Thursday, June 28, 2012


Back and biceps workout:

Fantastic back workout for the second of the week.  Nice change up of movements, and brought back an older movement of 1 arm high cable pulldowns..

Chin ups: 5 sets
Bent over row OH: 3 warms, 155/10 165/11,10 drop set
1 arm pulldown: 2 warms, 55/12,12
In db curl: 2 warms, 35/8 40/9,8
Cable curl: 1 warm, 55/10,9

22 min cardio, 8 sprints.



Hot today, but bang it out.  Straight gains..

Leg press: 3 warms, 425/10,15,15
Glute ham raise: 4 sets
Leg ext: 2 warm, 80/10,12
Leg curl: 2 warm, 50/9,8
Walk db lunges: 2 warm, 65/6 70/9

22 min cardio

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Shoulders and triceps.

Made gains from the first round.  Nice about being heavier are the pumps are crazy.. LOL
Content with the training, and feeling the difference with this split already..

Stand bar press: 3 warms, 115/6 125/8,7  drop set
Rope front raise: 2 warms, 45/11 45/10
Rear delt raise: 1 warm, 25/10,9 drop set
Db shrug: 2 warm, 85/14 95/12
Tricep pressdown: 2 warms, 72/10,10,9
Db kickback: 1 warm, 25/12,11

22 min cardio, 8 sprints.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Lost track on my post and the order, lol, but today was back day, and felt great.
The deads are slowing coming up and the lower back is ok.....  Pump was off the chains!!

Lat pulldown palms in: 3 warm, 145/8,10,10
Db bench row: 1 warm, 85/8,9,9
Lat pulldown under: 1 warm, 120/11,10,11
Deads: 3 warms, 205/8,12
calf work: 5 sets

22 min cardio

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Delt and biceps workouts:

Adding back the standing press. Ouch, it was more difficult but I started lighter on purpose.

Nice mix up of movement, and was effective.

Standing press: 3 warms, 105/6 115/8,10

Db shrug: 1 warm, 85/12,13,12

Cable front raise: 2 warm, 40/12 45/10

Rear delt raise: 1 warm, 25/10,9

In db curl: 2 warms, 30/6 35/8,9

Cable curl: 1 warm, 50/12 55/11

22 min cardio, 8 sprints.


Great leg workout and starting to dig do both quads and hams together. Made gains all around.

Leg press: 3 warms 370/15 415/15,16

Glute ham raise: 4 sets

Walking db lunge: 2 warms, 60/6 65/9

Leg ext: 1 warm, 72/12 77/11

Leg curl: 1 warm, 42/10 47/10

22 min cardio

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Shoulders and bicep workout:

Nice start to the first round of training.  Started on the lighter side on purpose but really felt it as the tempo was on the faster side. 

Standing press: 3 warms, 105/6 115/9,10
Db shrug: 1 warm, 85/12,13,13
Front raise rope: 2 warms, 40/12 45/11
Rear delt raise on bench: 2 warms, 25/9,9
In db curl: 3 warms, 35/8,10
Cable curl: 1 warm, 50/12 55/11

22 min cardio, 8 sprints.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

6/17 - 19

Started the new split, and the last three workouts were great.  Great pumps, and strength is progressing nicely.  Plus, the lower back is easing up and I can see it being 100 percent soon. I actually did some light and slow deads to wrap up my back workout.  Here it is, but forgot my leg workout weights.

Leg Press:  6 sets
Glute Ham raise: 4 sets
Walking db lunge: 4 sets
Leg ext: 3 sets
Leg curl: 3 sets

22 min cardio


Flat db press: 3 warms,m 85/6 90/10,10
Slight in bar press: 2 warms, 160/8,8
Chest dips: 3 sets
In db press: 65/10,10 55/12
Ab work: 5 sets

22 min cardio 8 sprints


lat pulldown palms in: 3 warms, 140/8,10,10
Db bench row: 2 warms, 80/10,10,9
Lat pulldown underhand: 2 warms, 120/11,10 drop set
Deads: 2 warms, 155/8 175/12
Calf work: 4 sets to failure

22 min cardio

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Shoulder and tricep workout:

Finished this round on a good note, made solid gains in the movments and feeling it today, the day later..

Side lateral: 2 warms 35/8 40/8 42/8 2 drop sets
Front raise db: 1 warm, 35/8 37/8,9 drop set with plate
Barbell shrug: 2 warm,s 185/11,10  burn out set
Rope pressdown: 2 warm,s 45/9 50/7 drop set
Bar ext: 45/12,11,10
Ab work: 4 sets

22 min cardio, 8 sprints


Back and biceps workout:

More gains made, and the lower back is easing up a bit.  Still not 100 percent, but feeling not a bad.
Looking forward to starting the new round to this split.  Looking at Sunday to picking it up!1

Pull ups: 5 sets to failure
Bent over db row: 2 warms 75/10,11  drop set
Close pulldown: 2 warms 125/11,10,9
Stand db curl: 2 warms, 35/8 40/9,8  burn out sets
15's: 3 x

22 min cardio, 8 sprints.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

6/11 and 6/12

Last two workouts were dead on and made some nice gains..  Pleased with the recovery from the show,but this darn back issue is a pain, no pun intended.  Just have to listen to my body and let it heal. I was careful on the bent over rows as just getting into position it was very tight...

Flat db press: 3 warms, 85/8,11,10
In bar press: 2 warms, 155/10,10
Slight in db fly: 50/12,11,11 drop set
Rack pu: 3 sets to failure
Rope crunch: 4 sets

22 min cardio, 8 sprints

Lat pulldown wide: 3 warms, 130/8,9,9
Bent over row: 2 warms, 155/11 165/10 135/15
rope pulldown: 1 warm, 120/11,10 drop set
1 arm db row incline: 75/10,12,12
Calf work: 5 sets

22 min cardio

Sunday, June 10, 2012



Nice workout today, but mixed it up a tad bit.  The lower back is still sore, and looking to make the needed adjustments moving forward..  I didnt keep track of the weights but I didnt go backwards on any of the movements in the current round..

Hack squat: 8 sets
Stiff leg db: 4 sets
Leg press: 5 sets
Leg curl: 5 sets

20 min cardio.

Friday, June 08, 2012

6/7 and 6/8

Good training the last two days especially todays chest training.  I am thinking the alternating of doing chest and back 2 x per week will pay off nicely.  Sure, time will tell, but like it so far.

Shoulder and biceps:

Side lateral: 2 warms  35/8 40/8,9 drop set
Alt db front raise: 2 warms, 35/8,9
Barbell shrug: 135/18 155/17,15
Db press: 1 warm, 60/12 65/10
Barbell curl: 2 warms, 80/8 100/8,8 drop set
Rope curl: 2 warm, 45/11,12

22 min cardio - 8 sprints

Chest and triceps:

In db press: 2 warm, 70/8 80/9 85/9,8
Flat bencjL 2 warms, 165/10,8
Slight in db press: 65/12,11,10 drop sets
Rope pressdown: 2 warm, 45.10,9 drop set
Dips: 4 sets to failure
Close db press: 50.10,11,10

22 min cadio - 8 sprints.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012


Back and calves workout:

Solid workout and felt good since gains were made.  The downer was the low back couldn't handle the deads this time.  So with that, I will have to alter things to let it heal.  I did a few sets of deads, but then I realized not to push it through too much.

Lat pulldown: 2 warms  115/8 127/8,10,10
Deads: 2 warms, 225/8 255/5(back hurt!)
Rope pulldown: 2 warm, 130/10,10 drop set
1 arm row incline: 2 warms, 80/15,14
Calf work: 5 sets

22 min cardio

Tuesday, June 05, 2012


Chest and abs workout:

Progress is always nice!!  Gains were made and with a the faster tempo, pumps were on.
The diet is getting closer but not forcing it.  I realize that my body will take time to bounce back to 100 percent.
The only issue is my low back has been tight, and I may change the squat scheme to accommodate.

Flat db press: 2 warms, 70/8 80/8,10,10
In bench press: 2 warms, 145/10,10 drop set
Slight in db fly: 50/12 55/11,10
Rack pu: 3 sets to failure
Rope crunch: 4 sets

22 min cardio, 8 sprints.

Sunday, June 03, 2012


Back and Biceps workout:


Legs workout:

Workouts were solid but the weekend had its ups and downs.  Up's were having Ant's friend over and taking them out, but the down was our dog Lira getting sick and eventually passing away today.  Not fun.

For the the legs I simply did a lot of squats, 20 sets, 5 warm ups and 15 progressive
working sets. 

Looking forward to hitting it hard tomorrow.

Friday, June 01, 2012


Delts and triceps.

Was feeling off this morning as the body is fighting some type of cold. First thoughts were not to train, but went for it anyway.  Just slightly achy, as gains were still made.  Felt better through the training.

Side lateral: 2 warms, 32/8 37/8,10,9
Barbell shrug: 2 warms, 205/10,12 drop set
Front raise plate: 1 warm, 55/10,11,12
Seated db press: 55/10.12
Tricep dips: 1 warms, 1 chain/10 2chains/9 drop set
Rope pressdown: 1 warm, 30/12 35/11,10

20 min cardio, 7 sprints