletion Workout:

Performed 3 sets between 10 to 15 reps for each exercise. Just to get a slight burn/pump. Followed by 12 minutes light cardio. Hope to do some posing tonight.

Leg Ext
Leg Curl
Leg Press
Stiff Leg Db
Calf Raise

Feeling bloated and puffy, but as the week goes on, I will have slight drops of carbs and sodium and keep the water high. This should let things tighten up.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Light Cardio for 25-minutes, posing- 3 or 4 times at 5 minutes clips.

Feeling tired and watery from the sodium load. But should be refreshed as I bring in more carbs over the next two days.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Light Cardio, 25 minutes, and posing!


Delts and arms. Some posing

Side later ss
with Front raise: 3 x
Mid Db Press: 1 warm, 65/9.9.8
Bar Curl: 1 warm. 75/10,9
Close press: 1 warm, 125/10.8
Con Curl: 1 warm, 30/9
1 arm rope: 1 warm, 20/9

Weigh in: 145.5, BF: hand held=4.1 percent, calipers=2.9
Will take off Sat and Sun from training. But will pose and do light cardio.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Back, Traps and Calves, and posing tonight.

Combining the next couple of workouts due to taking off from training Sat and Sun. But I will pose more and do some cardio.

Pullups: 9,8,8,6
T Bar Row: 2 warms, 120/8 drop set
Lat Under: 1 warm, 95/10,9
1 arm row: 65/11
Db Shrug: 65/12,11,10
Calf work: 5 sets

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Today was the last real heavy leg training day! And it was a whopper.
Not a real long workout, but intense.

Leg Ext: 3 warms
Leg Press: 3 warms, 450/12 495/11
Front Squat: 1 warm, 155/11 175/9
Split Squat: 65/15,14,15

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Mid Db Press: 2 warms, 85/7,7,6
Flat Bar: 2 warms, 160/9
In Fly: 1 warm, 45/11,10
Dips: 1 sets

Hoping to get some posing in tonight!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Hams, Biceps, and some posing.

Lying LC: 2 warms, 60/8 65/6 drop set
Stiff Leg Db: 1 warm, 95/8,9
Ball LC: 15 reps
In Db Curl: 2 warm, 40/6
Preacher Curl: 1 warm, 70/9,8
Con Curl: 25/12,10

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Delts and Tri's, some posing!

Seated side lateral: 2 warms, 35/7,7
Front Raise: warm up, 65/9,8
Mid Delt Press: 65/9,8 drop st
Db Shrug: 65/12,11
Tri Ext: 1 warm, 65/9,7
1 arm rope: 15/12,12
Dips: 1 set

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Off day, but will pose tonight!

Plan on doing one more round of pictures this weekend.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Weigh in: 146, Hand held BF= 4.5. Both are nice drops and I am starting to feel tighter. I was hoping to add calories, but I dont think that will happen.

Will do back later today, and I am looking forward to posing only tomorrow as it will be a low carb day following todays last refeed day.

Back and Calves:

Pull ups: 9,8,8
T bar Row: 2 warms, 120/7,8
Lat Under: 1 warm, 110/9,8
Pullover: 65/12,10
Calf work: 5 sets

Thursday, August 31, 2006


Leg Press: 3 warms, 495/8 540/7
Squat: 1 warm, 185/11
Split Squat: 1 warm, 75/16
Walking Lunge: 1 set with 40

Nice workout today, back is sore!, So I lead of with the press.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Chest, some abs, and posing tonight:

I must give credit to dieting over a long period of time because strength has not decreased like in years past. Of course I am not as strong 20 pounds ago, but the strength is still good. And now that the body fat is low, I still need to be careful since the joints are not as cushioned.

Flat Bar: 3 warms, 195/8 205/6 drop set
In Db: 65/8,8,7
Dips: 25/11,7
Mid In Fly: 45/12
Some ab work.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hams and Biceps and posing:

Single LC: 25/14 35/10,8
Lying Leg: 1 warm, 55/10,8 drop
Ball LC: 20 reps
1 arm Cable Curl: 2 warms, 27/7
In DB Curl: 1 warm, 30/8,10
Bar Curl: 45/15


Delt, Tri's

Push Press: 3 warms, 135/7,6
Side Lateral Cable: 1 warm, 22/10,9
Wide Up rows: 1 warm, 85/8,7
Front Raise: 45/14
Dips: 1 warm, 25/12,8,7
Db Ext: 25/10,8

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Back and Calves:

First off, the my first contest promotion was great! We had a nice group of competitors and a decent turnout at the gate. I must thank everyone that was involved, and my wife and I are excited to do it again next year.
So, after a long day, I was looking forward to get home and relax with my family. But, the day did not end due to getting hit by another car on the way home. Long story short, the car is a mess, but I am ok. It was just upsetting that this had to happen. Anyway, with out much sleep, I still got in a good workout this morning.

Bent Over Rows: 3 warms, 185/7 drop set
Lat Wide: 1 warm, 110/9,7
Deads: 1 warm, 275/8 295/6
1 arm cable row: 1 warm, 50/9
Calf work: 5 sets

Friday, August 25, 2006

Quads and weigh in:

BW: 147.5, BF: hand held= 5.4 percent, down a little on the calipers, 2 weeks ago, total was 12.5, today it was 11.5 which still equal 3.9 percent. Need to drop 1 more MM, to hit 2.8 percent

Good workout today. I took a few pics of the legs after all pumped up.

Leg Ext: 3 warms
Squat: 2 warms, 275/7 285/6 drop set
Leg Press: 2 warms, 405/10
Walk Lunge: 2 sets with 45's

Tomorrow, day off because of the 1st annual Mid Atlantic Natural Muscle Classic.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Flat Bar 3 warms, 175/10 195/8,6
In Db: 1 warm, 65/8,7
Dips: 2 sets
Mid Fly: 45/12,11
Little abs
Posing: 20 minutes

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hamstring, Bi's and little Abs:

Not sure what it is but this monring was a very good workout, as has been the past week. The only downfall is that I have not been practicing posing as much as I should. But I do see it picking up after this weekend due to the preperation of the contest I am promoting.

Single LC: 2 warms, 35/10
Lying LC: 50/10 55/7,6 drop set
Cable Curl: 2 warms, 55/9
Alt Db: 35/8,9
1 arm preacher: 25/14,12
Lower ab work 3 sets

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Delts and Ticeps:

Another great worout today. Plus its a refeed day.

Push Press: 3 warms, 130/8,9
Side Lateral Cable: 1 warm, 20/10 22/8
Upright Rows: 1 warms, 80/8,7 drop with Front Raise
Dips: 1 warm, 25/12,10,9
Db Ext: 1 warm, 30/7
1 arm press: 15/12


Back: Strong workout today.

Bent over rows: 2 warms, 185/8,9,8
Lat Wide: 1 warm, 110/9 115/8
Deads: 1 warm, 275/8,9
Db Row: 65/12

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Calves and abs.

Easy workout today. My wife worked and we then had dinner plans. So, I was able to squeeze in a little training.

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Great quad workout today!

Leg Ext: 3 warms
Squat: 2 warms, 275/6,6 drop set
Leg Press: 1 warm, 360/13,12
Walk Lunge: 2 set with 40's
Leg Ext: 75/15

Friday, August 18, 2006

Weigh In: 148 BW, 5.5 BF

Happy for where I am at! Strengh has been good up until this workout today, but I did train earlier than normal. Compared to last year at this point, I am leaner so I cant complain.

Chest and posing:

In Db Press: 3 warms, 75/7,7
Flat Db: 75/8 65/9,9
Dips: 25/9 drop set
Incline Fly: 45/10,11

Posing: 25 minutes

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Biceps and Cardio:

In Db Curl: 2 warms, 35/7,8
Cable Curl: 1 warm, 50/7,8
Con Curl: 25/10,9

Bike, 15 minutes

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hams, little abs and posing.

Single LC: 2 warms, 30/11 32/8
Lying LC: 50/7,7 drop set
Abs: 5 sets

Posing: 25 minutes

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Delts and Tri's

Push Press: 3 warms, 125/7 drop set
Side Cable: 1 warm, 20/9,10
Front Raise: 1 warm, 55/10,10
Dips: 1 warm, 25/11,9 drop
Db Ext: 25/10,10
1 arm press: 15/12


Back and Calves, Posing:

Bent Over Rows: 3 warms, 185/7,8,6
Lat Wide: 1 warm, 110/8,9
Deads: 1 warm, 275/8 drop set
1 arm db rows: 65/12
Calf work: 5 sets
Posing: 25 minutes

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I did a short chest workout Friday morning and took off Saturday as I went to DC for my client Anthony and his show. The show was great and long!!!!
We got home around 12pm, so I was able to train Quads today.

Leg Ext: 2 warms,
Squat: 3 warms, 265/6,6
Leg Press: 225/15 315/15 360/12
Front Squat: 135/8,13
Leg Ext; 75/15

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hams and Biceps

Stiff leg bar: 2 warms, 225/6,5 drop set
Leg Curl: 1 warm, 60/10 70/5 drop set
1 arm cable: 1 warm, 22/11
Bar Curl: 1 warm, 75/8
Alt Db: 30/8,9

Practice routine a few times.

Off to D.C. tomorrow, hoping to train chest in the morning, then taking off Saturday (maybe)


Delts and Tris:

Db Press: 2 warms, 65/10 75/7,7
Shugs: 1 warm, 205/8,7 drop
Rear Lateral: 1 warm, 20/9,8
Close Grip Press: 2 warms, 145/8
Tri PressL 1 warm, 60/9,8
Kick Back: 20/14

Little posing at night, 10 minutes

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Back and Calves:

Pull ups: 9,8,8 drop set with rack
DB Bench Row: 1 warm, 65/8,8
Deads: 2 warms, 275/10
Lat Under: 1 warm, 105/11

Calf work: 5 sets

Monday, August 07, 2006


The latest trend I have found out is when I train past 1pm, I am a little more tired than usual. And still having the cold doest help. But all in all it was a good training day even though I didnt move a lot of weight.

Leg Ext: 2 warm ups
Squat: 3 warms, 265/5,5
Leg Press: 180/15 270/17 360/13
Walk Lunge: 2 sets with 40's
Leg Ext: 75 to failure

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Rest Day, my son's baptism!


Not a bad workout, but I had a busy day and still feeling a little sick.

Mid Bar Press: 3 warms, 175/10 185/8,8 drop set
Dips: 25/9,8 1 set without weight
Flat Db: 65/7 55/9,7
IN Db Fly: 40/12,12
Upper ab work: 3 sets

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Hams and Bi's

Stiff Leg Bar: 3 warms, 205/8, 225/5 drop set
Leg Curl: 1 warm, 60/9,65/7 drop set
1 arm cable curl: 1 warm, 20/14
Alt Db CUrl: 1 warm, 35/8,7
Bar Curl: 65/12,9

Weigh in, 150, 6.4 BF

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Delt and Triceps

Db Press: 2 warms, 75/7,6
Shrug: 2 warms, 205/7,6 drop set
Rear ss Side Lateral: 2 x
Close Grip: 2 warms. 145/7 drop
Tri Press: 1 warm, 60/9,8

Low ab work, 3 sets


Back and Calf

Pull ups: 1 warm, 9,8,6 drop with rack pull up
Db Bench Row: 55/10,10,9
Bar Deads: 1 warm, 225/8,10
Lat Under: 85/12 95/12
Calf Work: 5 sets

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


It was an effort getting the quad workout in. I did take it easier than normal but still effective.

Leg Ext: 2 warm ups
Hack: 3 warms, 225/8,10
Leg Ext: 2 sets to failure
Leg Press: 2 warms, 360/12 rep was to failure.


Sick still from the weekend. Cut back a little bit, but overall a good workout.

Mid In. Bar: 3 warms, 185/8,7,6
Flat Db: 65/10,9,8
Dips: 2 sets

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hams and Biceps

Stiff Leg Bar: 2 warms, 175/10 195/8,8
Leg Curl: 1 warm, 60/9 65/5 drop set
Preacher Curl: 2 warms, 80/8,8
Alt Db Curl: 30/8,8
1 arm cable: 15/14

Delts, Triceps, some posing in the eve.

Db Press: 2 warms, 65/10, 75/7,6
Bar Shrug: 2 warms, 205/6,6 drop set
Side Lateral ss with Rear raise: 2x
Close Grip Bench: 1 warm, 135/10,9,8
Tricep Pressdown: 1 warm, 60/10,9

Friday, July 28, 2006

Rest Day, but will do some posing!

Weigh in: BW=151, BF Device=6.7, Calipers: 3.8 total of 13. For the calipers, I hoping for it to go down, but in due time, I am pinching more skin then fat. So there may not be a change in the numbers

The BW goal is 150 at the 6 week mark, all is steady.


Back and Calves:

Nice workout today!

Pull Up: 1 warm up with Rack, 8,7,7 drop set with rack
Db Bench Row: 55/10,10,9
Db Deads: 1 warm, 105/8,7
Lat Under: 85/11,9
Calf: 5 sets

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Little tired prior to workout, so I change it up a bit.

Leg Press: 1 warm, 225/20,20,20,20,20
Squat: 2 warms, 225/9,10
Walk Lunge: 2 set with 35#

Was toast at the end!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Mid Db Press: 2 warms, 85/10,8,6
Flat Bar: 1 warm, 175/8,7 drop set
Incline PIP: 50/9,9
Dips: 2 sets
Ab work: 4 sets


Biceps and Bike for 15min.

Short Curl Bar: 3 warms, 90/8,7
Con Curl: 25/12,11
Cable Curl: 45/10 50/9

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hams and Posing

Leg Curl: 2 warms, 65/10 75/5,4 drop set
Single LC: 1 warm, 25/12, 27/9
Ball LC: 2 sets
15min of posing

Delts and Tri's:

Seated Side Lateral: 2 warms, 30/10 35/7 drop set
Front Raise Bar: 1 warm, 65/10,10
Mid Delt Press: 65/12,9,8
Db Shrug: 65/12,10
Tri Bar Ext.: 65/12,9,8
1 arm rope press: 15/10,10
Dips: 1 set

Friday, July 21, 2006

Weigh In!

BW: 152.5, up 1/2 #, BF: 6.5, down 1/2 percent. Happy with the look. The weight goal is to be at 150 at the 6 week out mark and too hold it for a couple of weeks.
The picture is starting to become more clear now. From one week out, I would like to lose 4 to 5 more pounds of fat to put me at 147-8. Thats if the hand held device is accurate.

Back and Calves:

Pull ups: 4 sets
T Bar Row: 2 warms, 130/9 drop set
Lat Under: 100/8,7 drop set
Db Row: 65/14
Calf: 3 workings sets

Thursday, July 20, 2006


I felt like squating a little bit heavier then normal and it felt great. I will continue to squat as long as the knee and back are ok!

Leg Ext: 2 warm ups
Squat: 3 warms, 275/4,5 drop set
Leg Press: 270/12 360/12 450/10
Split Squat: 65/15,17
Walk Lunge: 35 x 1

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Chest and Abs:

Great chest training today.

Mid Db Press: 2 warms, 85/9,8,8
Flat Bar: 1 warm, 170/9.8.8
PIP: 50/9,9
Dips: 2 sets
Ab work: 4 sets

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Bi's and bike for 18 minutes

Bar Curl: 2 warms, 85/9 90/9
Con Curl: 30/10,9 drop set
Cable Curl: 1 warm, 50/8


Hams and Abs:

Leg Curl: 2 warms, 60/10 70/8,7 drop set
1 Leg Curl: 1 warm, 25/11,9
Ball Leg Curl: 2 x
Some Abs

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Delts and Triceps:

Seat Side Lateral: 2 warms, 30/9,8,9
Front Raise: 1 warm, 65/9,9
Mid Db Delt Press: 65/11,8,7
Db Shrug: 65/12,10
Rope Press: 1 warm, 40/11,8
Bar Ext: 1 warm, 65/11,10
1 arm press: 15/12


back and calves:

Lat Wide: 3 warms, 130/9,8,8
T Bar: 2 warms: 130/8,8
1 arm row: 65/11,10
High Pull: 35/13,12
Calf work: 5 sets

Friday, July 14, 2006

Weigh in:

BW: 152, BF calipers: total # = 13, %=3.8, Hand Held: 6.9

Happy with the results. The goal is too lose a little bit more and hold it and maybe start eating more!


Leg Press: 3 warms, 540/10 585/5 405/16
Front Squat: 2 warms, 175/10
Split Squat: 1 warm, 65/15,16
Leg Ext: 75/12,11

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Mid Inc Db Press: 2 warms, 85/9,7,6
Flat Bar: 1 warm, 165/8,9 drop set
In PIP: 50/9,10,10
Dips: 1 set
Upper Ab work: 3 sets

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bi's and posing

Bar Curl: 2 warms, 85/8,8
Con Curl: 30/10 25/12
Cable Curl: 45/10,10
Posing: 15 minutes

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hams and Posing

Leg Curl: 2 warms, 60/10 70/7,6 drop set
Single LC: 1 warm: 25/10,9
Ball LC: 2 x
Posing: about 15 minutes

Monday, July 10, 2006

Delts and Tri, abs

Side lateral: 2 warms, 35/10 40/6 drop set
Front Raise Bar: 1 warm, 65/10,8
Mid Db Press: 1 warm, 65/10,9
Db Srug: 65/12 75/9
Tri Bar Ext: 1 warm, 70/10,8 drop
Rope Press: 30/10,8 drop set
Low ab work: 3 sets

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Back and Calves:

Lat Wide: 3 warms, 130/8,7
T Bar: 1 warm, 120/9,8,9
1 arm db: 65/12,10
Pullover: 65/13
Calf work: 5 sets


Great workout, really pushed since the knee was feeling better.

Leg Press: 3 warms, 540/9,8 450/15
Squat 2 warms, 245/8,8
Leg Ext: 75/18,14
Walk Lunge: 30/16

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Chest and Abs

Flat Db press: 3 warms, 95/6,5 drop set
In Db press: 65/10,9,9
Dips: 2 set to failure
Flat Fly: 40/10,10
Ab able Pull: 3 set

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Hams and Bi's

Stiff Leg Db: 2 warms 95/10,11,9
Leg Curl: 1 warm, 60/7,6 drop
In Db Curl: 2 warms, 35/10, 40/6
Bar Curl" 65/10 70/10,9
1 arm cable: 15/12,12

Finished with some posing. Starting this weeked, I will pose at least 2 x per week.

Rest Day

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Delt, Tri's, abs:

Push Press: 3 warms, 135/8.7
Side Cable: 1 warm, 22/10 drop set
Front Raise Bar: 1 warm, 55/11,10
Weight Tri Dips: 1 warm, 25/12,10,9,8
Db Ext: 30/8,7 drop
Low ab work

Monday, July 03, 2006

Back and Calves:

Bent over row: 3 warms, 185/8 195/6 drop set
Lat Over: 2 warms, 115/8,7
Deads: 225/6 275/6 295/6,6
Calf Weighted: 2 warms, 90/13,12 drop singles

Made it through 6 weeks of deads, 3 of them with just db's but happy! For the next 3, I will stay away from them, but bring in pull ups.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Simple but very effective today. I keep the reps slower and more controled than usual due to my nagging right knee!

Leg Press: 3 warms, 475/10,12,11
Squat: 2 warms, 235/8,9
Walk Lunge: 30 2x


Chest and abs.

Flat Db Press: 2 warms, 75/10 95/6,5
Inc Db Press: 65/11,10,9
Weighted Dips: 25/11,10 drop
Flat Fly: 40/12,11
Ab Cable Pull: 3 sets

Friday, June 30, 2006

Hams and Bi's, weigh in!

BW: 154.5 BF hand held: 7.9, Calipers: total was 14. Down 1/2 since last time which equals still 4.8.

Stiff Leg DB: 2 warms, 95/10,9,8
Leg Curl: 1 warm, 55/10 57/7 drop set
In Db Curl 2 warms, 35/8,7
1 arm Cable: 20/10,8
Barbell curl: 45/17,16


Rest/ Some Posing

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Delt, Tris and Abs

Push Press: 2 warms, 115/10 135/7,7
Side lat cable: 17/10 20/10 22/9
Wide Up Rows: 65/10 85/8,8,8
Tri Dips: 1 warm, 25/11,10,9
Db Ext: 30/9,7 25/10
Low Ab work: 3 sets


Back and Calves:

Bent Over Rows: 2 warms, 160/10 180/8 190/7,7
Lat Wide: 1 warm, 110/10 120/7 drop set
Deads: 2 warms, 275/6,8
Calves: 1 warm, 45/20 70/13,12 drop set

Monday, June 26, 2006


Mix things up and it went well.
Diet note: Since I have been stuck at the same BW and BF, I will be adding a serving of carbs 2 x per week. This should stimutate the bf some more since I think the body is in slow down mode!

Leg Press: 3 warms, 450/10,11,12
Squat: 185/7 215/7 225/10 drop set
Wall Ball: 50/14,15

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Chest and abs:

New routine for chest today, and the workout was a little bit fast due to the little guy with me.

Flat Db: 2 warms, 85/9,8,8
In Db: 65/10,9,8
Weight Chest Dips: 25/7,6 drop set
Flat Fly: 40/11,10
Cable Ab Crunch: 3 sets


Rest Day

Friday, June 23, 2006

Hams and Bi''s, and weigh in!

BW: 155, BF: 7.8
Content with weigh in, BF went down but weight is still the same. I feel slightly leaner week after week. 16 more weeks to go! The goal is to be steady at 150ish between weeks 10 and 8.

Stiff Leg Db: 2 warms, 85/10 95/8,9
Leg Curl: 50/8 55/8 57/6 drop set
Wide LP: 135/20,20
In Db Curl: 2 warms, 35/8,7
1 arm Cable Curl: 20/9,8

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Delts and Tri's

Push Press: 2 warms, 115/10 125/8,8
Side Lat Cable: 1 warm, 20/9,10
Upright Row: 1 warm, 75/10 95/7 drop set
Weighted dips: 1 warm, 45/6,6 drop (first time for this, will use lighter weight nest time)
Db Ext: 1 warm, 30/9,8
Low ab work!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Back and Calves:

Started a new routine and will do this one for 3 weeks.

Bent Over Rows: 3 warms, 175/8,7,8
Lat Wide: 2 warms, 115/10 120/8
Deads: 2 warms, 265/6,6
Weighted Calf Raise: 5 sets

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


NOt a bad workout considering how run down I have been for the past couple of days.

Squat: 2 warms, 185/8 205/8 225/8 245/8 185/12
Leg Ext: 90/12 100/10,9 drop
Leg Press: 225/16 315/15

I was spent when I was done!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Chest and Abs

Great workout today, because the energy was up due to eating more over the weekend.

Mid Bar: 3 warms, 185/8,8,7
Flat Db: 65/10,9,9
Dips: 2 sets
In Fly: 45/10,8
Ab pull: 3 sets

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Hams and Bi's

Leg Curl: 2 warms, 60/10 70/8,7 drop set
Stiff Leg Bar: 2 warms, 195/10,9
Bar Curl: 2 warms, 95/6 drop set
Con Curl: 30/10,9
Cable Curl: 45/10,9


Rsst Day: Not planned, bur I worked all day then went to a contest at night.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Delt and Tri's

Db PRess: 2 warms 65/10,10,8
Side Lateral Ladder: 3 x
Db Shrug: 1 warm, 95/7,7 drop
Close Grip Bench: 2 warms, 150/8,8,7
Tri Press: 1 warm 60/9,8

Again, moved the weight by a few reps more.
Today was weigh in: 156 bw and 8.5 bf. Both numbers up! Not to worry, I will continue what I am doing for another week, and then I may add a re feed day in, to kick start my hormones to burn fat.
To compare to last years prep, I was at those numbers about 8 weeks out! This Saturday makes it 17. The first goal is 150ish at 8 weeks out.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Back and Calves;

Pretty good today and made a little progress from the last workout.

Lat Under: 2 warms, 120/9 130/8,8
T Bar: 80/10 105/10 130/8 drop set
Db Deads: 1 warm, 95/10,10
Lat wide: 100/12 110/9
Calves: 2 x 20 doubles, then seated singles for 3 sets

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Great workout today.

Squat: 2 warms, 195/10,10,10,10,11
Leg Ext: 85/12 95/12 100/9 drop
Hack: 100/10 145/10 170/12
Step Lunge: 35/15

Monday, June 12, 2006

Chest and Abs:

Mid Bar Press: 3 warms, 185/8,7,6 drop set
Flat Db: 65/9,9,8
Dips" 2 x
In Fly: 40/12 45/10

Ab pulldowns: 3 sets


Hams and Bi's

Leg Curl: 2 warms, 60/10 70/7 drop set
Stiff: 2 warms, 185/10,9
Glute Thrust: 3x
Bar Curls: 2 warms, 85/10,8
Con Curl: 2 sets

Finished with outdoor sprints. 5 x

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Delt and Tri

Db Press: 2 warms, 65/9,7,6
Side lateral ladder: 3 x
Db Shrug: 1 warm, 95/8,7 drop set
Close Grip: 2 warms,145/8,8
Tri Press: 1 warm, 60/11,10

Nice quick workout, finished it with some posing.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Back and Weigh in.

Same as last week, 155, 8 percent, but I feel tighter and I am not concerned.

Lat Under: 3 warms, 125/9,8
T Bar: 80/10 105/10 130/7 drop set
Db Deads: 65/10 85/10 95/11
Lat Wide: 100/12,11

Made some gains and pleased.
18 weeks pic now added,

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Take caution today since I squated for the first time in a long time. The back is just about 100 percetn but the right knee is still off. All in all is was an effective workout.

Squat: 2 warms, 185/10,10,10,10,12
Leg Ext: 85/14 95/12,9 drop set
Hack Squat: 90/10 135/10 165/10
Step Lunge: 30/15

I will increase the weight on all movements next time.


Chest and Abs

Mid Bar Press: 3 warms, 185/7,7,6
Flat Db: 65/10,9,10
Dips: 3 sets
In Db Fly: 40/12,12

Really good chest workout today. Finished with weighted ab pulls.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Hams and Bi's

LEg Curl: 2 warms, 60/10 70/6 drop set
Stiff Leg Bar: 2 warms 175/8,9
Leg Curl Ball: 2 sets
Preacher Curl: 2 warms 80/9,8 drop with o bar curl
Con Curl: 30/9,10 drop with o bar curl

First time I did stiff legs in a long time. Felt good but my grip was weak!


Delt and Tri's

Stayed away from delt press today because the back was stiff.

Side lat: Ladder 3x
Front Raise/Rear SS: 3x
Db Shrug: 65/12 85/9,9 drop
Close Press: 2 warms, 145/8 drop set
Tri Press: 50/12 60/10,9

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Back and Calf:

Lat Puldown, close/palms up: 2 warms, 120/10 125/8,7
T Bar Row: 2 warms, 120/8,8
Db Deads: 65/12 85/12,12
Lat Pulldown wide: 105/10,9
Calf and Ab work.

Not a bad workout, but my son joined me! So, I had a couple of extended rest periods.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Rest Day/Weigh in.

Current weight 155, the same as last week, but I am content with that because I dont want to lose to fast.

Body Fat, Hand held device, 8 percent again, which is fine, but calipers were down 1 point, and I am happy with that.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Trained early today, about 9am, due to busy schedule. All in all a good workout and made some progress from last week.

Leg Press: 3 warms, 460/11 drop set
Front Squat: 140/10 150/10 160/11
Leg Ext: 77/15 87/12
Split Squat: 55/15 65/15

Knee was a little tender but I think its getting better.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Great Chest workout today. Again made some progress after doing the same routine 3 x. I will change over to a different routine after my quad workout.

Mid Db Press: 2 warms,85/9,7,7
Flat Bar: 140/10 160/9,9
PIP Press In.: 50/10,11
Dips: 2 sets

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hams and Bi's

Made a few rep increases, pretty good workout.

Single Leg Curl: 20/14 25/14 30/12
Lying Leg Curl: 50/10,9,9 drop
Incline Db Curl: 2 warms, 35/8 40/6
Alt Db: 35/7,7
1 arm cable" 20/12

Monday, May 29, 2006

Delts and Tri's

Side Lateral: 2 warms, 35/10 40/8 drop set
Front Raise: 1 warm up, 60/8,10
Mid Delt Db Press: 1 warm, 65/11,9
Db Shrug: 65/15,14
Tri Ext: 1 warm, 70/9,8,7
Rope Press: 30/10,9,9
Back and calves:

Train in Ocean City. Didnt keep track of weight except for the deads

Lat Over: 5 sets
Hammer Close row: 3 sets
Deads: 135/12 225/8 315/4 225/12 (felt good, but 315 was really heavy!)
1 arm row: 2 sets
Donkey Calf: 5 sets


Rest Day

Friday, May 26, 2006

Quads and Weigh in:

Body weight: 154.5 and BF: 7.9
The last two weeks have been good but I am concerned with the rapid weight loss. I will reassess next weigh in. The caloires have been the same and I actually added the past week another serving of whey. Taking tomorrow off!

Leg Press: 135/10 225/10 315/10 405/10 450/10, drop set
Front Squat: 135/10 145/8,11
Leg Ext: 75/14 85/12
Split Squat: 50/15 55/15

Nice pump and was carefull of back. For some reason, the knee was hurting again!

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Nice workout today, and I put my routine together! There will be tweaking, but I like what I have come up with. I will be 20 weeks out from this Saturday and the diet is going well. I will weigh in tomorrow, and take pics within the next week to compare them from 5 weeks ago.

Mid Db Press: 2 warms 65/10 85/8,8,7
Flat bar: 135/10 155/9,8
PI incline press: 45/10 50/9
Dips: 12, 11

Made some rep increases from last week.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Rest Day!


Hams and bi's

Single Leg Curl: 17/15 22/15 27/13
Lying Leg Curl: 50/9,8,8 drop set
Incline Db Curl: 2 warms, 35/8,9
Alt Db Curl: 35/9
1 arm cable: 20/12,12

Completed a few extra reps with the some weights this time. Good workout.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Delt and Tri

Side lateral: 2 warms, 3035/10 40/6 drop set
FR Bar: 1 warm, 55/10 60/8
Db Delt Press: 1 warm, 65/11,10
Db Shrug: 65/12,11
Tri Bar Ext: 1 warm, 75/9,6 drop set
Rope Press: 30/9,8,7

Ab work



Lat over: 2 warms, 120/9,9,8
Db Bench Row: 55/10,10,9,8
Close Row: 95/11,11,10
Db Deads: 65/12,12

Made some progress from last back workout and tried db deads.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


First time I trained them in 13 days! Plus, I did an early morning workout do to busy schedule today. So I took things really easy!

Leg Press: 1 warm, 180/20,20,20,20,21
Front Squat: 65/10 85/10 105/10
SS with
Split Squat: 40/10,10,10

Felt pretty good after, I am curious to see if there will be soreness tomorrow, even with the light weight. I plan on using this routine but adding weight and maybe one more movement.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Rest Day/Weigh in

BW: 157, BF:8.5

A 3 pound loss and close to 1 percent bf loss in 2 weeks
I will use the calipers later to day.



Not bad, little tired going into the workout. The strength was down, but I was content with the workout.

Mid In Db: 2 warms, 85/8,7,6
Flat: 135/10,11,12
In Db PI: 45/10 55/9,9
Dips: 2 sets

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hams and Bi's

Single Leg Curl: 15/15 20/15 25/14
Lying Leg Curl: 50/7,7,7 drop set
Incline Db Curl: 2 warms, 35/7,9
Alt Db Curl: 35/8
1 arm cable: 20/10,11

Little ab work.

Good workout today. With biceps not a priority muscle, I can really focus on the hams.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

First day I worked out in alomst 2 weeks! I am glad that I took the proper rest to heal the back, plus taking a break was good mentally also. I was feeling guilty but now the batteries are recharged and ready to go.

I am still doing a 5 day split but with a couple of changes. I am doing tris with delts and hams with bi's. This will spread things out a bit and give a new flavor to my training. Today I did delts and tri's

Side lateral: 2 warms, 35/9,9,10
Front Raise: 45/10 55/9,9
Delt Press: 45/12 55/10,9
Db Shrug: 65/12,11
Tri Ext: 55/12 75/8,6 drop
Rope Press: 30/9,8 drop

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Almost one week that I have not trained, and it looks like I will give it another week.
Its frustrating, but I need to heal properly.

I will weigh in tomorrow, because I am still eating pretty clean.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Rest Day/Weigh in!

Drop 1/2 pound so I am down to 160 with 23 weeks to go. Also, my BF with the device read 9.5 this morning and total calipers was 17. Pleased with current results. Now I need to heel the back, and plan on resting/no workouts for a few days.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Feeling a tad better, but still a long way to go. I will have to modify my quad and back routines for the upcoming weeks.

Mid Bar Press: 3 warms 185/9,7,7 drop
Dips: 3 sets
Inc. PIP: 45/12 50/9 45/10

Pretty good chest workout. Didnt push it though. I am planning on taking at least 2 days off before I train my back. But when I do, no rows!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Woke up this morning feeling more stiff! Its well over a week since I hurt my back and still about the same. So I still trained quads, but very lightly to get the blood flowing. Came away feeling ok and not making it worse.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Preacher Curls: 2 warms, 80/8,8 drop
Close Grip: 2 warms 145/8 155/8,8
Alt Db: 35/10 40/8,7
Tri Press: 55/10 70/10,8
Con Curl: 35/14
1 arm Press: 17/15

Nice arm workout today. I started V12 yesterday and the good pumps are kicking in.
I avoided standing bar curls to protect the low back. I came away from this workout not making it worse.


Hams and Delts:

Leg curl: 2 warms, 60/10 67/6,6 drop set
Single stand curl" 20/12 22/12 25/10
Upright row O bar: 2 warm, 95/8,9
Side Ladders: 3 x
Low Delt Press: 1 warm, 65/10,9,9

Pretty good workout, back is still tight and sore.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Back and Calves:

Lat Pull close/under: 3 warms, 130/8,7,6
T Bar: 2 warms 95/10 105/8
Lat Pull wide: 110/9 100/11,10
High Pull: 35/12,13
Stand Calf: doubles 2 x, singles 2 x. 3 way



Friday, April 28, 2006

Chest and weigh in.

Down 1/2 pound today and a few tenths on the body fat from last week.

Mid Bar Press: 3 warms, 185/8,8,6 drop
Flat Db: 65/10,9,9
Dips: 2 sets
Palm in Press incline: 45/12,12

For the last month or so, I have doing more reps with most movements instead or doing 6 or fewer. I think its helped but the poundage is not the same.


Today I do movements to reduce the pressure on the low back. Nothing crazy

Leg ExtL 2 warms, 125/10,9
Leg PRess: 225/15 360/12,13,13
Wall Ball: 45/15 50/14

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Barbell Curls: 2 warms, 90/10 95/7
Close grip bench: 2 warms, 145/10,8
Alt Db: 35/10 40/7,7
Tri Press: 55/10 70/10,8

Floor Ab work, The back is worse off then I thought. I will not be squating or doing deads for a couple of weeks.


Delt and Hams

Leg Curl: 3 warms, 65/6,6
Single Leg Curl: 20/12,12,11
Upright Row O bar: 2 warms, 85/10, 95/7
Side Laterals: 3 x ladder
delt press: 1 warm, 65/9,7,7

Monday, April 24, 2006

Back and Calves:

Bentover Rows: 2 warms, 185/8,8,7
Lat Over: 100/11 110/10 115/8 drops
Deads: 225/8 275/8 315/6 had a back spasm so I stopped!
Lat Pull Close: 100/12 110/11
Calves: High Reps 4 sets


Rest Day:

Went to a birthday party, little cheat but not bad.

Sunday, April 23, 2006



Mid Bar PRess: 2 warms, 185/10,9,7 drop set
Flat Db: 65/12,11,9
Dips: 3 sets
PI press Incline: 45/12,11

Here is the link for my latest pictures at 25 weeks out.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Good workout today. I started with extensions due to the tightness in the knee's. I will not move as much when it comes to squating, but feeling and failure are the keys

Leg Ext: 75/14 100/12 125/10,9
Squat: 185/8 205/8 225/8 245/8 drop
Leg Press: 2 warms, 495/9 drop



I did regular barbell curls for the first time in over two plus months, felt good, but the weight was not there.

Bar Curls: 2 warms, 85/8,7 drop
Close grip press: 2 warms, 145/8,7 drop
Db Preacher: 30/12 35/9,7
Tri Press: 55/12 65/10,7
Alt Db: 35/9,8
Rope Ext: 35/12,11

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Delts and Calves:

Push Press: 3 warms, 125/9,8
Upright Row Cable: 50/11 60/9,9,7 (have not done these in months)
Fr Bar SS with Laterals: 3 sets
Cable Calf Raise: 4 sets then singles.

Next time I will be switching hams with calves, so the hammies will get more work. I am 25 plus weeks out from my show. We took some pics today, and will every few weeks to monitor progress.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Back and Hams:

Deads: 3 warms, 315/8 405/2,1 315/7 225/15
Lat Wide: 1 warm, 120/9,7 drop
T Bar: 95/12,10,10,8
Leg Curls: 50/ 4sets to failure

Monday, April 17, 2006


After a day of cheating, and long travel for Easter, the workout was good.

Inc Db Press: 2 warms 85/8,7,7
Flat Bar: 155/8 175/8,7 drop set
Dips: 2 sets
PI Db Press: 45/12 50/11

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Strange workout due to stiffness in both knees. I led off with squats, in which I have not in almost two months. At that time, I was doing mid 300's for reps, and 385 for a double. Today, 275 felt like a ton. It just shows you that the body loses adaptation as fast as it gets it. All in all is was still a decent workout.

Squat: 3 warms, 275/5,6 2 drops
Leg Press: 2 warms 450/9,10 1 drop
Leg Ext: 100/11,9
Walk Lunge outside.

I plan on squating for the next 4 plus weeks, so it would be interesting to see if I re gain the strength

Friday, April 14, 2006


Weighed 162, and boby fat reading mid 10's. I do feel leaner, so I dont know how true the number is. I will start keeping track of the pinch method.

IN Db Curl: 1 warm, 35/9 40/7 drop set
Tri Press: 1 warm, 65/10 77/7 drop set
Close Bar Curl: 70/13 85/9,7
Bar Ext: 65/12 75/8,6
SS con curls with 1 arm rope: 2 sets


Rest Day!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Delts and Calves:

Side Lateral: 2 warms, 35/10 40/7 drop set
Front Raise: 2 warms, 65/9,8 drop set
Db Press/chest: 2 warm, 55/12,10,9

Calves and low abs


Back and Hams

Deads: 3 warms, 315/8 365/6 405/1 1/2, lost the bar! drop set on plate
Lat Wide: 1 warm, 120/9,8 drop
Close Row: 100/11,9,8
Leg Curl: 1 warm, 60/9 65/7 2 drops
Stiff Db: 65/16

Monday, April 10, 2006


Good chest workout today!

In Db Press: 2 warms, 85/9,8,6
Flat Bar: 155/10, 165/9, 175/8 drop set
Dips: 3 sets
Palm In Press: 45/12,12



Not the best due to my knee acting up.

Leg Ext: 2 warms, 125/10, 130/9, drop set
Hack Squat: 1 warm, 205/10,11 drop set
Squat: 185/8,13

Cut the workout short out of caution.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Incline Db Curl: 2 warms, 35/8,7 drop set
Bar Ext: 2 warms, 85/8,6 drop set
Close Grip Curl: 1 warm, 80/9,7
Rope Press: 1 warm, 45/10,9
Con Curl: 35/9 30/11
Dips: 18,15


Rest: Nothing!
Weigh in, 162.5

On target to hit 160 in 2 weeks, that would be 25 weeks out from the show!


Delts and calves:

Db delt press: 2 warms, 75/7,7
side Lateral: 25/10 35/8,9,8
FR bar: 45/12 55/10,9
Db Shrug: 75/14,12,12

Calves: mixed up

Lower abs

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Back and Hams

Did think I was going to train today, but I did!

Lat Pull Wide: 75/15 100/12 120/8 130/7 drop set
Bent Over Row: 175/10,10,9
Close Pull: 100/12 120/8 drop set
Bent Over Row: 135/16/14
Leg Curls: 1 warm up, 50/12 60/10 70/7 drop set
Stiff Legs: 185/10 225/8,7



Feeling a little sick today so I mixed things up a lot and just went on instinct.

Flat Bench: 3 warms, 175/12/11/9
Dips: 3 sets
Mid In Db: 65/9,7 drops
Incline Fly: 40/12,12

Was a little weaker, but overall a nice chest workout.

Monday, April 03, 2006


Leg Ext: 2 warms, 125/11, 130/9
Hack Press: 145/10, 190/10, 215/10,11
Squat: 185/10, 225/11,10
Walk Lunge: 2x


Incline Db Curl: (have not done these in over 2 plus months and it was a little tender) 20/12, 30/9,9,8
Tri Bar Ext: 2 warms, 85/7,6
Preacher Bar: 50/10, 65/10, 75/11
Rope Press: 35/12, 40/10,9
Con Curl SS with dips: 2 x


Delts and Calves and Abs:

Seated Db Press: 45/15 65/12 85/6 2 drops sets
Side Lateral Ladder: 3 x
Db Shrug: 85/12,13,11 drop set

Calves and Abs

Friday, March 31, 2006


Weigh in: 163.5 Body fat: 10.5
I am content with my results so far. I have lost 8 pounds and 3 percent bf in 3 months, this will be a good pace for an October show.

Back and Hams

Bent over rows: 3 warms, 195/8,8 drop set
Close Row: 1 warm, 110/10 115/8 drop set
Deads off of plate: 275/8,9,9 (this is standing on a 45# plate. Increases range of motion)
Lat Over: 100/10,10
Leg Curls: 50/11 60/8,6 drop sets


Rest/ Cardio bike for 22 mins.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Today was the last day for super charge! I will give it a break for a couple of weeks. It should be interesting to see how my energy will be. But again, I feel that I got use to it over the past two weeks.

In Db Press: 2 warms, 85/8,8,6
Flat Db: 85/8 65/10,9
Mid Fly: 50/12 55/9
Dips: 2 sets

Upper ab work: 4 sets



Great workout today due to changing the routine.

Leg Ext: 2 warms, 125/10, 130/8
Hack Squat: 2 warms, 205/10, 205/13
Squat: 1 warm, 225/10,10
Lunge: 40 2 set to failure

Monday, March 27, 2006


Again, short on time but an intense workout

Bar Curl: 2 warms, 75/11,9
Tri Press: 2 warms, 75/8,6
Alt Db Curl: 1 warm, 35/8 40/6
Db Ext: 30/10, 35/7, 30/11

First time I did Alt Db's in over 2 months, and the barbell curl was with the short bar. My forarm is about 90 percent.


Delts and Calves:

Mixed things up due to training late at night. Energy level was down but all in all a good workout.

Shrugs: 1 warm up, 185/12,12,11
Side Lateral: 25/12, 30/11, 35/9,8
Front Raise: 1 warm up, 55/11,10,9

Calves: 4 sets ss with Lower abs

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Back and Hams:

Lat Pulldowns: 2 warms, 120/9 130/7 1 drop set
T Bar Rows: 1 warm, 120/10,8,8 1 drop set
Deads 1 warm, 315/8 365/5 1 drop
Leg Curl: 50/10,8,7 1 drop

Rest/ Cardio

Bike for 22 min


Palm In Press Incline Db: 35/14 45/12 55/10 65/9 drop set
Flat Db: 85/7,7 65/11
Dips: 3 sets

Abs: cable crunches

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Leg Press: 3 warms, 585/8,8 drop set
Front Squat: 2 warms, 205/8,7
Leg Ext: 100/12,10,9

This wiped me out this time! I made a few gains as far as reps and weight moved. I think the front squats is what pushed it over the edge.


Tried some barbell curls for the first time in over 2 months. I still cant use the straight bar, so I used the curved bar after doing a fw sets of wrist curls. The weight was light but mostly pain free

Bar curls: 50/12 60/10 70/9,10
Tri Press: 45/12 60/10 70/8 80/6 drop set
1 arm preacher: 25/12 30/10,11
Db Ext: 30/10 35/7 30/11

Monday, March 20, 2006

Delts and Calves:

Push Press: 3 warms, 135/8, 145/6 drop sets
Front Raise Bar ss with Rear raise: 3 x
Side Laterals: 25/11/10

25 doubles
10 singles
singles with 35/10,8
singles to failure

Back and Hams:

Mixed things up again. For some reason, why I am a little tired or not as motivated I usually go out of the scheduled order of exercises.

Lat Wide: 3 warms, 130/6,7 drop set
T Bar Row: 2 warms, 120/10,9 drop set
Deads: 225/10 315/8,8
Lat Close: 100/12,9
Leg Curls: 1 warm, 55/10,9,8

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Rest Day/Cardio:

Taking the family to the shore to get away for the night!



I mixed things up today due to feeling tired. So I didnt lead off with a heavy exercise. The end result was really though.

Incline Fly: 2 warms, 55/12,13
Flat Db: 1 warm, 85/8,6 1 drop set
Dips: 4 sets to failure

Abs: 2 warms, 2 sets weighted pulldowns

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Leg Press: 3 warms, 585/7,7 1 drop set
Front Squat: 2 warms, 200/8,9
Leg Ext: 100/10,9
SS with
Split Squat: 50/12.11


Rest Day/Cardio for 21 min.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Not bad and the forearm is almost there. Hoping in a couple of weeks it will be almost heeled. It has been just about 3 months.

Wrist Curls: 4 sets
Tri Press: 2 warms, 70/8, 77/6
Cable Curl: 2 warms, 50/11,10
Db Ext: 30/10,11,9
High Cable curl: 15/12, 20/10
1 arm ext db: 20/12,14


Delt and Calves:

Push Press: 3 warms, 135/8,6 drop set
Front Raise
SS with
Rear delt rais: 3 rounds
Side lateral: 25/12,11
Calves: doubles x 25, singles x 12, singles/30 x 12,11 ftop set

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Back and Hams

Leading off with Deads again, but will do higher reps instead of singles or doubles.

Deads: 3 warms, 315/6, 365/4,4 drop set
Lat Pull close: 100/10, 110/10 120/7,7
T Bar Rows: 50/12 85/10 120/7,7
Leg Curl: 50/10 60/7,6 2 rest pause sets

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Weigh in, 164.5 10.2 BF
Happy with the current results.

Flat Db: 2 warms, 85/8, 95/7,6 1 drop set
Mid Bar Press: 155/8,8,7,7
Dips: 2 set
Flat modified fly: 45/12,9



Lead off with the leg press for the first time in over 2 months. Was not as strong, but that the numbers will be back

Leg Press: 3 warms, 585/4,6 2 drop sets
Front Squat: 135/8, 175/8, 195/8 1 drop
Leg Ext ss with split squat: 2 rounds (a true burner combo)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Rest Day/Cardio

Bike for 20 mins.

The week has been pretty good as far as eating clean. Looking forward to weighing in on Saturday to see if I lost any BF!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


The forearm is about 75 percent healed

Wrist Curls: 4 sets high reps
Bar Ext: 2 warms, 75/10, 80/6,6 drop set
Preacher Curl: 40/12, 50/10, 60/12,9
Rope Press: 35/10, 45/8,6
Con Curls: 30/10,11,10
Dips: 3 sets


Delts and Hams

Db Press: 2 warm ups, 65/10, 75/8,7
Sider Lateral: the ladder! 2x
Bar Shrugs: 185/11,10,9
Leg Curls:50/12. 60/10, 65/8,7 drop set

Monday, March 06, 2006

Back and calves:

Bent over row: 3 warm ups, 195/8,8 drop set
Lat Pulldown: 100/10, 110/9,8,7
Deads: 225/8. 275/8, 295/7,7

Cavlves: 1 warm up, 3 sets to failure with singles.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Great workout today!

In Db 2 warmu ups, 85/8,8,7
Flat Db: 85/8, 65/9,8
Dips: 3 sets
Mid Inc Fly: 45/13,12


Rest day due to working and a b-day party.

Weight was still the same as last Saturday.

Friday, March 03, 2006


Did the reverse today due to lack of energy, but the result was still great.

Leg Ext: 2 warm ups, 125/10,10
Leg Press: 2 warm ups, 490/9,8
Squat: 2 warm ups, 275/5,6
Lunge: 40/11



Cardio: Bike 22 min

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Wrist Curls: still rehabing the forearm, but its geting better.
Tri Ext: 2 warm ups, 75/10, 80/8,7 drop set
Preacher curl: 40/12, 50/10, 55/11,10
Rope Press: 32/12, 42/10, 47/6
Con Curls: 30/10,12
Dips: 2 x

Few sets for the abs!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Hams and Delts

Leg Curl: 2 warm ups, 60/10, 70/6.6 drop set
Stiff with Db's: 65/12. 85/12,11,11

Rushed so I super setted 3 exercises


Back and Calves

Bent over rows: 2 warm ups, 195/7,7 drops set
Lat pull wide: 100/10, 110/9,8 drop set
Deads: 185/10, 275/8,9
Close row: 100/11.10

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Not a bad workout considering it was earlier in the morning than normal

In Db: 2 warm ups, 80/10,8,8
Flat Db: 80/7, 65/10,0
Dips: 2 sets
Mid Db Palms in: 45/11,11

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Tired going into the workout, and all the intention to use lighter weight when squating. After my 2 set with 225, I changed my mind. It ended up being a great workout. Just for kicks, I did a couple of singles

Squat: 2 warm ups, 225/8.8 315/3, 365/1, 385/1, 225/12
Leg Press: 270/15, 360/12,11
Leg Ext: 100/8,7 drop set

Friday, February 24, 2006

Rest Day:

Bike: 20 mins.



Did some bi's but was cautious.

Wrist Curls: 4 sets
Tri Bar Ext: 2 warm ups, 80/7,6 drop set
Preacher Curl: 40/12, 50/11,11
Rope Press: 30/12, 40/10, 42/10
Con Curls: 25/12, 30/11
Tri Dips: 2 sets to failure

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hams and Delts:

Leg Curl: 2 warm ups, 60/10, 70/7,6 drop set
SLDL: 2 warm ups, 225/7 245/6 drop set

Db Press: 2 warm ups, 65/10 75/6
Side Lateral: uo and down the ladder 2x
Bar shrug: 155/17,14


Back and Calves

Bent Over Row: 2 warm ups, 175/8, 195/6,6 drop set
Lat Pull Wide: 100/10, 110/9,8,8 each set to failure
Db Bench Row: 55/11,11,10 each set to failure

Doubles/20 reps
Singles/10 each
Singles, 30/11,10

Monday, February 20, 2006


Good one today, focusing on reps with chest, not so much heavy weight.

In Db: 2 warm ups 75/9,9,8
Flat Bench: 155/10, 165/7.7 drop set
Dips: 2 x body weight
Mid In. Palm in press: 45/10,10

Chest is a weaker body part for me. I now think that feeling out and controlling the weight will bring greater results than doing reps below 6 reps with heavier weight.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Squat: 3 warm ups, 295/5, 335/3. 365/2,3 Drop set w/225
Leg Ext: 100/12, 110/8,8 each set to failure
Hack Squat: 135/14,13 each set to failure
Lunge: 40/8

Great workout today! No distractions.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Rest Day,

Doing cardio for 25 mins.

Weigh in: 167.5, Body Fat: 11.2 percent
Lost one pounds and some BF, happy with current progression.

Arms: Pretty Good

Hams and Delts:

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Back and Calves:

I am switching out hams and calves since I will be taking a fews weeks off from deads.

Bent over rows: 2 warm ups, 185/10 205/6,6 155/11
Lat Pulls: 100/10, 110/10. 120/7.6
Rope Rows: 100/9, 85/11.10
Pullovers: 65/13 75/13
Calves: 2 sets doubles, 3 sets singles

Tues Feb 14th:


Ok workout today, my shoulder was bothering me a little bit so I kept it light.

Flat Bench: 3 warmups, 195/8.8,6 drop set
Dips: 4 sets to failure
Mid Db Press: 65/10,8 55/11

Good pump, and sore today.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Back on track today. Made some gains from the last time I did this workout.

Leg Ext: 75/12 100/10 125/11.8
Leg Press: 270/10 405/10 470/12.8
Squat: 185/8 225/8 255/8.8

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Snow Day!

I had planned on training arms, really just Tri's and cardio, but do to shoveling for a couple of hours, I decided to not train.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Rest Day!

Going to the car show.

Weigh in.
168 bw, 11.8 bf
Dropped 1/2 from both.

I am content with either 1/2 or 1 pound loss now, since my non fat weight goes up slowly.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Delt and Calves

A pretty good workout considering it was limited due to watching my kids.

Delt Press: 2 warm ups, 65/10 75/8.7
Front Raise Bar: 45/10 55/10 65/8
Side Laterals: up and down the ladder 2x
Db Shrugs: 85/13/11

Calves: 4 sets of singles to failure, non stop no rest
3 way angle doubles for 1x

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Back and Hams

Deads: 3 warm ups, 315/5 375/3 415/2 285/10
Lat under: 100/10 120/10 130/6 110/9
Close Row: 110/6 100/9 85/10
Leg Curl: 50/10 60/10 65/6 50/8

Not bad today, but could have been better. I worked out earlier than normal due to clients.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Today I lead off with flat bench to protect the forearm. Have not done flats in a few months. It was a decent workout, not the best.

Flat: 3 warm ups, 175/8 195/8 205/7.6 then 2 drop sets
Dips: 3 sets to failure
Mid Inc db press: 65/12.11.9

For doing flats, weight is not an issue, its about feeling it out with the chest up high to get that extra squeeze

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Today I did squats after a few weeks of not leading off with them. It went really well.

Squat: 4 warm ups, 275/5 315/3 335/3 355/3 225/12
Leg Ext: 100/11 110/8 100/9
Hack: 135/16 160/12

I was wasted and pumped after this workout!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Before photo's (not that clear)

Rest day from weights

Bike for 20mins

Sunday, February 05, 2006


With my forearm acting up more, I avoided the bi's again!
In place of the bi's I did some wrist curls to get the blooding pumping in the area to help heel it.

Tri Press: 50/12 65/10 80/8,5 60/10
Lying Tri Ext: 65/12.10.9
1 arm rope press: 20/12.10

10 min cardio

Weigh in at 169lbs and 12.3 percent BF
Last month I was 171.5 13.5

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Delts and Calves

Today was a quick one because I was a little tired from the previous night and then working a longer than normal Saturday.

Standing Db Presses (these are harder than seated: 25/20 40/14 50/12,9,8
Upright Row O bar: 65/12 95/9,8,8
Floor F and R raises: 15/10 20/7 15/8

Doubles: 3 sets to failure

Friday, February 03, 2006

Back and Hams:

Today I started using Labrada's Super Charge. It does give you a kick.

Deads: 135/10,10 225/8 315/5 365/3 405/2 275/11
Lat Pull Close: 100/10, 120/9 125/7 105/9
1 arm db row: 65/9,8
Leg Curl: 50/10 60/9 65/6 50/9

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Another great workout today.

Flat Db Press: 45/15 65/10 85/8 96/6 105/4 65/12
Mid Incline Bar: 145/8 155/8 165/7,7
Dips: 2 sets
Incline Fly: 50/10 40/12

I received my Super Charge today and I am looking forward to using tomorrow prior to deadlifts

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Great workout today. Again I mixed things up with the order like I did last week. When I squat last, the knees and joints are well warmed up but I am no where close to normal max weight when I lead off.
I went to complete failure on the last two sets of each exercise.

Leg Extension: 75/12 100/12 125/10 100/11
Leg Press: 235/10 370/10 460/11,10
Squat: 185/8 225/8 245/7,7
Step Lunge: 40 x 14

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Rest Day: As the month closes, I will begin to take photo's every few weeks to monitor progression with fat loss. I am tentatively planning on competing in October

Yesterday: Arms

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Delt and Calves

Quick and effective. My traps were really sore from yesterday when doing deads.

Db Press: 35/15 55/12 65/8 75/8.8 65/10 (will increase next time)
Upright Row Cable: 60/10 70/8,7 50/10
Floor Raise(front and rear): 15/10,9

Calves (no weight)
Doubles; 30 reps
Single: 3 sets each side to failure

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Back and Hamstrings.

This is a love hate workout, hate starting, love to finish.

Deadlifts: 135/10,10 225/8 315/5 365/3 385/3 275/9
Lat Pull (palms ups): 100/10 120/8,7 100/9
1 arm Db row (no bench): 65/11,9
Leg Curl: 50/10 60/10 70/5 50/8,6

For me, deads and leg curls are plenty for the hams in this workout as the same for deads and two more exercises are good for the back

Friday, January 27, 2006


Good workout today and not feeling as sick but still some sinus congestion.

Flat Db Press: 45/5, 65/10, 85/8, 95/6 x2, drop set (will increase next time)
Mid Inline Bar Press: 145/8, 155/8,7,7
Dips: 2 sets
In Db Fly: 45/12. 50/10

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Even though I have my daughters cold, my quad workout was pretty good. Today I went out of order because I was not to sure of my strength. It produced a nice pump.

Leg Extensions: 4 sets
Leg Press: 4 sets
Squat: 4 sets

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Biceps and Triceps

First time I trained Bi's in over 3 weeks. It went well and I backed off just a bit. Overall and good arm workout.

Barbell Curl: 4 sets
Tricep Pressdown: 4 sets
Alt Db curl: 2 sts
Lying Db Ext: 2 sets
1 arm cable curl: 1 set
1 arm cable tri press: 1 set

Again with the arms, only the first two sets of the major bi and tri exercise were actual warm ups. The rest of the sets were to failure.

The diet is still going well for a clean up phase. I will start posting current body weight and fat starting this weekend. My high for this year was a bw of 173 and bf 13.5 according to my electro gizmo. Personally, the unit reads high, but its the trend that is important.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Rest Day:

Just a review of my split

Quads, Chest, Back/Calves, Delt/Hams, Arms

I switch up hamstring with calves when I do deadlifts on my back day because they hit the hammies pretty good.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Hamstrings and Delts

Good workout today and I lead off with the hammies since its a body part that I want to bring up.

Leg Curls: 6 sets
Stiff with Db: 4 sets

Front Raise Bar ss with Rear delt raise 3 sets
High incline db press (hits some chest) 4 sets.

Shoulders have become a better body part for me, so I tend not to overtrain them.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Back and Calves

Mix things up a little and took out the pull-ups.

Bent Over Row: 6 sets
Lat Pull Wide: 3 sets
Close Row: 3 sets
High Pulldown: 2 sets

Calves: 3 sets warm ups, follow by single calf raises while holding onto a dumbell, 3 sets

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Good workout today and made some rep gains.

Incline Db: 6 sets
Flat Db: 3 sets
Dips: 3 sets

Little abs.

Sometimes my workouts may seem short, but they are all out intense. After a couple warm up sets for the first exercise, the rest of the sets are to failure.

Legs (1-20-06)

Yesterday I did only two exercises for the legs due to family obligations. The good news is that my daughter and wife are feeling better.

Squat: 6 sets
Leg Curl: 5 sets

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Shoulders and Tri's

Today was another crazy day in the house due to my daughter being sick. Although I found some time to train. Again, I avoided Bi's.

Front Raise Bar ss with Rear delt raise for 4 sets
Barbell Shrugs ss with standing Db preses 4 sets

Pressdowns 4 sets
Db Extensions 3 sets

Tomorrow is Leg day so hopefully things will be back on track!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Back and Calves Day

With my forearm still acting up I tried pull-ups regardless, well I was not ready to do them! Although I did 3 sets.

Pull up: 3 sets
Bent over rows: 5 sets
Close Row Pulldown: 2 sets
1 arm Db Rows: 2 sets
Calves: 20reps doubles than 3 sets singles to failure.

This workout was ok due to the fact my daughter was sick and more or less just getting it done.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Today I hit Chest with more focus on using Db's
It was a great workout even though I was not well rested.

Incline Db Press, 5 sets
Flat Db Press, 3 sets
Mid Bar Press, 2 sets
Dips, 2 sets.

Eating clean again, and the goal will be to lose 1 pound this week when I weigh in on Sat.

For almost 1 week, I didn't train due to the birth of my son Anthony.
Yesterday on Sunday, I did do a couple of movements for the quads, Leg Press and Extension.
And this morning I was a little sore!

Today, I plan on getting back into the swing of things along with eating clean.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

After my last contest back in Sept 05, I tried a few routines including Dogg Crapp. For the past month I am back to doing a 5 day split including heaving squats and deads.

Today was arm day (Bi and Tri)

Do to a recurring tendonitis in my forearm, I did not work the bi's. So I did some abs in place off.