Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Quads and abs workout:

Deload for the front squats as it was needed. But I did hammer out the rest of the workout while doing more on the hack and really burned them out on the giant drops on extensions.

Front squat: 4 warms, 230/5,8
Hack squat: 2 warms, 270/6 290/7 225/10
Leg ext: 1 warms, 2 sets of triple drops.
Sissy squat: 3 sets to failure with chains.
Ab work: 3 supersets

15 min cardio

Will do cardio in the morning for 35 min.

Then scheduled off days 31s and 1st.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Shoulder and biceps workout:

Nice finish to the 531 for the seated barbell press. I will add 15 pounds to the max, as I under started the initial weight. Solid workout and made gains. Biceps were full when finished.

Seated shoulder press: 3 warms, 155/5 175/3 195/1,7
Front raise ss: 50 60 70 70
with side lateral: 22 x 4
Barbell shrug: 1 warms, 225/12 235/11
Alt db curl: 2 warms, 55/5 60/5
Barbell curl: 1 warm, 90/8,10
Con curl: 30/12,12

Split Cardio:
15 min
25 min

Side note:
Tomorrow will be a deload on the front squats, and then I will have 3 planned off day from the weights. Going on a mini trip with the family, and thereafter its go time. I will use the month of January as the true test to see where I am at for competing.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Dead and hammie workout:

Fantastic workout today. The magic of getting extra sleep works every time.
Moved forward with my dead progression and made gains on the db split squat for a best. The pump was solid in the hammies.

Deads: 3 warms, 355/1 375/3,3,5
Glute ham raise assis: 4 x
Db split squat: 2 warms, 85/8 90/8
Leg curl ss: 40 x 3
with Stiff legs: 175 x 3

15 min cardio.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Little catch up time.

The day before Christmas I did train back and calves. Just a mix of the current rotation but used higher reps. Was a solid workout, and did the prescribed cardio.

Christmas day was a complete rest day. And it was a great day of eating!!!

Today I trained Chest and triceps.

Back on it and it was a solid workout. I am keeping the flat db presses in but resetting with 3 working sets of 5 reps. The 531 was starting to become too difficult simply for the fact of setting the heavier db's in place. A great pump but I do think it was from the excess food on Christmas day. All is good.

Flat db press: 3 warms, 85/5 95/5,5,9
In bar press: 2 warms, 175/8 185/8 drop st
Slight In db press: x reps, 65 x 3 sets
Hammer grip pus': 2 sets to failure
Tricep rope ext: 2 warms, 45/8,8
Bar ext ss
with Reverse tri pressdown: 3 x

Split Cardio
15 min
25 min

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Quads and abs workout:

Bottom line hammered this workout!!! All out on the front squats and hit a mini goal with 325 for a triple. 310 was called for on the front squat, but pushed it a bit since I was feeling good. The db jump squats was a nice finish.

Front squat: 4 warms, 275/3 315/1 325/3
Hack squat: 2 warms, 225/8 270/6 280/8
Leg ext ss: 70x 4
Db jump squats: 30 35 40 40
Squat with chains: 195/10 215/12
Ab work: 6 sets

15 min cardio

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Delt and biceps workout:

One of the better one's I had in a while. The best reason was, pain free! LOL.
Doing the higher incline barbell press is easier on the rotator cuff, plus I am hitting the upper chest. An all out workout for sure.

Seated bar delt press: 3 warms, 165/3 175/3 185/3,8
Front raise ss: 45 55 65 70
with side lateral: 25 x 4
Bar shrug: 1 warms, 225/12,12
Alt db curl: 2 warms, 50/5 55/6,7
Barbell curl ss: 80 x 3
Con curl: 25 x3

Split Cardio
15 min
25 min

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Really solid workout today and took a different approach to the deads. Since I dont want to take them out but at the same time need to deload, I am doing the 10 single scheme. I will alternate this with the 3 sets of triples at a heavier weight. The goal for the deload deads is to do 10 singles with minimal rest. I allow myself 45 seconds between sets. I started with 315 and it was a nice start. The rest of the workout was banging and hit a PR with the db split squats.

Deads: 3 warms, 315 x 10 singles (45sec rest)
Glute ham raise assist: 4 x
Db split squat: 2 warms, 85/8,8
Good mornings ss: 105 125 145
with Leg curl: 37 x 3

15 min cardio

Monday, December 20, 2010


Chest and tricep workout:

Decent workout. Struggled on the flat db presses. Just a pain in the butt getting the db's in place. Thinking after this round, I will be resetting and going lighter with my own rep scheme. The rest of the workout was solid and made some nice gains.

Flat db press: 3 warms, 95/3 105/3 115/3
In bar press: 2 warm,s 175/8 180/8 drop set
Slight incline db x reps: 65 x 3 sets
Hammer grip pu: 2 x
Tricep Rope ext: 1 warm, 45/8 50/6 40/10
Dips: 3 sets to fail
Reverse pressdown: 40/12 45/12

Split cardio
15 min
25 min

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Back and calves:

After a day of hosting an early family Christmas party, I managed to get in a decent morning workout. I did make some gains from last time but had to switch out the db bent over rows to 1 arm db rows. The lower back was very stiff and after just one set, felt it tighten up. So played it safe with the one arm rows. The food was great yesterday and we all had a nice time together. It was a free day of eating!!!!

Lat pulldown palms in: 3 warms, 170/6 182/6,6
1 arm db row: 3 warms, 105/8,9
Close pulldown: 2 warms, 135/9,9
Bent over row chains: 175/10,12,12 drop set
Donkey Calf raises: 2 warms, 90/15,14,12 2 set of singles

35 min cardio

Friday, December 17, 2010


Killa quad workout, and in the grove witht the front squats. Did what was called for and plus. Rest of the workout all were gains. Getting the hang of the db jump squats. They really knocked me out. Pump was tight and just felt great.

Front Squat: 4 warms, 260/3 280/3 295/3,3
Leg press: 3 warms,475/8 520/8
Leg ext ss: 70 x 4 sets
Db Jump squats: 25 30 35 35
Squat with chains: 185/10 205/12

15 min cardio


Rest day from weight training
Cardio will be done at a total of 45 min.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Shoulder and bicep workout:

New round of the 531 to a new movement. Did the seated barbell press this time and will see how far I can go with the 531 on this one. The workout was a nice start as far as weights and looking forward to some increases.

Seated delt press: 3 warms, 155/5 165/5 175/5,8
Trap bar shrug: 2 warms, 225/10 245/9,8
Front ss
with side lateral: 4 x
Stand Alt db curl: 2 warms 50/6 60/5 50/8
Barbell curl: 1 warms 85/8,9
Con curl: 30/11,12

Split cardio

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Dead and hammy workout:

Whacked dem hammies today with the new round. I have mention before that I am not doing the 531 for deads. Just wanted to mix it up and reset with lighter weight.
Workout was great and actually did a best on split squats. And then really slammed them doing a first super set of good mornings and leg curls.

Deads: 5 warms, 345/1 365/3,3,3
Glute ham raise assisted: 4 sets
Db split squats: 2 warms, 75/8 80/8
Good mornings ss: 105 125 135
with Leg curls: 35 x 3
In/out thigh ss with abs: 4 sets

15 min cardio

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Chest and triceps:

New round and always dig it. Little slow to start as it cold in the gym But to my surprise move some decent weight and did what was called for on the 531. The energy only increased as I went through the workout.

Flat db press: 3 warms, 90/5 100/5 110/5,5
In bar press: 2 warms, 175/8,8 drop set
Slight in db x reps: 50 x 3
Push ups hammer grip: 2 set to fail
tricep Rope ext: 1 warms, 45/9,8 drop set
CGBP: 1 warm, 115/10 125/10
Reverse pressdown: 1 warm, 45/12,12

30 min cardio

Monday, December 13, 2010


Back and calves workout:

Didn't have the best sleep last night for a couple of reasons. But the most important was the fact of my daughter throwing up every couple of hours until 4am. Thankfully she is fine now, but feeling it. LOL
Surprisingly the workout was solid. I actually pick up where I left off with this rotation 8 weeks ago.

Lat pulldown palms in: 3 warms, 170/6 180/6 150/10
Db bent over row: 2 warms, 90/8 95/8 drop set
Close pulldown: 2 warms, 130/10,9
Barbell bent over row w/chains: 155/10 175/12,13
Donkey calf raises: 2 warms, 90/17,16,16 2 drop sets

30 min cardio

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Quads workout:

Wow, nailed this one. Front squats were on and handled the weight well. I did db jump squats for the first time and they were great. To add, they were super seted with leg exts. Finished things up with squats with chains.

Front squats: 4 warms, 245/5 265/5 280/5,5
Leg press: 3 warms, 450/10 495/10
Leg ext ss: 70 x4
with jump squats: 20 25 30 30
Squat w/chains: total weight 175/10 195/13

cardio 15 min


Rest day from weights but will do early morning cardio.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Shoulder and biceps workout:

Deload for the shoulder press and intro to the seat barbell shoulder press.
Will be putting that into the mix instead of the standing shoulder press. Also, the body was/is best from yesterday all out set of deads. Solid workout, and felt great again. Tomorrow starts a new wave of routines for the 531. Digging it!!

Seated bar delt press: 3 warms, 135/5 155/5 175/5
Seated side lateral: 2 warms, 40/8,9 drop set
Rear delt raise: 15 20 20
ss with db shrugs: 75 x x
In db curl: 2 warms, 50/6,5
Cable curl ss
with 1 arm preacher: 3 x

30 min cardio

Thursday, December 09, 2010


Deads and hammy workout:

Was the deload for the deads today. So it was time to go all out.
I was happy to do 2 x current body weight for 20. That has been a long term goal of mine. My next round of deads I will be straying away from the 531 to mix it up. I plan on doing 3 sets of 3's and building that up. But will start lighter to gain momentum. The rest of the workout was great!!!

Deads: 5 warms 325/20
Db leg curl: 2 warms 60/8,8 drop set
Front and back lunge: 2 warms, 45/8 50/8
Stiff leg w/chains: 1 warms, 195/10 215/13
In out thigh: 5 sets

15 min cardio

video of 325x20

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Chest and triceps workout:

Deload for the flat presses. I have mentioned a few times before not my best lift, but it was cool to bang out the higher reps. It definitely effected my strength for the chest dips. After that, I made nice gains on the fly and the tricep movements.
Solid workout.

Flat db press: 3 warms, 85/5,14
Chest dips: 2 warms, 4chains/7 drop set
In db fly: 1 warms 60/8 65/8 drop set
Push ups: 2 set to failure.
Db ext: 1 warms, 32/6 35/6 drop set
Tricep pressdown: 1 warms, 65/10 70/8
1 arm pressdown: 15/12,13

30 min cardio

Tuesday, December 07, 2010


Back and calves workout:

Mixed up the order a tad bit but used the same movements. A strong finish to this wave of back exercises and had gains each time. Really digging on the progress as I slowly lose body fat.

T bar rows: 3 warms, 180/6 225/6 235/5 180/12
Rack pullups: 4 sets to failure
Lat pulldown palms up: 2 warms, 140/10 145/8
Db bench row ss: 75 80 80
with str arm pulldown: 40 4035
Calf raise: 2 warms, 3chains/20 4chains/18,17 drop set

30 min cardio

Monday, December 06, 2010


Quads and abs workout:

Start of deload week, but this is only applied to the lead off exercise. So for the front squats, I took it easy. The other movements were all out, and made gains again! Really pushed it hard and hit a pr for the walking db lunges, and the finishers really put the pump on.

Front squat: 3 warms, 205/5 225/5,8
Walking db lunges: 2 warms, 85/6 90/6
Leg ext ss: 70 80 85
with Sissy squats: 15 15 17
Squat: 165/10,16

Ab work: 3 ss

15 min cardio

Sunday, December 05, 2010


Shoulder and bicep workout:

Single out day for the delts. Very happy to hit the numbers at my current bw. All gains again and lots of energy today.

Stand shoulder press: 3 warms, 145/5 165//3 185/1,1
Seated side lateral: 2 warms, 40/8 42/9
Rear delt db raise ss: 20x3
with Db shrug: 75x3
In db curl: 2 warms, 50/5 55/3 60/3
Cable curl: 1 warms, 60/8 70/9,9
1 arm preacher curl: 30/10 25/15

30 min cardio

Rest day from weights, but will do 30 min cardio.

A solid week with hitting all my numbers and dropping 1.5 this week. Strength is solid and energy is up.

Friday, December 03, 2010


Dead and hammy workout:

Single out day for the deads. Did what what called for but it was tough. I pulled 455 for a single a month plus ago and it was easier then today's 445. But I am lighter. I may mix up the 531 for deads and work on different rep ranges and elevations. We will see.
Other than that, all increases from the last round, and the hammies really got hammered. New best with the db leg curls and reverse lunges.

Deads: 5 warms 365/3 405/2 445/1
Db leg curl: 2 warms, 57/9 60/10 drop set
Reverse lunge: 2 warms, 175/8 195/6
Db stiff leg: 1 warm, 115/10,13
Ab work: 4 sets

15 min cardio

Thursday, December 02, 2010


Chest and triceps workout:

Single out day for the db press. Not my strongest of lifts but was happy to do what was called for and more. I plan on only adding 5 pounds to the next wave. The rest of the workout was solid and made gains. The most improved were the chest dips with chains. THat was a PR at two sets of 8 with 4 chains.

Flat db press: 3 warms 90/5 105/3 115/3,3
Chest dips: 2 warms, 4chains/8,8 drop set
In db fly: 1 warms, 55/9 60/9,9
2 burn out sets of push ups.
Lying db ext: 2 warms, 32/7,7
Tricep pressdown: 1 warms, 60/9 65/9
1 arm pressdown: 15/12,10 drop set

30 min cardio

Wednesday, December 01, 2010


Back and calves workout:

Just rowing today and made gains from last workout. The pullups were tough only because my left forearm is acting up. But I was able to get more totals reps still.
Faster tempo workout and the pump/burn was on!

Pullups: 5 sets to failure
T bar row: 3 warms, 205/8 215/8
Lat pulldown underhand: 2 warms, 135/9,9
Db bench row ss: 65 75 80
Str arm pulldown: 35 40 40
Calf work: 2 warms, 90/15,13,12 2 drop sets

30 min cardio.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Quads and abs:

Nice start to the singles week of the 531. 300 was called for on the front squat but I pushed it a little. I first did 305 and then 315 for a single. Wasn't too bad and looking forward to bring this up as it was the first round of fronts squats in over 4 months!! The rest of the workout was solid with gains from the previous round.

Front squat: 4 warms, 245/5 275/3 305/1 315/1
Walk db lunge: 2 warms, 85/6,6
Leg ext ss: 70 80 82
with Sissy squats: 15,15,17
Wide squat: 165/10,15
Low ab work: 5 set

15 min cardio.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Deads and hammies:

Fantastic workout and lots of energy. Went in thinking just to do what was called for on the 531 for deads. Instead I finished with 5 more pounds and 2 more reps to nail 425 for 5. And hitting a best on reverse lunges also was cool.

Deads: 5 warms, 365/3 395/3 425/5
Db leg curl: 2 warms, 55/9 57/8 drop set
Reverse bar lunge: 2 warms, 140/6 160/8
Db stiff leg: 1 warm, 90/10 100/13
In/out thigh ss
with abs: 5 sets

15 min cardio

video of deads


Delt and bicep workout:

Solid training this morning, and made gains. My neck was stiff going into the workout. From awkward sleeping, and then strained it a tad doing presses. Moved through the workout fine. Just tight now.

Standing press: 3 warms, 155/3 165/3 175/3 drop set
Seated side lateral: 2 warms, 40/8,9 drop set
Rear delt raise ss
with Db shrug: 3 x
Incline db curl: 2 warms, 50/5 55/5,4
Cable curl: 1 warms, 60/8 65/8
Preacher Curl: 30/10 25/13

30 min cardio

Rest day from weights, but will do 30 min cardio.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Chest and triceps.

Made some nice increases from last workout, and was well energized.
Did what was called for on the 531. Bumping the cardio up 5 min on the day I do 25 min to 30 min. The slow fat loss is moving along well, and strength has not been effected.

Flat db press: 3 warms, 95/3 105/3 110/3,4
Chest dips: 2 warms, 3 chains/8,9 drop set
In db fly s: 50 55 55
with pu's: 3 x
Tricep db ext: 2 warms, 325/7,6
Tricep press: 1 warm, 60/10 65/9 drop st
1 arm stirrup: 15/11 12/13

30 min cardio

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Quad with extra workout:

Well rested and nailed this workout. All increases and felt more comfortable with the front squats this round. Actually did a PR with the walking db lunges. Legs were swollen.

Front squat: 4 warms 235/5 270/3 285/3,4
Walk db lunge: 2 warms, 80/6 85/6
Leg ext ss: 70 80 80
with Sissy squats: 3 x 15
Squat: 165/10 13
Calf work ss with ab work: 5 c

20 min cardio


Well train early on Thanksgiving. Most likely do faster tempo to bang out the back and some rows, and cardio.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Shoulder and bicep workout;

Today was a challenge for the first round of the 531 for the standing press. Most of the workout was solid but little tired. I think staying up late is a no no, and the body cant handle it and do intense training. All in all productive and will build off of this.

Stand shoulder press: 3 warms, 145/5 155/5 165/4 drop set
Seated side lateral 2 warms, 35/8 40/9 drop st
Rear delt raise ss
with db shrugs: 3x
In db curl: 2 warms, 50/5 55/4 drop set
Cable curl: 1 warm, 60/8,8
1 arm preacher curl: 30/10 25/12

25 miin cardio


Cardio only 30 min
Going to my son's Thanksgiving lunch at preschool.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Deads and hammies workout:

Fantastic start to this round for an early morning workout. First, did what was called for on the 531, and even better, broke some numbers from almost 2 months back. Hoping this hammy work pays off!!

Deads: 5 warms, 350/5 375/5 400/5
Db leg curl: 2 warms, 55/8,9 drop set
Reverse bar lunge: 2 warms, 135/6 155/8
Stiff leg db's: 1 warms, 85/10 95/13
Out thigh ss abs: 5 x

15 min cardio

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Chest and tricep workout:

Solid start to the flat db wave. Entire workout was on and felt great.

Flat db press: 3 warms 90/5 100/5 105/5,5
Chest dips w./chains: 2 warms, 3c/8m8 drop set
In db fly ss: 45 50 55
with push ups: 3x
Db ext: 2 warms, 32/5,5
Tricep pressdown: 1 warm, 60/9 65/8 drop set
1 arm pressdown: 15/10 12/12

25 min cardio

Friday, November 19, 2010


Back and calves workout;

Solid training today but it was slowed down a tad since I am really sore from yesterdays quad thrashing. Nice starting numbers and looking forward to increasing them over the next few workouts.

Pullups: 5 sets
T bar rows: 3 warms, 185/8 195/8
Underhand pulldown: 2 warms, 125/9,9
Db bench row ss 65/10 70/9 72/9
with high pulldown: 35/10,10,10
Stand calf raise: 2 warms, 90/13,12,12 drop set

25 min cardio

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Quads and ab work:

New wave and new energy. Felt great bringing back front squats. Really excited to breaking my PR of 365 and with a lighter bw. All in all solid workout and numbers up.

Front squat: 4 warms, 255/5 270/5,5
Walk lunges db: 2 warms, 75/6 80/6
Leg ext ss
with ss squat: 3 x
Squat: 165/10, 13
Low ab work: 4 sets

15 min cardio

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Dead and hammie workout:

Nice deload workout and didn't go crazy with high reps. Did what was called for but used "stops" on the touch for each rep. This give me a little more energy and was able to do more work on the leg curl. I also through is stiff leg deads with the trap bar for kicks. I am sore today as I type this. Solid workout.

Dead lifts: 4 warms, 300/5 320/5,5
Leg curl: 2 warms, 60/8,8 drop set
Stiff legs w/trap bar: 2 warms, 235/10 255/12
Outer thigh: 5 sets
Ab work: 4 sets

15 min cardio


Shoulder and bicep workout:

Last deload before the new wave. Another solid pump and workout. Faster tempo.
Mixed it up a bit with doing up and down for side lateral and changed the bicep workout order.

Shoulder press: 2 warms, 115/5 135/5,7
Upright row cable: 2 warms, 75/8 80/10,11
Side lateral up and downs: 3 x
1 arm cable curl: 2 warms, 32/10,8
Bar curl: 1 warm, 85/9,9
Hammer db curl: 40/8 30/11

25 min cardio

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Rest day, cardio only of 30 min,
Went to a Pro Football game.


Chest and Triceps:

Deload workout for the chest but still made gain on other movements. Felt great and I mixed things up a bit. Eager to start the new wave of 531. Couple more workouts!

Flat db press: 3 warms, 80/5 85/5,13
In db press: 1 warms, 85/9,8,8 drop set
Flat bar w/chains: 155/10,10,9 drop set
Bar ext: 2 warm, 70/8,6 drop set
Close pressdown: 50/9,8 drop set
1 arm rope pressdown: 15/9 10/15

25 min cardio

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Back and calves workout:

Really solid workout today. Used a slightly higher rep scheme but also through some burn out sets. Just one of those workouts that I felt like the energizer bunny. High Energy!!

Bent over row: 4 warms, 225/5,7,8 drop set
Lat pulldown: 2 warms, 125/8 135/8 drop set
T bar row: 2 warms, 180/9,10 drop set
Rope pulldown ss
with Pullovers: 3 x
Seated calf work: 2 warms, 4 working sets.

25 min cardio

Friday, November 12, 2010


Quads and abs workout:

Beginning of deload and good timing. Just feeling a little tight and sore from this weeks training. Did what was called for and stuck with a higher rep scheme for the workout. Felt really good and the pump was great.

Squat: 3 warms, 275/5 295/5 305/5,9
Leg ext: 1 warm, 75/15,15
Leg Press: 1 warm, 225/20,20
Front squat: 1 warm, 185/5,8
ab work: 4 ss

15 min cardio
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Shoulder and bicep workout:

Last single out workout before the deload. Happy with the results but looking forward to the higher reps coming up. I think from the heavy deads and squats, the low back has been tight along with other aches and tweaks. It happens though. Solid agains to finish this round up.

Stand bar press: 3 warms, 140/5 160/3 170/1 180/1,1
Side lateral: 2 warms, 45/8,7 drop set
Upright row cable: 2 warms, 75/10,9
Barbell curl: 2 warms, 115/6 125/6 130/6
Hammer curl ss
with 1 arm cable: 3x

25 min cardio


Rest day from the weights
Weigh in 162.5
Cardio 30 mins

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Chest and triceps:

Great workout and made some really solid gains. Just felt on today.

Flat db press: 3 warms, 90/5 100/3 110/1,5
In db press: 1 warm, 85/7,8,8 drop set
Flat bar w/chains: 1 warm, 165/10,10,10
Tricep pressdown: 2 warm, s67/8,7 drop st
Bar ext: 1 warm, 55/10 60/9
1 arm rope pressdown: 15/12 12/13

25 min cardio


Dead and hammy workout:

Strange type of workout today. Went in want to break a single PR for deads, but didnt happen. I went and it 445, but it was tough. The goal was 465, but just didnt bother. As I was taking the weight off, I was well rest. I then went for 2 x plus my body weight. I banged out 18 with 335. I was then spent!!!

Deads: 5 warms, 415/1 445/1 335/18
Leg curl: 2 warms, 60/6 drop st
Wide leg press: 2 warms, 385/10,12
Stiff leg w/chains: 225/10,12,13
Ab work: 4 ss

15 min cardio

Video of 335x18

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Summary of last two workouts.

11/6 Quads/ab
11/7 Back/calves

All is well and the body fat is coming off at a really slow pace. Oddly, this is my goal to set myself up for competing some time next year.

With the improvements of my deadlifts, I think its taking a slight toll on my squating. My lower back has been very tight and it did inhibit my heavy squats the other day.

Since I dig the deads and the numbers are still increasing, I will keep them in. The change for the next wave will be switching out squats for Front Squats and apply the 531. Change is good, as I have lead off with reg squats for well over 20 quad workouts.

I was content with doing 435 for a single at the bw of 163. But now is time to hit the fronts as start fresh. The goal for the single will be 385!!

Friday, November 05, 2010


30 min cardio


Delt and bicep workout:

Good workout today and nailed the numbers. All gains throughout and felt great.
Starting to see the slight changes in the body which is exciting. Small changes are the key.

Stand bar press: 3 warms, 150/3 160/3 170/3,3
Side lateral: 2 warms, 42/8 45/8
Upright row ss
with front raises: 3 x
Barbell curl: 2 warms, 110/8 120/8
Hammer curl: 1 warm, 45/8 47/9
1 arm cable curl: 20/12 22/13

25 min cardio

Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Dead and hammy workout:

Fantastic workout today and nailed a best with 415 for 6 reps. Rest of the workout was solid and the pump in the hammies was off the hook. Really exhausted the muscle but still had solid energy.

Deads: 5 warms, 365/3 395/3 415/6,3
Leg curl: 2 warms, 60/8,5 drop set
Wide leg press: 2 warms, 360/12 385/13
Stiff leg w/chains: 225/10,12,13
In/out thigh: 5 set
Ab work: 5 sets

15 min cardio

video of deads

Chest and triceps:

Mades gains from last time. Even to the point I did sets of 5 instead of 3's, my bad!
Feeling good to starting getting back into the heavier db's. Been a while since I was flat benching for a few months.

Flat db press: 3 warms, 95/5 100/5 105/5,7
In db press: 2 warms, 85/8,6 drop set
Flat bench with chains: 1 warm, 160/10,11,10
Tricep pressdown: 2 warms, 67/8,7 drop set
Bar ext: 50/10,11,9
1 arm rope pressdown: 15/10 12/12

25 min cardio

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Quads and abs:

Very stiff for the early morning workout. Not sure if it was from the late night or cold weather. Either way, moved on, and missed the prescribed reps for 395. Was shooting for a triple, but cut it off at two reps. I then for kicks banged out a single for kicks. While being disappointed, I whacked the rest of the workout and made gains from last time. All In all, great pump and burn!

Squat: 4 warms, 295/5 345/3 375/3 395/2,1
Leg press: 2 warm,s 450/10 520/10,10
Leg ext ss : 65 75 85
with db step ups: 47 x 3
Squat with chains: 175 tot: 12,16
Low ab work: 4 ss

15 min cardio


Back and calves workout:

Made gains throughout and the pump was banging. Felt good today.

Bent over row: 3 warms, 215/5 235/5,6 drop set
Lat pulldown wide: 2 warms, 130/8,8
1 arm db row: 2 warms, 100/9 105/8
Rope pulldown: 1 warm 110/11 115/10 drop set
High pulldown: 35 x 2
Seated calf work: 2 warms, 95/14,13,12 drop set

25 min cardio

Friday, October 29, 2010


Shoulder and biceps workout:

Good start to this round and the pump and burn was on. A little bit faster tempo for the fact of going to my daughters school for her Halloween parade. So I also skimmed a couple of sets off. All in all a solid session.

Stand bar press: 3 warms, 140/5 150/5 160/5
Side lateral: 2 warms, 40/8 42/8 drop set
Front raise plate: 2 warms, 55/10,10
Barbell curl: 2 warms, 105/8 115/8
Hammer curl: 40/8 45/8
1 arm cable curl: 17/12 20/13

Did cardio later at 25 min.

rest day

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Deadlift hammy workout:

First round to this wave, and now the weights are starting to be come a good challenge. Very happy doing 2 sets of 5's with 390. Rest of the workout was on point, and finished with stiff legs deads with chains.

Deads: 5 warms, 345/5 370/5 390/5,5
Leg curl: 2 warms, 60/7,5 drop set
Wide leg press: 2 warms, 270/12 315/13
Stiff leg w/chains: tot weight 225/10,12,13
Ab work: 4 sets

15 min cardio

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Chest and tricep workout:

Solid workout today. And did what was called for. Looking forward to making some gains next round.

Flat db press: 3 warms, 90/5 95/5 100/5,8
In db press: 2 warms, 80/7,8 drop set
Flat bench with chains: 1 warm, 155/10,10,10
Tricep pressdown: 2 warms, 65/8,7 drop set
Bar ext: 1 warm, 50/10,9
1 arm rope pressdown: 15/10,11

25 min cardio

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Back and Calves workout:

Very excited to use the All Out for this workout! Bam, it was a solid training session. Nice even flow of energy and set up the first round with some decent weights. Used some drop sets today and really burn out the back. Nice pump and feel.

Bent over row: 3 warms, 215/5 225/5 235/5
Lat pulldown wide: 2 warms, 135/8,8 drop set
1 arm row: 2 warms, 95/8 100/8
Rope pulldown: 1 warm, 110/11,10 drop set
Seate calf raises: 2 warms, 90/12,10,9 drop set

25 min cardio.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Quads workout:

Started the 6th wave of the 531 and now the challenge begins. Had a great start and solid workout. Gain were actually made on the secondary movements from a month plus ago. Happy with the squating as I am better with doing less reps. 5's are hard for me! LOL And I through in a extra set for kicks.

Squat: 5 warms, 330/5 350/5 370/5,3
Leg press: 2 warms, 405/10 495/10,10
Leg ext ss: 60 70 80
with Db Step ups: 45 x3
Squat with chains: 12,15

Cardio: 15 min

Friday, October 22, 2010


Chest and tricep workout:

Nothing too exciting for its a deload workout on the flat db press.
Happy with the number all round and did the job.

Flat db press: 2 wamrs, 75/5 85/5,13
In bar press: 2 warm,s 175/8 180/6 drop set
In db fly: 1 warm, 55/10,10
Rack pu's: 2 x to fail
Rope Pressdown: 2 warms, 50/8 55/8 drop set
Tricep dips: 3 sets to failure
Reverse pressdown: 45/12,12

25 min cardio


Dead and hamstring workout:

Was a deload workout and did some higher rep deads.
Did 335 for 15 and then 10 reps

Rest day, went to the Yorton cup to support some clients


Shoulder and bicep workout

Stuck with higher reps and faster tempo. Nice workout.
Looking forward to the new wave and rotation tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Quads and abs workout:

Nice mix up for the deload workout. I still did all the movements, but in a different order. Was feeling a little achy going in, but came out feeling fine.
Led off with higher rep leg press to help loosen up before doing the prescribe squat sets.

Leg press: 3 warms, 360/15,17
Squat: 3 warms, 285/5 305/5
Leg ext: 2 warms, 80/10,85/9
Sissy squat: 2 sets to failure
Lower ab work: 5 sets

15 min cardio


Back and calves workout:

A great finish to this round as I made gains on the first two movements.
Energy was high and nailed the job.

Lat pulldown palms in: 3 warms 160/8 175/8,6
Db bent over row: 2 warms, 95/8,8 drop set
Close pulldown: 1 warms, 125/10 135/9 drop set
Bent over row w/chains: 175/9,11,12
Donkey calf: 2 warm, 90 x 3, 2 drop set

25 min cardio

Monday, October 18, 2010


Rest day


Shoulder and bicep workout:

Single out day for the shoulder barbell press. Happy with the results and the entire workout. I did mix up the bicep work for kicks. Got a wicked pump.

Stand barbell press: 3 warms, 135/5 150/3 160/1 170/1
Floor raises: 2 warms, 25/5,6
Side lateral ss
with barbell shrug: 4 x
Con curl: 2 warms, 40/9 42/8
Barbell curl: 1 warm, 95/9,9 2 drop sets

25 min cardio

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Chest and tricep workout:

Single out day for the db press, but I need to increase the weight. These few workouts I am building momentum. For the next wave of 531, I will add 10 pounds to the max. It was cool doing 100's 10x though! LOL

Db press: 2 warms, 80/5 90/3 100/1,10
In db press: 2 warms 175/8,7 drop set
In db fly: 1 warms, 55/10,10
Rack pu: 2x
Rope pressdown: 1 warm,50/8 55/7 drop set
Bar ext ss
with Reverse pressdown: 3x

25 min cardio


Fantastic workout, and nailed a personal best on deads with 455!
Also gains on the split squats and good mornings.
On to the workout,

Deads: 4 warms, 335/5 375/3 405/1 435/1 455/1
Glute ham raises: 4 sets assisted
Db split squat: 2 warms, 75/8,9
Good mornings: 2 warms, 145/10 155/10
IN / Out thigh: 4 sets
Ab work

15 min cardio

video of the lift. please forgive my silliness.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Quads and abs workout:

Fantastic workout today with a lot of energy.
It was single out day for the squats and 405 was on tapped. That was pretty easy, so I jump and nailed 425 for the single. The rest of the workout was then at a faster tempo.

Squat: 5 warms, 340/5 365/3 385/1 405/1 425/1
Leg press ss: 270 360 450 450
with Leg ext: 60 x 4
Front squat: 2 warms, 185/8 195/9
Sissy squat: 2 sets to failure

Low ab work 4 sets

15 min cardio


Back and calves workout:

Early morning workout and between clients due to a very busy day.
So I did some super sets and finished quickly. Knocked me out and the pump was great. Finished in half the time!

Lat pulldown palms in: 3 warms, 150/8 170/6 180/5 drop set
Db bent over row ss
with Close pulldown: 3 x
Bent over row barbell ss
with High pulldown: 3 x
Calf work: 6 sets

Will hit the cardio for 25 min

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Delt and biceps:

straight up gains and was a nice workout. The locked leg presses are tough but very effective. Much harder then doing push presses.

Stand bar press: 3 warms, 140/3 150/3 160/3,3
Bar shrug: 2 warms, 265/8 275/8,10
Floor raise: 1 warm, 20/5 22/5
Side ups: 1 warms, 20/10,11
Alt db curl: 2 warms, 50/5 60/5 65/5
Bar curl: 1 warm , 90/9,9
Con curl: 30/11 25/14

25 min cardio

Monday, October 11, 2010


Dead and hammy workout:

Feeling good and did what was called for plus. 405 for a triple was on the agenda, but I was able to bang out 6. I had one more left, but the hands gave out.
Split squat made a nice jump also, but then the workout was cut short for an important business call.

Deads: 4 warms, 315/3 365/3 385/3 405/6,3
Glute ham assisted: 4 x
Db split squat: 1 warm, 65/8 70/8,10

15 min cardio

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Chest and triceps workout:

Straight up great workout the early morn. The shoulder is feeling better. Using the dbs is great help and a nice new challenge. Looking forward to what the 531 brings.

Db press: 3 warms, 85/3 90/3 95/3,10
In bar press: 2 warms, 165/8 170/8 drop set
In db fly: 2 warms, 55/10,9 drop set
Rope pressdown: 2 warms, 50/8,8
Dips: 3 sets to failure
Reverse pressdown: 45/11,11

25 min cardio

Saturday, October 09, 2010


Back and calves workout:

Really good session today and happy to see the numbers go up again.
I really like doing two types of rows in one workout. Similar to doing two types of squats for the quads.

Lat pulldown palms in: 3 warms, 155/8 170/8,7
Db bent over row: 2 warms, 90/8 95/8 drop set
Close pulldown: 2 warms, 135/9 drop set
Bent over row barbell chains: 175/10,12,13
Donkey calf: 2 warms, 90/14 135/12,10 drop set

25 min cardio


Off day
Going to a show to support a few clients.
Will be a great day, and except some wins today!!

Thursday, October 07, 2010


Quads and abs workout:

Was a little short on time but had a big workout. The squatting now is challenging. And I was very happy doing two triples with 385 at my current bw. The rest of the workout all had gains from last time.

Squat: 4 warms, 295/5 340/3 365/3 385/3,3
Hack squat ss: 135 225 270 270
with Leg ext: 60 x 4
Front Squat: 2 warms, 185/8,8
Ab work: 5 set

15 min cardio

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Dead lift and hammy workout

Nice change of pace and as I am typing this the next day, very sore!!! Nothing beats glute ham raises.
The deads felt good as I did the 380 for 5. Wasn't a real challenge, but I felt the back start a slight twinge. So with that, I did only the one heavy prescribed set. And the back is fine today..

Deads: 4 warms, 340/5 360/5 380/5
Glute Ham raise assited: 4 sets
Split Db Squat: 2 warms 60/8 65/8
Good Mornings: 2 warms, 135/10 145/10
In/Out thigh: 5 sets
Calf work donkey: 2 warms, 90/14,13,12 drop set

15 min cardio


Delt and biceps workout:

Good finish to this first round. Strength was solid all around and was well rested
My standing shoulder pressed is with still legs. No more pushing!

Stand shoulder press: 3 warms, 135/5 145/5 150/5,5
Barbell shrug: 2 warms, 265/8,9,8
Floor db raise: 1 warms, 20/5,6
Side ups: 1 warm,s 15/12 17/12
Alt db curl: 2 warms, 50/6 60/5,5
Barbell curl: 1 warm, 85/8,9
Con curl: 30/10,10

25 min cardio

Monday, October 04, 2010


Chest and triceps workout:

Nice to mix is up and looking forward to seeing how the 531 will do on the flat db press. The first few waves shouldn't be to hard, but that is why I do the all out failure set for good measure. Nice pump and workout today.

Flat db press: 2 warms, 80/5 85/5 90/5,9
In bar press: 1 warm, 155/8 165/8.8 drop set
Flat db fly: 1 warms, 50/8 ss w/pu, 55/8 ss w/pu
Rope pressdown: 1 warms, 50/8 55/7 drop set
Tri dips: 3 set to failure
Reverse pressdown: 1 warm, 50/10,10

25 min cardio

Sunday, October 03, 2010


Back and calves workout:

Sunday morning workout with a new routine. Dig it and slammed it.
The cool thing was doing more weight than last time on most movements and that was about a month and a half ago.

Side note, the body is slowwwwly going down, and this is on purpose. Over the past two months, dropped about 6 pounds. And this insures is mostly fat loss.

Lat pulldown palms in: 3 warms, 150/8 165/8,7
Db bent over row: 2 warms, 85/8 90/8 drop st
close pulldown: 2 warms, 135/11,10
Bent over row with chains: 175/10,13,12
Donkey calf raises: 2 warms, 90/13,12,12 2 drops

25 min cardio

Friday, October 01, 2010


Shoulders and biceps.

Nothing crazy with this workout. Since the shoulder was acting up, stuck with lighter weight/higher reps. Got a nice burn on both muscle groups.


Quads and abs workout

Start a new routine an fresh wave of 531. I will be sticking with the squat and deads and should start to get challenging. I was happy to hit 365 for the 5 reps at my current body weight as its been a while since I even did at any body weight.
The rest of the workout was faster tempo and really thrashed the quads.

Squat: 4 warms, 315/5 345/5 365/5
Hack squat ss: 135 205 250 250
with Leg Ext: 60 x 4
Front Squat: 1 warm, 155/10 175/8
Sissy squats: 3 sets to failure
Ab work: 4 sets

15 min cardio


Rest day

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Chest and triceps workout

Good workout today nothing to crazy with the deload bench.
Bumped up the chest dips which was cool.
The one downer is the left shoulder is tender, more specifically the rotator cuff. This is an old baseball injury, and from this I will be switching out flat presses.
So for the next 531 round, I will be doing a slight incline db press in place of flat bench.

Flat bench: 3 warms 185/5 195/5,8
Chest dips: 2 warms, 4chains/10,9 drop set
IN db press x reps: 65 x 3 55 x1
Db ext: 1 warms, 30/8 32/8,8
Tricep pressdown: 1 warms, 65/10,9
1 arm pressdown" 17/12,11

25 min cardio


Deads and hammies workout:

Deload dead day so that means repping it out.
On schedule was 310 for 2 5's, so I did 315 instead. And I nailed a goal of mine doing it 20 x.
That took a lot out of me as the leg curls were done but for good reason.
Gutted up through the rest of the solid workout.

Deads: 4 warms, 315/5,20
Leg curl: 2 warms, 55/6,5 drop set
Reverse lunge: 2 warms, 135/6 155/6 drop set
Db leg curl: 1 warms, 55/10,10
In/out thight: 6 sets

15 min cardio

Monday, September 27, 2010


Back and calves workout:

Nice back workout today and the pump was immediate. Actually did a best on db bench rows with using 90's for a couple of sets. Strength is solid and not getting fatigued with the extra volume.

Pullups: 5 sets to failure
Db bench row: 2 warms, 90/8,8 drop st
Lat pulldown underhand: 2 warms, 135/10,8
T bar row: 2 warms, 180/11,10
Calf work: 2 warms, weighted singles and then doubles

25 min cardio

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Shoulder and biceps:

Had some fun with this workout on the incline curls as I wanted to see what I can do for a single! LOL. Started off solid with the single out for the standing press. Just a side note, these standing press are with still or locked legs. I am not using a push or drive off of the legs. Longer workout but felt great!!

Stand shoulder press: 2 warms, 120/5 140/3 160/1 170/1
Db shrug: 2 warms, 105/10,9 drop set
Front raise ss
with Side lateral: 3x
In db curl: 2 warms, 50/5 57/3 65/2 2 drop sets
1 arm preacher: 1 warm, 30/11,9
Barbell curl: 60/13,13
Ab work: 5 sets

25 min cardio



Was a busy day with clients, class and a party! This was a recovery workout, so I found time to get it between clients. Nothing crazy, just did some squats and extension.

Leg ext: 2 warms, 80/12,12
Squat: 2 warms, 225/5 275/5 295/5,8
Leg ext: 3 more sets to failure

10 min cooldown


Off day!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Catch up time!


Chest and triceps:

Single out day for the chest and did what was called for. Also made nice gains on the chest weighted dips.

Flat bench: 4 warms, 220/5 250/3 265/1 drop set
Chest dips: 2 warms, 4 chains/9,8 drop set
In db press: x reps, 4 sets
Db ext: 1 warms, 30/8 32/8,7 drop set
Tricep pressdown: 1 arm, 65/10,10
1 arm pressdown: 20/11 15/13

25 min cardio


Deadlift hammie day:

Single out day for deads. Was feeling beat from the heat and alergies. Moved right through the workout. And did the 415 for the single. Wasnt too hard, so I went for 435. This was a personal best and now weighing 164, content. The first goal is 455 and then 475.

Deads: 4 warms, 335/5 375/3 415/1 435/1
Leg curl: 2 warms, 60/8,6 drop set
Front and back db lunges: 2 warms, 50/4,5
Stiff leg barbell: 1 warm, 225/10 245/12

15 min cardio

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Back and calves:

Solid fast tempo workout today. Changed the order a bit but all in all stayed in the groove. I did a lat pulldown instead of pull ups to back off the shoulders.

Lat pulldown wide: 2 warms, 120/10 130/10,9 drop set
Db bench row: 1 warm, 85/8,8,8 drop st
Lat pull under: 1 warms, 125/11 135/9 drop set
T bar bar row ss
with High pulldown: 3 x
Calf work: 6 sets

20 min cardio

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Quads and abs workout:

Did what was called for and made gains. The lower back was tight, so I didnt push it on the singles for the final set of the squats.
The one thing I am finding out for the heavy lifts is that I benefit more from doing more sets in between. For example, the spacing of the squats today were too much. Even though I am following the 531, I am thinking doing a 40 pound jump is too much for the body to adjust when dealing with heavy weight. I would have benefited by doing a set with 375.
I will continue the 531, but will change the percentages to fit my needs.

Squat: 4 warms, 315/5 355/3 395/1,1
Walking db lunge: 2 warms, 80/6,6 drop set
Leg Ext: 1 warms, 80/12 85/11
Squat ss: 135x2
with Leg press: 225 225
Ab work: 5 sets

15 min cardio

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Delts and biceps workout:

Nice workout this morning. And just used one serving of All Out, and it was enough considering I just had one meal in me. Did what was called for and all increase from last round.

Stand delt press: 2 warm, 115/3 135/3 150/3,4
1 arm side lateral: 2 warms, 35/9 37/9
Db shrug ss : 85 95 95
with rear delt raise: 20 x 3
In db curl: 2 warms, 50/5 55/3 60/3
Cable curl: 2 warms, 72/8,8
1 arm cable curl: 25/13,12

25 min cardio

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Dead and hammy workout:

Felt a tad off going in and was thinking I should rest. Well, I did what was needed to be done. But, I did feel a twinge in the left hammy on the last set, so after just 1 rep, I stop. Feels fine now and was able to complete the workout with gains. Stuff happens.

Deads: 5 warms, 350/3 375/3 395/3,1(stoped)
Db leg curl: 2 warms, 55/8,10
Reverse bar lunge: 2 warms, 125/6 145/8
Stiff leg bar w/chains: 1 warms, 235/10 255/12
In/out thigh: 4 sets

15 min cardio

Rest day!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Chest and triceps:

Nailed the triple for the flat press. Starting to hit more challenging weights for the flat bench as this is weaker lift for me. So I was happy to do two triples with 250 at my current body weight. The chest dips was a nice increase from last time also.

Flat press: 4 warms, 225/3 240/3 250/3,3
Chest dips: 1 warm, 3chains/8 4chains/8,7 drop set
In db press: 1 warm, 70/10,10 drop set
Db tri ext: 1 warm, 30/8,8,7
Tricep pressdown: 1 wars, 60/10 65/10
1 arm pressdown: 20/10 15/12

25 min cardio

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Back and calves workout:

Another All Out workout with a fast tempo. Switched down the heavy t bars rows for the fact my low back was tight. But I did them at the end with a superset. Added more reps to all sets of pullups. Pump was on and felt swole!!

Pullups: 5 sets to failure
Db bench row: 2 warms, 85/8,7
Lat pulldown underhand: 2 warms, 140/9,8
T bar row ss: 135 135 135
with 1 arm cable rows: 50 50 40
Calf work: 2 warms, single w/25 for 3 sets 2 drops

20 min cardio

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Radical and was the money with this workout. It was an All Out training session!
Squats were on to increase the weight on the walking lunges to finishing hard with squat with chain super set with leg press.

Squat: 4 warms, 335/3 355/3 375/3,3
Walk db lunge: 2 warms, 75/6,6
Leg ext: 1 warms, 75/12 80/12
Squat with chains ss: 175/12,12
with Leg press: 180/10 205/15
Ab work: 6 sets

15 min cardio

Delt and biceps.

Nice workout today and changed the focus shoulder exercise to standing barbell press. The main reason was for tapping out on the db shoulder press and getting the heavier db's into place to press them. So, the move to stand bar will allow me to get more weight moving. Felt great and sore today. Solid bicep strength and pick up were I left off from a couple of months back.

Stand bar press: 2 warms, 110/5 125/5 140/5,5
1 arm side lateral: 2 warms 35/8,8
Db shrug ss: 85 95 95
with seated rear delt: 20 x3
In db curl: 2 warms, 50/5 55/4,5
Cable curl: 2 warms, 70/8,8
1 arm preacher curl: 25/11,12

20 min carido

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Deads and hams workout.

Really solid workout with the new round of deads. For the second heavy set, I will only match the number prescribed. I dont want to pop another hammy!! I was able to exceed the reverse lunge weight I did over a month ago. I am doing the alternative percentages that the 531 program offers. This version the working sets are closer and higher in perspective to the one rep max.

Deads: 4 warms, 285/5 330/5 350/5 370/5,5
Db leg curl: 1 warms, 45/8 50/9,10
Reverse lunge: 2 warms, 115/6 135/6
Stiff leg w/chains: 1 warm, 185/12 205/12
In/out thigh ss with calf work: 4 sets

15 min cardio

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Chest and triceps workout:

Decent workout and got it done. Energy was so so as I had a very long day with clients and was a bit tired. Did what was called for and happy with the start of the new rotation.

Flat bench: 4 warms, 205/5 220/5 235/6
Chest dips: 2 warms, 3chains/8,8 drop set
In db press: 1 warm, 75/9,8 drop set
Uneven ball push up: 1 set
Db ext: 1 warm, 30/8,7 drop set
Tri bar press: 1 warm 65/8,8
1 arm press: 20/9 15/12

20 min cardio

Friday, September 10, 2010


Back and calves workout:

Feeling better and hit it hard today. Felt good to start the new round and will keep it cautious for the next few days.

Pullups: 4 sets to fail
T bar rows: 2 warms, 205/5 230/5,6 drop set
Lat pull underhand: 2 warms, 135/10,10
1 arm db row ss: 75 85 90
with 1 arm cable pulldown: 3 x 50
Calf and ab work

20 min cardio

Thursday, September 09, 2010


Quad workout

New wave and routine for the 531. I am also applying a different percentage scheme to mix it up. The working sets percentages are a tad higher leading into the last set. THis will actually force me into warming up a bit more. Change is good.
The work was solid and the neck pain held up. As I type this, its the morning after. And I am super sore!!! I think the super set with squats and leg press did me in.

Squat: 4 warms, 275/5 315/5 335/5 355/5
Walk lunge: 2 warms, 70/6,6
Leg ext: 2 warms, 85/8 drop set
Squat w/chains: 175 x 2 ss
with Leg press: 180 225

15 min cardio


Most likely rest day and thinking about seeing the doctor tomorrow. I think I strained a ligament in my neck. The constant dull pain is the indicator. I did get a massage, but didnt help. Again, with most injuries, its time and rest. Very hard to do.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Dead and hammy day:

Deload workout but whack out some high reps with 300.

Solid workout as the hammy is much better.

Deads: 4 warms, 275/5 300/5,20
Leg curl: 2 warms, 55/8,6 drop set
Wide leg press: 2 warms, 270/12 315/12
Stiff leg db: 1 warm, 95/10 105/10
In/out thigh: 4 sets

15 min cardio


Delt and biceps workout.

Really mixed it and didnt push it to much. My neck is sore and tight. Along with sinus problems right now, my head feels like its going to explode. Well see what tomorrow brings.
Did the job and got my burn on with 20 min cardio.

Monday, September 06, 2010


Chest and tricep workout:

Early morning workout and it was solid. The deload flat bench was needed. The last few days, have been rough with the allergies and such. it's the time of the year I get this all the time. Was happy with the reps I got on the last flat set and the pump throughout was on. Pump I can say when you do a higher rep set to failure it does pre fatigue you for the rest of the workout.

Flat bench: 3 warms, 165/5 180/5 195/5,13
In db bench: 1 warms, 85/8,8,7
Slight In PIP: 1 warms 50/11,11
Rack Pu's: 2 sets to failure
Tricep pressdown close: 1 warms, 60/8 70/8,7
Rope ext: 30/10,11,10,10

20 min cardio

Saturday, September 04, 2010


Back and calves workout:

Real solid workout and a nice mix up for the fact its a deload week.
Pump was good and faster tempo was there. Looking forward to the next heavy wave!!

Pullups: 5 sets
Bentover row: 2 warms, 235/6.6 2 drop sets
Rope pulldown: 1 warm, 120/10,11,10
Db bentover row: 1 warms, 75/9,8,8
Calf work: 6 sets

20 min cardio


Total off day!!!

Friday, September 03, 2010


Quads and abs:

Deload day and it was needed. Changed it up and actually did a PR, with 285 for 12 reps. I was never one to do higher reps with squats as the lungs give out first. I better suited doing heavier weight for fewer reps. Finished strong doing fronts squats, as I may bring them into the 531 soon.

Squat: 4 warms, 245/5 265/5 285/5,12
Leg ext: 2 warms, 85/8 95/10
Front Squat: 2 warms, 225/5 245/3 265/3
Step db lunge: 40/10 45/12
Ab work: 5 sets

15 min cardio

Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Delt and biceps workout:

Very good workout today, and actually hit a pr on pressing. And very happy with the hammer curls. Not to loose form was used! Hammie feel fine from yesterdays workout with some normal soreness.

Db press: 3 warms, 85/5 95/3 102/1,3
Side lateral: 2 warms, 42/8 45/8
Upright row cable ss: 60 70 75
with Rear db raise: 20 x 3
Hammer db curls: 2 warms, 65/5 75/5,5
1 arm cable curl: 1 warm 30/11 32/8
Bar curl 15's: 55 x 3

20 min cardio

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Deads and hammies workout:

Well, played it safe for the single out day on deads. The hammie is still tender and sore, but was able to do what was called for. The next round is deload and will be a chance to recoup some more. When doing the deads, I was very deliberate and controlled. The rest of the workout was good and made some increases.

Deads: 4 warms, 315/5 365/3 405/1
Leg curl: 2 warms, 55/8,6 drop set
Sumo db squat: 2 warms, 175/10,12
Stiff leg bar: 1 warm, 195/10 205/12
In/out thigh: 4x

15 min cardio

Monday, August 30, 2010

In summary, the last few days have been very busy. I didnt train the day before the show and of course not on the day of, LOL. But I did pick things up yesterday with a quick but effective workout. I was tired, but got the job done. Still wrapping things up from the show and catching up, I had a nice chest and tri workout today. I hit the singles that were called for.
The challenge will be doing the deads tomorrow. Not so much the weight, but to see how the hammie reacts. We will see.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Quads and abs:

Made it through just fine. A tad cautious but needed what was called for. Changed things up a a tad, but the still thrashed dem quads. Through in fronts for fun and they felt great even though I was spent.

Squat: 4 warms, 305/5 345/3 385/1,2
Step ups ss: 45 50 55
with leg ext: 70 x 3
Front squat: 3 warms, 225/5,7
Leg press: 180/25 225/20

ab work: 5 sets

15 min cardio

Side note, will take off the next two days as I will be attending to the show I promote. Happy to say it is the 5th year of this year and we have 75 competitors. It is an IFPA Pro Q!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Dead and hammy workout:

Was amped up and nailed what was needed to be done. But on my bonus doing the 385, I popped a hammie. More ticked off, then pain, I did stop. Long story short. I will be good to go soon.


Delt and biceps workout:

Wrecked this workout and had a fantastic pump. Great gains, period.

Db delt press: 2 warms, 80/3 90/3 100/3,4
Side lateral: 2 warms, 42/8,8 drop set
Upright row cable ss: 55 65 70
with rear delt raise: 20 x 3
Hammer db curl: 2 warms, 60/5 70/5,5
1 arm cable curl: 1 warms, 25/11 30/9
Barbell 15's: 3 sets

20 min cardio

Monday, August 23, 2010


Chest and tricep workout:

Better workout then yesterdays. Neck pain has gone done but still some discomfort.
All gains were made from last time out. So content with that. After the lead off movement, faster tempo.

Flat bench: 3 warms, 190/3 225/2 245/3,5
In db press: 1 warm, 90/8,8,7
Palm in press: 50/11,10,10 drop set
Tricep pressdown shorter bar: 2 warms, 70/8,8
Bar ext: 55/8 45/12,11
Rope ext: 30/9 25/11

20 min cardio

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Back and calves:

Early morning workout today as I wanted to hang with my family before my wife and kids go to the beach for a few days. The workout started off well, but then I strained my neck doing reg pulldowns. Wow, I had such a dulling and throbbing pain. I made it through the work with some gains but felt lousy. The t bar rows suffered as I kept it light.
Hours later as I type this, just starting to feel better. Stuff happens.

Lat pulldown wide: 3 warms, 160/8,7,7
T bar row: 2 warms, 185/10,11
Lat pulldown underhand: 1 warm, 130/8 140/8,7
1 arm db row ss: 75 80 80
with high pulldown: 35 40 40
Calf work: 5 sets of higher reps

20 min cardio

Friday, August 20, 2010


Quads and abs:

Second round doing the triples. Workout was fantastic! Little challenging, but went right through the squats. Hammered the remainder of the workout with all weight increases.

Squat: 4 warms, 285/3 325/3 365/3,4
Leg ext ss: 70 80 90 90
with Step ups: 42x 4 sets
Leg press: 2 warms, 450/10 460/12
Squat with chains: tot weight 175/12, 16
Low ab work: 5 sets

15 min cardio

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Shoulder and bicep workout:

Not bad but not the best. Felt rushed and was interrupted a couple of time with phone calls for the show I promote. Believe me, 99 percent of the time I dont answer the phone when training, but since the show is less then 2 weeks out, I tend to give all my attention to it. Hit my numbers and nice start.

Db delt press: 2 warms, 75/5 85/5 95/5,5
Side lateral 1 warms, 40/8 42/8,7 drop set
Upright row cable ss
with Rear delt db raise: 3 x
Hammer db curl: 2 warms, 60/5 65/5 67/7
1 arm cable curl: 1 warms, 20/12 25/10

20 min cardio

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Deads and hammies workout:

Nice workout and did what needed to be done. Happy that a got 10's on the second set of 365, but didnt push all out. The last two movements were not on schedule as both my kids were playing in the gym. So I did db sumo's and stiff db instead of wide leg press and walking lunge. Hard to explain! LOL

Deads: 4 warms, 280/5 320/5 365/5,10
Leg curl: 2 warms, 60/6,4 drop set
Sumo db squat: 1 warm, 145/12 155/12,14
Stiff leg db: 2 warms, 95/14
In/out thigh: 4 sets
Calf work: 4 sets

15 min cardio

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Chest and triceps workout:

Solid workout and did what needed to be done. Always like starting a new round.
An old injury has slowly popped up. Elbow tendinitis. Starting to flare up on the bar press and tricep work. For the tri's didnt push heavy weight but kept it slow and controlled. This stuff happens.

Flat bench: 3 warms, 180/5 205/5 230/5,6
In db press: 2 warms, 90/8,6 drop set
palm in press: 45/10 50/10,9
Tricep pressdown close: 2 warms, 70/7,7 drop st
Bar ext: 55/8,9,9
Rope ext: 35/10 30/9 25/11

20 min cardio

Monday, August 16, 2010


Back and calves:

Trained like a whackadoo! Fast tempo and increased the volume. This new wave has given me more motivation.

Lat pulldown wide: 3 warm's 155/7,7,7
T bar row: 2 warms, 225/5 250/5,5 drop set
Lat pulldown undergrip: 120/10 130/9,10,10
1 arm db row: 65 70 75
ss with
Str arm pulldown: 25 35 40
Calf singles: 2 warms, 45/13,12,11

20 min cardio

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Quads and abs:

New wave and smoked them quads, period.

Squat: 4 warms, 265/5 305/5 345/5,5
Leg ext: 60 70 80 90
ss with
Step ups: 40 x 4
Leg press: 2 warms, 450/10,8
Squat with chains: 175/12,15
Ab work 4 sets

15 min cardio

Friday, August 13, 2010


Shoulder and bicep workout:

The last workout for this wave. Feeling tired from a busy week but pushed through nicely. Mixed it up a bit and got my swole on. The hams are super sore from yesterday and looking forward to the off day. And then excited to hit the next round of the 531 with heavier weights. Changes are happening as I have lost a few pounds all from fat.

Db delt press: 2 warms, 65/5 75/5,10
Barbell shrug: 2 warms, 245/11,10 drop set
Front raise db: 2 warms 35/8 40/8
Barbell curl: 2 warms, 105/10,9
Db curl: 35/9 30/10 25/11
Con curl: 30/13,11

Ab work: 5 sets

20 min cardio

rest day

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Dead and hammy day:

Deload for the deads as doing 285 for 5 was just part of the plan. But feeling pretty good, I did an all out set to failure with 285 for kicks. Banged out 22 reps and this was because I was flat out gassed. The hands actually held up. Other highlights were doing good mornings with a decent amount of weight, happy with that.

Deads: 4 warms, 285/5,22
Glute ham raise: 4 set assisted
Good mornings: 2 warms, 135/10 145/10
Db split squat: 1 warm, 55/8,10
In/out thigh: 4 sets

15 min cardio

video of deads,

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Back and calves:

As the deload week continues I went with a little higher rep scheme for todays workout. But still pushed it on the rows. Energy was high as I actually did more volume.

Lat pulldown pip: 3 warms, 170/8,7 drop set
Bent over row: 2 warms 225/5 245/5,6 drop set
Close pulldown ss: 110 x 3
with pullover: 65 x 3
Db bent over row: 55/12,12
Calf work: 2 warms, seated raise 3 x singles, 2 drops

20 min cardio


Chest and triceps.

Nice workout today as I stuck with the 531 deload bench. Banged out 12 solid reps after the called 5. The second movement I nailed with a pr of some sort doing 95 for 2 sets of 8. Mixed up the triceps work as I will short on time.

Flat bench: 3 warms, 160/5 175/5 190/5,12
Slight incline db press: 1 warms, 95/8,8 drop set
In db fly: 50/10 55/10,9
Rack pu's: 2 x
Overhead cable tri ext: 2 warms 60/8 55/9 drop set
Rope pressdown: 4 drop sets

20 Min cardio

Monday, August 09, 2010


Quads and abs

Deload for the program but I still wrecked them quads. After doing the 280 for 5 (as prescribed) I banged out 12 solid reps. Thereafter, the gains were made and really pushed it. For kicks I threw in front squats with chains.

Squat: 4 warms, 240/5 260/5 280/5,12
Leg Press ss: 225/8 315/8 360/12,13
with Leg ext: 65/8,8,8 50/12
Front squat w/chains: 175/6 185/6 195/6,8
Sissy squat: 2x
Ab work: 5 sets

15 min cardio

Sunday, August 08, 2010


Delts and biceps:

Single out for the db press press. Felt good this morning, and actually it another PR doing 100 for 4 reps after the single. Rest of the workout was faster tempo. For kicks did some heavy curls!!! Great pump.

Db press: 3 warms, 80/5 90/3 100/1,3
Bar shrug: 1 warms, 225/12,11,11 drop set
Side lateral ss: 30 35 40
with Front raise: 45 x 3
Barbell curl: 2 warms, 115/5 135/3 145/3 95/12
Con curl: 30/10 35/9 30/10
Db curl: 35/9 into double drops

20 min cardio

Friday, August 06, 2010


Deads and hamstrings:

Sinlge out for the deads workout. I am thinking to make a bigger then 10 pound increase for the next wave to challenge myself. The 385 was pretty easy, and then I went balls out on the second set. Did the 385 for 9 reps, a PR for me. Again, no straps. Rest of the workout was solid.

Deads: 4 warms, 315/5 355/3 385/1,9
Glute ham assisted: 4 sets
Good Mornings: 2 warms, 125/10 135/10
Db leg curl: 40/11 45/9 40/10
In/Out thigh work: 4 sets
ss with calve and abs

15 min cardio

Thursday, August 05, 2010


Chest and triceps workout:

Single out time for the chest workout. Somewhat challenging but handled it well.
The wrist has started to act up, getting old! As I come close to finishing up this wave of 521, really looking forward to see how it will work in uncharted waters as far as weights.

Flat bench: 4 warms, 205/5 230/3 255/1,3
Slight in db press: 2 warms, 92/8,7 drop set
IN db fly: 1 warm, 55/11,11
Rope pressdown: 2 warms, 55/9,7 drop set
Overhead cable ext: 2 warms, 50/12,11
1 arm db ext: 20/10 15/12

20 min cardio

Wednesday, August 04, 2010


Back and calf workout:

Made gains and a couple of switches. Same movements just change the order a bit.
Pump was on as it was a faster paced workout. I am already down a pound and it doesnt feel like I am restricting calories. Sure this is not contest prep, but I am on to something.

Lat pulldown palm in: 3 wawrms, 165/6 177/6,6
Bent over row: 2 warms, 215/5 235/5 245/6 drop set
Close pulldown: 1 warm, 120/11,10
Db bent over row: 65/9,8 55/12,11
Seated calf work: 2 warms, 90/15,14,12 2 drop sets

20 min cardio

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Quads and abs workout:

It was single out time and what was prescribe is still under my best. With that said, I totally wrecked it. Fantastic workout and it was very humid in my gym.
Nailed the 380 for the single and then banged out a comfortable triple. I like how the program is giving me momentum and this is while doing a slow cut.

Squat: 4 warms, 300/5 340/3 380/1,3
Leg ext ss: 60 70 75 75
with Leg press: 180 225 270 315
Squat w/chains, tot weight: 175/8 205/8 225/8,10
Sissy squat 1 set to failure

Ab work: 4 sets
15 min cardio

Monday, August 02, 2010


Shoulder and bicep workout:

Racked up the gains today and felt great, period!

Db press: 2 warms, 75/3 85/3 95/3,5
Bar shrug: 2 warms, 255/8 275/7,8
Side lateral ss
with Front raises: 3 x
Barbell curl: 2 warms, 115/5 125/5 135/5
Stand db curl ss: 35 40 45
with con curl: 25 25 20

20 min cardio

Sunday, August 01, 2010


Deads and hammy workout

Was an early morning workout and eager to go.
The deads scheme called for triple up to 365. Feeling pretty good, I did a few more reps and got a good 6. The odd thing was that my grip gave out way to soon. About 6 months back I did this weight no straps for 14 reps, LOL. Sure, I had a long break from deads but the hands couldnt hand? Hope this changes. So for the second set I did wrap the hands, and got an easy 10 reps!

Deads: 4 warms, 285/3 325/3 365/6, 10(straps)
Glute ham assited: 4 sets
Db split squat: 2 warms, 65/10,8
Good mornings: 2 warms, 115/10,12
In/out thigh: 4 sets
ss with Calves

Started the new All In 1 - Nutrient Timing
Check out facebook!

Friday, July 30, 2010


Chest and triceps workout:

Nice workout this morning, was a tad tired, but got it done. Still had increases across the board and flowing the 531 nicely.

Flat press: 3 warms, 185/5 215/3 240/3,5
Slight in db press: 2 warms, 90/8,8 drop set
In db fly ss
with push ups: 2x
Rope pressdown: 2 warms, 50/8,8 drop set
Tricep dips: 3 sets to fail
Rev bar pressdown: 40/12,12

20 min cardio

complete rest day

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Back and calves:

Fast moving workout with all gains from last round. Just like doing two types of squats in the same workout, I dig doing two different rows.

Lat pulldown palms in: 3 warms, 165/6 175/6,6
Db bent over row: 2 warms, 85/8,7 drop set
Close grip pulldown: 1 warms, 120/10 125/10,9
Bent over row bar with chains: 175/10 185/10,11,10
Donkey calf raises: 2 warms, 90/15 135/13,11 drop set

20 min cardio

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Quads and abs:

Nailed this workout and really pushed hard. Also digging doing two squat movements in the workout. This my sound strange but finishing these types of workouts gets me excited to step on stage sooner then later. Did the triples today.

Squat: 4 warms, 280/3 320/3 360/3,4
Hack squat ss: 135 180 225 250
with Leg ext: 60 4 x
Squat with chains: 175/10 195/10 215/10,11
Sissy squat: 2 sets to failure

Ab work: 5 sets
15 min cardio

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Shoulders and biceps workout:

Nice workout today and the temp was good. With each passing workout, the pump and tightness has been increasing. Gain were made and weights will be increased next round. BTW, my hams and glutes are fried from yesterday. Looking forward to pushing through and squating tomorrow.

Db delt press: 2 warms, 70/5 80/5 90/5,6
Barbell shrug: no wraps, 2 warms, 255/8,9,8
Front raise w/place ss
with Side lateral: 3 sets
Barbell curl: 2 warms, 115/5 125/5 130/5
Alt db curl: 1 warms, 45/7,7 drop set
Con curl: 30/9 25/15

20 min cardio

Monday, July 26, 2010


Deads and hammies workout:

Killed it today and the grip is coming back for the deads. No wraps, straps or belt!
Just me and the bar.
Nice combo of movements and as I type this feeling the after effect of the workout.
New diet is doing its thing. Nice slow reduction of body fat is on.

Deadlifts: 4 warms, 265/5 305/5 345/5,8
Glute ham raise: 4 sets assisted
Db split squat: 1 warms, 55/8 60/9 drop set
Good mornings: 2 warms, 105/12,12
Ab/Adducters ss
with calves: 4 sets

15 min cardio

Friday, July 23, 2010


Chest and triceps workout:

First round of the second wave. Nailed the numbers, a tad challenging, but it was cool. The rest of the workout was off the hook, and moved fast. Energy increased as I moved on. Starting to feel the metabolism kick up a notch.

Flat bench: 3 warms, 175/5 205/5 230/5,5
Slight in db press: 2 warms, 90/8,7 drop set
In fly ss
with push ups: 3 x
Rope pressdown: 2 warms, 50/8,6 drop set
Dips: 3 sets to failure
Rev pressdown: 35/14 40/12

20 min cardio

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Back and calves workout:

Really good mix up to the new round. Pump and burn were solid and felt strong. Doing the two similar rows were challenging, but I know its what needed. Gonna use the chains for variety.

Lat pulldown palms in: 3 warms, 160/6 170/6,7
Db bent over row: 2 warms, 85/8,7 drop set
Close pulldown: 1 warm, 120/10,11,10
Bent over row w/chains: 175/10,12,13,11
Donkey calf raise: 2 warms, 90/15,14,12 2 drop sets

20 min cardio

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Quads and abs:

Ready to step it up and started the second wave. Little challenging as I am better doing triples, but nailed it. In addition, adding some more work to the quads to increase the intensity. The second and third movements will be supersets. I was toast when finished.

Squat: 4 warms, 260/5 300/5 340/5,5
Hack squat: 90 135 180 225
ss with Leg Ext: 60 60 60 50
Squat wider stance: 1 warm, 185/10,11
Sissy squat: 30,25

ab work: 4 sets

15 min cardio

Monday, July 19, 2010


Dead and hammy workout:

Another hot one here! It was deload deads, so pretty much an easier deadlift scheme. For the all out set, I did hold back a tad as I didnt want to hurt the lower back.
The rest of the workout were all gains from last time. A new favorite of mine are doing the reverse lunges. These wear you down fast!!

Deads: 3 warms, 240/5 260/5 280/5,10
Leg curl: 2 warms, 60/8,6 drop set
Reverse lunges: 2 warms, 120/6 140/8
Stiff leg db: 2 warms, 95/10,14
Ab/adductor work: 4 sets
Calf work: 4 sets

15 min cardio

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Chest and triceps workout:

A good early morning workout. Its was the deload training but I did take it out after the prescribe sets. Great pump and feeling tighter as I starting to drop fat.
The new diet is in place!

Flat press: 3 warms 155/5 170/5 185/5,12
Chest dips: 1 warms, 45/7,6 drop set
In db press: 2 warms, 85/8,7 drop set
Tricep press: 2 warms, 75/8,9 drop set
Db db kb: 20/12,12,11
1 arm pressdown: 17/12,11,11

20 min cardio

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Back and calves workout:

Another banging workout. In a nice rhythm only after a few days of the back feeling better. Made gains on all movements and a PB on the db bench rows. This nice thing about the db bench rows is no cheating or lose form.

Pull ups: 5 set to failure
Db bench row: 2 warms, 90/8.7 drop set
Lat pulldown under: 1 warm 120/10 130/9,9
T bar row: 1 warm, 135/12 145/12 155/11
Calf work: 6 sets

20 min cardio

Complete rest day!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Quads and abs:

Even though it was a deload workout, it was a killa workout. The deload was just on the squats! And in all honesty, the only time I deload was if I was sick or injured, LOL. Finishing with the fronts felt good and I am eager to bring them up.

Squat: 4 warms, 240/5 255/5 270/5,8
Leg ext: 2 warms, 90/10,11
Walk lunge: 1 warm, 65/6 70/6
Front squat: 2 warms, 175/8 185/8
Ab work: 4 sets

15 min cardio

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Shoulder and bicep workout:

Early morning workout due to a busy day. Hit all the numbers I needed to.
So this finished the first block of 5 3 1 and the next round is the deload. Happy with the way it went and its given me the momentum to increase for the following weeks. I plan on adding 10 pounds to the prescribed block of training.
Gains are a coming....'

Shoulder press: 2 warms, 75/5 85/3 95/1,5
Side lateral: 2 warms, 40/8,9
Seated rear lateral ss
with shrugs: 3x
In db curl: 2 warms, 50/5 55/3 60/1,3
Calble curl: 1 warm, 60/8 65/8,9
Reverse bar curl: 45/12,12

29 min cardio

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Deads and hammies workout:

Wow, back made it though just fine and I did reg deads. Not only the weight was light for the ending round of deads, but a mental relief of doing them pain free!!
Rest of the workout was on, and made gains. I took it easy with the still leg db deads at the end. Hams were pumped.

Deads: 4 warms, 300/5 340/3 380/1,5
Leg curl: 2 warms, 57/8,9 drop set
Reverse lunges: 2 warm,s 115/6 130/8
Db still leg deads: 2 warms, 75/10 80/12
Ab/Aductor work
Ab work ss with calves

15 min cardio

Monday, July 12, 2010


Chest and tricep workout:

Solid workout today and it was the last round for the first block of flats. I started it off light on purpose and handled it will. Made nice increases in the chest dips. Looking forward to moving on to more weight next round.

Flat bench: 4 warms, 150/5 220/3 245/1,4
Chest dips: 2 warms, 4 chains/9,8 drop set
In db press: 1 warms, 80/10 85/7 drop set
Tricep pressdown: 2 warms, 75/8 82/8
Db db kb: 20/13,13,11
1 arm pressdown: 17/15 20/11

20 min cardio

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Back and calves workout:

A really good first thing in the morning workout. All number were up including the bw pullups. The little twist was doing t bar rows at the end of the workout, and I was spent and burned.

Pullups: 5 sets to failure
Db Bench row: 1 warm, 85/8,9,8 drop set
Lat pulldown under: 2 warm, 130/9,9
T bar row: 1 warm, 135/10,9 drop set
Calf raises: 2 warms, 45/20,18,17 2 dropset

20 min cardio

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Quads and abs:

Felt a tad off going into this workout but was eager to get it done. The back is still tender, and the problem I had with the training was simply walking the weight out from the rack. Doing the lift was not so bad, just the set up! Next time squatting is a deload and then an increase. Hope the back will get better by the next heavy round. We will see.

Squat: 3 warms, 290/5 330/3 370/1,1
Leg ext: 2 warms, 90/10 100/9 drop set
Front squat: 2 warms 155/8 175/10
Walk lunges: 1 warm, 65/6,8
Ab work: 5 sets

15 min cardio

Thursday, July 08, 2010


Delt and bicep workout:

Another hot one but another solid training day. I actually hit a pr for reps on the db press. After doing the prescribed rep scheme and doing what was called for, I completed a final all out set. I did 90 for 7 after the first set of 3.

Db press; 2 warms, 70/3 80/3 90/3,7
1 arm cable side lateral: 2 warms, 27/9 drop set
Seated rear delt ss
with Bar shrug: 3 x
In db curl: 2 warms, 50/3 55/3,5
Cable curl: 1 warms, 60/8,9
1 arm preacher curl: 30/11,10

20 min cardio

Wednesday, July 07, 2010


Deads and hammies workout:

Continued on with the sumo stance only because the back is still tight. Its been over a month now! But I did some light reg deads at the end to get some blood flowing and it felt ok. Hopefully I will go back to the conventional regular stance deads soon. All increase across the board and it was a hot one today. Reached 100 degree's again.

Deads: 3 warms, 280/3 320/3 360/3,3
Leg curl: 2 warms, 55/8,8 45/10
Reverse bar lunge: 2 warms, 105/6 115/8
Reg deads: 4 sets of lighter weight, last set 175/15
Calf ss with abs: 4 x

15 min cardio

Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Chest and tricep workout:

Great workout today and straight up gains throughout.
As I progress through the 5-3-1, I am excited to see what it will bring.

Flat bench: 3 warms, 180/3 205/3 230/3,7
Chest dips: 1 warm, 3 chains/8,9,9 drop set
In db press: 2 warms, 80/10,10
Tricep pressdown: 2 warms, 75/8 80/8
Db kb: 20/10,11,10
1 arm pressdown: 17/13,12

20 min cardio

Sunday, July 04, 2010


Quads and low abs:

I thought I was going to rest today, but what the heck, I trained.
Really happy with the progression of the workout as I did the 3's! All gains from last workout.

Squat: 4 warms, 270/3 310/3 345/3,4
Leg Ext: 2 warms, 90/8 100/8 drop set
Walking lunge: 2 warms, 65/6 70/6
Front squat: 2 warms, 95/12 115/12

Low ab work 4 sets

15 min cardio


Back and calves:

Legs were really sore this morning and so was the back tight. Not hurting, just stiff. So the only change was doing db bench rows instead of t bar's. Another great workout for the early morning.

Pullups: 8 sets to failure
Db Bench row: 2 warms, 80/9,8 drop set
Lat pulldown under grip: 2 warms, 125/8,8 drop set
1 arm cable row: 50/10,11
Calf raises: 2 warms, 90/15,13,11 2 drop sets

15 min cardio

Friday, July 02, 2010


Delts and biceps:

Really good workout and nice finish to the first round. I will be applying the 5 3 1 to a seated db shoulder press. The program calls for a standing military, but doing that with a flat bench is just too much for the rotators. I am confident that I will make gains and break PRs.

Db delt press: 2 warms, 65/5 75/5 85/5,7
1 arm cable side lateral: 2 warms, 25/9,10
Rear delt raise ss
with Db shrugs: 3 x
In db curl: 2 warms, 45/5 50/5,6
Cable curl: 1 warm, 60/8,9
1 arm preacher: 30/9 25/11

20 min cardio

7/3 complete rest day.

Thursday, July 01, 2010


Hamstring workout:

So I lead off with deads for the hammy workout and will be doing so for a well.
Haven't done any deads since I tweak the back. Well after a couple of warm ups, I felt the twinge again. Tick off and determined at the same time is not always great. I attempted the 225 again but with a sumo stance. It was pain free! So I finished the prescribe weights without a problem.

Deadlift: 3 warms, 260/5 300/5 340/5,7
Leg curl: 2 warms, 55/8,6 45/10
Reverse Lunge: 2 warms, 85/6 95/8
Stiff leg db: 2 warms, 65/10,10 (low back was tired didnt want to push it)
Calf high reps ss
with ab work: 4 sets

15 min cardio

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Chest and ticeps workout:

Another great workout and the mind muscle connection was there!. I forgot to mention in a my previous post that I am using All In 1 for pre workout at 2 scoops.
Today was the first day on the 5 3 1 bench and it was pretty easy. For kicks I will do an additional set and go to failure at the end. My chest was fried! Eye's on competing next year.

Flat bench: 3 warms, 170/5 195/5 220/5,7
Chest dips: 2 warms, 3 chains/8,8 drop set w/bw
In db press: 1 warm, 70/10 72/10 drop set
Tricep pressdown: 2 warms, 75/8 77/8
Two arm kb: 1 warms, 20/10,10
1 arm pressdown: 15/14 17/12

20 min cardio

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Back and calves workout:

Banging workout today and the pump with off the chain! Nice combo of movements.
Strength was decent and I will climb next time around. Just a side note, my quads and glutes are very sore from yesterdays training. This was from the fact of not hitting them for a week plus from being on vaca. All is good.

Pull ups: 5 sets to failure
T bar rows: 3 warms, 225/5 235/5 180/15
Lat pulldown underhand: 2 warms, 120/9,8 drop set
1 arm cable row: 50/10,11,11
Calf raise: 2 warms, 90/10 135/10,8 2 drop sets

15 min cardio

Monday, June 28, 2010

New program today, and its a 5 day split with back and hammy focus.
In addition, I am doing the 5-3-1 strength program. It will be applied to the squat, flat bench and deads. More to come


Quads and lower abs:

First day on the new program. On purpose, starting off lighter to build momentum
Solid pump and nice workout. Too hot and humid today!

Squat: 4 warms, 250/5 290/5 330/5
Leg Ext: 2 warms, 85/10 95/10,9
Walking lunges: 2 warms, 60/6 65/6
Leg Press: 2 warms, 360/18,17

Low ab work

15 min cardio

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Chest and tricep workout:

Led off with flats to see where I am at. Content with doing the numbers as I had some left and no spotter. But then again, I never have a spotter! All in all a solid workout and did a tad more volume then usual. We be away and plan on training a few days, but will not record them. Not sure what will be on the ship? When I come back, its go time on the new routine and progression for the three main lifts.

Flat bench: 4 warms 225/5 245/3 255/1 265/1
Chest dips: 2 warm, 4 chains/8,7 drop set
In db press x reps: 1 warm, 75/12,10 drop set
Rope pressdown: 2 warm, 55/8,7 drop set
Db ext: 30/12,11 25/12,10

20 min cardio

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Delt and Biceps:

One of the better shoulder workouts in a while. Nice Little mix up with decent volume. In addition, I did standing alternating Db curls. The first time!!! LOL
I used 65's for the last set. Not totally loose form. LOL

Db shoulder press: 3 warms, 85/5 95/5 100/4 drop set
Seated side lateral: 2 warms, 40/8,7 drop set
Front raise ss with
Shrug: 3 x
Stand alt db curl: 2 warms, 55/6 65/6 drop set
Con curl: 35/12,11
2 burn out sets with the bar

15 min cardio


Squat and calves!

Just wanted to squat and test myself. The back is a lot better but still tight. I used larger increments this time and work up to 385 for pain free single. Happy with that. When I come back, new program time and will lay it ou.

Squat: a lot of sets to 365/1 375/7 385/1 couple of drops
Calf work: 5 sts

15 min cardio.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Back and hammy workout:

Nice workout today but nothing groundbreaking. The good news was able to do bent over row pain free and also banged out some lighter still legged deads. Really excited to hit it hard again.

Pullups: 5 sets to failure
Bentover rows: 3 warms, 215/8 225/8 drop sets
Rope pulldown: 2 warms, 125/12,11
Str arm pulldown: 35/12,12
Still leg deads: 3 warms, 255/8 275/8,8 drop set
Leg curls: 2 warms, 55/8,7

15 min cardio

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Little catch up time and have been busy.


Quads and calves:

Attempted to squat and it went well. Started light as usual and gradually went up in weight. From 135 I add 20 pounds and did sets of 5 until I reach 315. Then did two drop sets. The best part I walked away feeling good after all those sets. Finished this workout with high rep leg pressing and split db squats.


Chest and triceps:

Slight in bar press: 3 warms, 185/5 205/5 225/5 2 drop sets
In db fly: 2 warms, 60/10,9
Flat db press: x reps with 65 4 sets
Tricep press: 2warms, 75.8 85.7 drop set
Tricep dips: 3 sets

ab work

20 min cardio

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Shoulder workout:

Was short on time to hit biceps but had a really solid delt workout.
Happy on how the back was feeling and I see it progressing in time to hit the new routine when I get back from vaca. So in a nut shell, one more week of instinctive training. To be honest, its been a nice mix up.

High In Db press: 3 warms, 85/8 95/6,6 drop set
Seated side lateral: 2 warms, 35/8,10 drop set
Reverse delt raise ss
with bar shrug: 3 x

ab work

15 min cardio

Tomorrow I will bang out biceps and cardio.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Chest and triceps workout

Felt good today, and did a nice mix. Pump and burn was nailed.
I think leading off with the chest flies set up a nice tempo. I rarely do that.

In db fly: 3 warms, 60/8 65/8 70/9
Flat bench: 2 warms, 205/8 210/8
Chest dips: 3 sets to failure
Two drops into push ups.
Tricep pressdown: 2 warm,s 70/8 80/8 drop set
Reverse grip lying tri ext: 45/11,10,10,9

20 min cardio

Monday, June 07, 2010


Quads and calves workout:

Still using the leg press for higher reps and really pushed it today. Even though the back hurts, I feel that it gives me the excuse to really mix it up. And it allows me to push it on other movements. So all in all, not so bad.

Let press: 3 warms, 450/15 495/15
Leg ext: 2 warms, 80/12 85/11
Hack squat: 2 warms, 225/8 250/8
Split squat: 1 warm 50/6,8
calf work: 5 sets

15 min cardio

Sunday, June 06, 2010


Decent shoulder workout. Had a long day with clients and then bang out some yard work prior to the session. Hot day! Back is slightly getting better but no plans to test it out on squating or deads at least for another week. I really didn't think I strained it that bad, but just haven't let it heal like I should.

Db delt press: 6 sets
Side lateral: 3 giant sets
Rear delt raise: 3 sets
Alt db curl: 5 sets
Barbell curl: 3 sets
con curl: 2 set

20 min cardio

Rest day

Friday, June 04, 2010


Back and sorta hammy:

Still feeling tight and sore but was able to work around it.
The back movements was good and work the lats pretty good. As far as the hammies, I did some light stiff to stretch things out. That was it!

Palm in pulldown: 6 sets
Pullups: 4 sets
Db bench row: 4 sets
Light stiff legs: 5 sets

15 min cardio

Thursday, June 03, 2010


Chest and triceps:

Nice change up and work in the higher reps again. Burn was on!

Slight in bar press: 6 sets
Chest dips: 4 set
In db fly: 4 set
Rope ext: 4 sets
Tricep pressdown: 4 sets

20 min cardio

Side note: As the week closes it looks like I will roll with another week of instinctive training and to let the back heal fully. Partly due to the fact of going on vaca in two weeks.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Quads and calves:

Feeling better, and trained the quads hard with a higher rep scheme. The pump was crazy! The leg press was all high reps from 15 to 20.
In addition, I devised a pretty cool 5 day split, I may start for the fact of really hitting the back and hammies. We will see.

Leg press: 5 sets
Leg ext: 4 sets
Sissy squat: ss
with Sumo Db squat: 3x
Calf work: 5 sets

15 min cardio

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Delt and biceps:

Enjoyed having three days off but was amped to train today. Strangely, I tweaked my low back and it was part from sleeping on a lousy bed down the shore. So, moving forward, I am going to train freely this week. Freely simply means not keeping track and do what I want. When I am healed up, I will start the 4 day split while applying the 5 3 1 to the three main lifts.

Side lateral 5 sets
Seated db press: 5 sets
Floor raises: 3 sets
In db curl: 5 sets
Preacher curl: 3 sets

20 min cardio

Friday, May 28, 2010


Back and hammy workout:

Finished up this round nicely. Mixed up the order and went for higher rep deads. I figure to give it a go before the 5 3 1 dead program. I was happy to pull 345 for 18. My best to date, but still couldn't get that 20, LOL. Hands just gave out.

Deads: 3 warms, 345/18
Pullups: 5 sets
Bent over row: 2 warms, 225/8 245/7 drop set
Rope pulldown: 2 warms, 130/11,10
Leg curl: 2 warms, 65/8,7 drop set

15 min cardio.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Chest and triceps:

After a good day off I was itching to roll. Solid workout today as I lead off with In db presses again, but did them DC style. Killer burn on the last set. Finished strong with straight up gains and really had a great pump.

In db press: 2 warms, 85/ for 3 DC sets
Flat bench: 2 warms, 185/8 205/8,8
PIP press: 1 warms, 55/10 60/10
Rack push ups: 2 x
reverse pressdown: 2 warms, 65/8 67/8
Rope ext: 35/12,10 25/11,12

20 min cardio

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Quads and calves:

Sometimes the best workouts come when you dont plan them. I was going to rest today, but felt great so I trained. Figure to do some singles before I start my version of the 5 3 1 program. Well, I nailed 435 for single weighing less the 170. I guess its a PR since I cant remember the last time doing it. I know years back I did 445 but weighed more and used both knee wraps and a belt. This lift was totally RAW.

Squat: 4 warms, 345/3 385/1 415/1 435/1 315/9 225/16
Leg ext: 2 warms, 80/10 90/9
Bar lunge: 2 warms, 155/6 165/6
Calf work: 5 sets of high reps.

15 min cardio.

Will be a rest day for sure, LOL

Shoulders and biceps:

Another great workout today as I climb the ladder on the side laterals and will be doing a PB next time. Another best was made yesterday will doing incline db curls. First time attempted 57.5 pounds and did two sets of 5's with them. Again, not that big of a deal, but nice to see the smaller muscle groups get stronger too.

Side lateral: 3 warms, 47/5 52/5,7 drop set
Stand db press: 2 warms, 60/7 drop set
Floor raises: 1 warm, 22/4 25/6
In db curl: 2 warms, 50/5 57/5,5 drop set
1 arm preacher curl: 30/10,10
Cable curl: 55/9

ab work
20 min cardio

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Back and hammy workout.

Killa workout and big gains came. The odd part was doing the plate deads. Once doing the working sets, the weight on the body was not bad, but my grip sucked! When doing the 375, I had more in me but the hands gave. The only thing I can think was the fact of banging more pullups and rowing more prior to the plate deads.
Lastly, I had a pr on the legs curls. Not ground breaking but a step forward.

Pull ups: 4 sets to fail
Bent over row: 2 warms, 215/8 235/6 255/6
Deads on a plate: 2 warms, 365/5 375/5,4
Rope pulldown: 2 warms, 130/10 drop set
Leg curl: 2 warms, 70/5 75/5 drop set

15 min cardio

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Chest and triceps:

Good gains today with great energy. Coming close to more PR's on this workout.
Someone today ask me if I ever lose motivation. An astounding NO was given. Each workout has a purpose and I make the best of it all the time. I really love training. And my goals are never met.

In db press: 3 warms, 95/5 105/6 110/5
Flat bar: 2 warms, 185/8 205/8,7
PIP press: 1 warms, 55/12,11
Rack push up: 2x
Reverse pressdown: 2 wamr,s 65/8,8
Rope ext: 35/10,9 25/12,11

20 min cardio

Friday, May 21, 2010


Quads and calves:

After a day of complete rest, I rocked my quads in this workout. Hit the goal of doing 405 for two doubles and increased everything throughout. Switched out the hack for presses to mix it up a tad.

Squat: 4 warms, 345/3 385/2 405/2,2 315/8
Leg press: 2 warms, 450/10 496/12
Bar lunge: 1 warm, 135/6 155/8
Leg ext 1 warm, 70/12 75/10
Calf raises: 1 warms, single for 2 sets,
Seated calf: 3 sets

15 min cardio

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Shoulder and bicep workout:

Straight gains from last workout, and matching some personal best.

Side lateral: 2 warms, 40/8 47/5,7 drop set
Stnd db press: 1 warm, 55/8,9,8 drop set
Floor raises: 1 warm, 20/4,6
In db curl: 2 warm, 50/5 55/5,5
Cable curl: 1 warm, 65/8 75/8
1 arm preacher: 30/10 25/13

ab work

20 min cardio

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Back and hammie workout:

Banging workout and made gains straight through from the pullups to the db leg curl.
very happy with the deads on a plate and the weight pulled. And not to mention, this is the third movement. Was feeling good overall as we received Choc All In 1 today.

Pull ups: 4 sets to failure
Bent over rows: 2 warms, 215/8 235/6 245/6
Deads on plate: 2 warms, 365/5,8
Rope pulldowns: 2 warms, 125/10,10
Db leg curl: 2 warms, 57/8,8 drop set

15 min cardio

Monday, May 17, 2010


Chest and triceps workout:

Mighty good workout today. Gains in weight and reps when needed.

In db press: 3 warms, 95/5 102/8 105/6
Flat bench: 2 warms, 185/8 205/8,7
PIP press: 1 warms, 50/12 55/10
dropped into two sets of rack push ups
Reverse tri pressdown: 2 warms, 60/8 65/8
Rope tri ext: 35/9,9 25/13,11

20 min cardio

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Quads and calves workout:

Early morning workout (as all Sunday workouts are) and it was solid. True, I was a little stiff and went off the path with the squats, but all gains were made after them.

Squat: 4 warms, 365/2 385/2 405/1,1 315/7
Hack squat: 2 warms, 230/8 275/8,8
Bar lunge: 1 warms, 125/6 145/8
Sissy squat: 3 chains/20,25
Calf work singles: 1 warms, 4 working sets

15 min cardio

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Shoulders and bicpes:

Nice finish to the round with a good start to the split. Was over eager with the training this week, but today the 15th is an off day!! Normally I dont care, but was pretty strong on the incline db curls and had some left.

Side lateral: 2 warms, 40/8 45/5 47/7 drop set
Standing db press: 2 warm, 55/7,8 drop set
Floor raises: 1 warms, 17/4rounds, 20/6 rounds
Incline db curl: 2 warms, 45/5 50/5 52/6
Cable curl: 1 warm, 60/8 70/8
1 arm preacher: 30/9 25/12

20 min cardio


complete off day, training cliets, posing class, out to dinner!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Back and hammies workout:

Well, I was going to rest today, but felt like training. LOL
Really dig this workout as I brought in deficit deads, or as I like to call them deads on a plate. The idea is to increase the range of motion by standing on a 45 pound plate. I am doing this 3rd in the workout and was happy with the lead off numbers. Pump was outta sight!

Pullups: 3 sets to failure
Bent over rows: 2 warms, 215/8 235/6,7
Deads on a plate: 2 warms, 315/5 345/5,8
Rope pulldown: 2 warms, 120/11,11
Db leg curl: 2 warms, 55/10 57/7 drop set

15 min cardio

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Chest and triceps:

Good start to the first round with this routine. Pump was off the hook with both chest and tri's. I used Quake today for the first time and I give it two thumbs up!

In db press: 3 warms, 95/5 100/8 102/7
Flat press: 3 warms, 185/8 195/8
PIP press: 1 warm, 50/10,10
dropped into 2 set of rack push ups
Reverse tri press: 2 warms, 60/8 62/7 drop set
Overhead rope ext: 35/9 30/8 25/11
Dip: 1 set to fail

20 min workout.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Quads and calves:

I nailed this workout and each time I squat I know I gotta grow. Nuff said!

Squat: 5 warms, 345/3 375/3 395/2,2
Hack squat: 3 warm, 270/8,8
Bar step lunge: 1 warm, 115/6 135/8
Sissy Squat: 2 chains/ 20 3 chains/20
Calf: singles 3 sets, seated singles 2 sets

15 min cardio

Shoulder and biceps workout.

Kept with DC sets on the first movement, and moved up in reps which was goal.
In addition matched a pr on bar curls. All in all a productive workout.

Db delt press: 2 warms, 65 3 set dc
Side lateral cable: 2 warms, 27/9,10
Front raise: 2 warms, 75/9,10
Barbell curl: 3 warms, 135/5 145/5 95/12
Rope curl: 1 warm, 60/7 drop set
C0n cur: 35/12,11

20 min cardio