Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Preacher Curls: 2 warms, 80/8,8 drop
Close Grip: 2 warms 145/8 155/8,8
Alt Db: 35/10 40/8,7
Tri Press: 55/10 70/10,8
Con Curl: 35/14
1 arm Press: 17/15

Nice arm workout today. I started V12 yesterday and the good pumps are kicking in.
I avoided standing bar curls to protect the low back. I came away from this workout not making it worse.


Hams and Delts:

Leg curl: 2 warms, 60/10 67/6,6 drop set
Single stand curl" 20/12 22/12 25/10
Upright row O bar: 2 warm, 95/8,9
Side Ladders: 3 x
Low Delt Press: 1 warm, 65/10,9,9

Pretty good workout, back is still tight and sore.

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