Monday, June 30, 2008

Shoulder and Tricep workout:

A kick arse workout today as I hit a PR right of the bat with side laterals. I know its not a big lift, but I have always felt that laterals are just as important as db delt presses for shoulder development. And I was able to increase some of the load on tricep work.

Side lateral: 2 warms, 45/6 50/6,5 2 burn outs
Db delt press (incline): 1 warm, 65/8 75/8,7
Upright row: 1 warm, 85/10 95/10,9
Front raise plate: 45/15,14
Tricep pressdown: 2 warms, 70/8,9 drop set
Bar extension: 3 descending sets

6 sprints on bike, with warm up and cooldown.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bicep and hamstring workout.

A real nice workout today, and set the bar high for next time. (relative to me, LOL)
Really bang it out with a faster tempo between sets.

Hammer curls: 3 warms, 55/7 65/7,6
Close grip bar curl: 1 warm, 90/8,9,8
1 arm cable curl: 1 warm, 20/12 25/11
Stiff leg db: 1 warm, 85/8 105/5 125/7,7
Lying leg curl: 1 warm, 45/8,7 2 burn out sets
10 min cardio cooldown.

Weight: 171.5

Friday, June 27, 2008

Back and calves:

Early workout due to busy day training clients. A great workout with a new order of exercises. The back filled up real fast and finished the training with deadlifts and chains! Strength and energy was still up considering I just had one meal.

Lat pulldown wide(curved bar): 2 warms, 135/6 155/6,6 drop set
Bent over rows: 2 warms, 205/8 225/5 185/12
1 arm cable pulldown: 50/10,11,10
Deads with chains(9 lbs each): 185/10,14 (slow tempo)
Calf work: 3 sets DC, 2 burn out sets
12 min cardio cool down.

Rest day tomorrow, as I am going down to the OCB contest in Delaware.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chest and abs:

Nice workout today and made gains from last time. Although I wasnt too jacked entering the workout, but I must give props to the ZAP because when it came to moving the weight, I was able to re focus. Finished strong, and felt like I could have kept on going.

Flat bench press: 3 warms, 185/6 205/6 225/5,5 2 drop sets with chains.
Mid incline palm in press (PIP): 1 warm, 60/8 65/7 drop set
In db press: X reps with 65 for 3 sets
Uneven ball push ups: 3 x
Upper ab work: 5 sets
10 min cardio cool down

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Quads and calves workout:

Made nice gains from last workout and really blasted the quads. The groin is still tender and it did hold me back as the working sets we still timid. Besides rest, what can I do? Focus is dead on and looking forward to what I can do over the next 6 months.

Squat: 3 warms, 275/5 315/3 335/3 345/3 225/12
Leg Ext: 1 warm, 80/8 90/8,7 drop set
Leg Press: X reps with 225, 270 x 2 didnt count reps
Step ups: 50/10,10
Calf Raises: Dogg Crap singles
10 min light cardio

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Back and delt workout:

New rotation and new fire. Wacked the back and shoulders today with a faster paced workout and great pump. I really like doing the old school t bar rows with a slow and controlled fashion.

Lat pulldown (palms up) 2 warms, 140/6 160/6 170/5,5
T bar row: 2 warms,160/8 180/7 190/7 135/14
Rope pulldown: 100/11 85/12,10
Db shoulder press: 2 warms, 75/6 85/6,4
Front Raise bar ss
with seated side lateral: 3x
6 sprint with warm up and oooldown.

Today: Rest day

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Chest and arms:

Nailed it today on all cylinders. Some of the motivation came from the posing class I taught today. Its gives me a charge watching those who are in prep for upcoming shows. Led off with flat barbell press, first time in many moons. Felt good but didnt push it too much. By the end all was pumped!!!

Flat bar press: 3 warms, 185/6 205/5 220/5,5
Mid In db press: 1 warm, 75/9,9,7 drop set
In fly: 45/11,10 drop set with push ups
Cable curl: 2 warms, 65/8 70/7
Rope pressdown: 2 warms, 45/9,8
Hammer curl ss
with tricep dips: 3 x
10 min cardio cool down.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Going into the workout I was all fired up to do reg back squats. Have not led off with them in almost two months. So after warming up and a couple of sets, the groin acted up again! So I narrowed the stance a bit which helped, but was more of a challenge. The weight was not bad, just was hesitant.
Still content with what I did, even though I avoided my walking lunges.

Let ext: 1 warms, 70/12,12
Squat: 2 warms, 275/5 305/3 325/3 225/10 135 with chains
Lying leg curl: 2 warms, 55/6 60/5,5 drop set
calf work high reps: 5 sets
10 min cardio cool down.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Shoulder and tricep workout:

Was a lower key workout, but still made gains and a PR on the push press. I actually was able to do some challenging weight for the triceps and hoping to continue to do so.
My workouts have been so intense lately, that I actually enjoy my days off. And tomorrow is a day off.

Push press: 2 warms, 145/6 165/6 175/5 drop sets
Side lateral cable: 1 warm, 22/10 27/8
Rear delt raise on bench ss
with Db shrug: 3 x
Tricep pressdown: 5 sets
Db Ext: 3 sets
5 Sprints with warm up and cool down.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Biceps and hamstring workout:

Trained early today due to afternoon clients. I am not very good with just one meal in me, and so I initially took that attitude into the workout. I may sound like a broken record, but after a couple of warm up sets, I was locked in.
Made gains across the board again!!

In db curl: 2 warms, 40/6 50/5,5 drop set
Cable curl: 1 warms, 55/8 60/8 drop set X reps
1 arm preacher curl: 25/13,11
Standing 1 single leg curl: 1 warm, 30/10 35/10
Lying leg curl: 1 warm, 45/6 55/6,5 drop set
12 min cardio cool down.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Back and calves:

Was in overdrive today and blasted the back. The trap bar deads seem easier than normal for me today. Nailed 405 for 4, and then 225 for 20 reps. This past month has been great and looking forward to moving on. I weighed in the morning at 170.5.

Lat pulldown wide/bent bar: 2 warms, 145/8,8,7
Trap bar deadlifts: 2 warms, 315/6 405/4 225/20
Seated cable row: 1 warm, 140/10 150/9 140/11
High cable pulldown: 35/12 40/11,10
Single calf raise: 25/12,12,11 3 drop sets
10 min cardio cooldown.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Chest workout:

Today was feeling great, but after doing a couple of warms ups, I stayed with a bit higher rep scheme rather than doing the 5's for the first movement. I actually had a great pump and burn to the workout will doing the 8's with 85's. So the question of the day is "what is more productive, doing sets of 8's or 5's"? I would think its best to mix it up, but when I add up the volume, I am moving more total weight doing the 85's verse the 105's.

Flat db press: 2 warms, 85/8,8,8,7
Chest dips: 3 sets to failure
In db press: 65/10,8 55/9
Flat bar press with chains X reps: 3 sets to failure
10 min cardio cool down.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Quads workout: After being a little sore from the karate class yesterday, I wasnt planning on going nuts with the front squats. The plan was higher reps. Well, that went in the trash. I went for a personal best, but with a jump of 20 pounds this time. I nailed 1 rep, but the bar was going to slip, so I stopped there. I then finished with 225 for 12. Fantastic pump and they are only getting better, with gains across the board.

Leg ext: 2 warms, 80/10 85/10
Front Squat: 2 warms, 275/4 305/2 335/1 225/12
Hack Squat: 1 warm, 180/8 205/8,9 drop set
Db Sumo Squat: 105/14,14
10 min light cardio

335 for the single!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Rest day, well almost.

I took a father's day class today with my daughter at her karate school. Man, it kicked my butt!
It was a great cardio workout, and I enjoyed it.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Back and delts:

Not a ground breaking workout, but made gains again, and thats all that counts to me. Stayed away from the push press today and did standing db presses. Little strain, but great pump from them. I also added some sprints to my post cardio. Just 5 sprints to start with proper warm up and cool down. I plan on doing this 2 to 3x per week, and gradually add more sprints.

Pull ups: 9,8,8,6 drop set to rack pull ups
Seated cable row: 2 warms, 150/8,9 120/14
1 arm db row: 75/10 85/10 75/11
Standing db press: 2 warm, 55/8,9 2 burn outs
Side ups ont he ball: 15/12,11,10
5 sprints on the bike.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chest and arm workout:

Well rested today even though I was up at 5am? Hit the workout hard and was able to do some decent tricep work. Probably still have another few weeks before the elbow tendon heals. Made gains on the flat db press from last workout.

Flat db press: 2 warms, 85/8 105/6,5,5
In db press: 75/8 65/9 60/8
Flat bar press: 3 sets of X reps with chains!
Close grip bar curl: 1 warm, 90/8 110/8 70/14
Close grip bench press: 1 warm, 135/8 155/7 135/10
Con curl ss
with Db kick back: 3 x
10 min light cardio.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Well needed rest day yesterday!

Leg workout:

Well, it was a dead on workout and made great gains today. I hit 315 for a double on the front squat and that was after doing extensions 2 sets to failure.!
Really tore up the legs today, plain and simple.

Leg Ext: 2 warms, 80/10 82.5/10
Front Squat: 2 warms, 225/5 265/5 295/3 315/2 225/10
Stiff leg bar: 2 warms, 275/6 315/5 225/12
Wall ball squat ss
with Bar lunge: 2 x
Calf work: 6 sets
10 min cardio cool down.

315 for the double!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Shoulders and tricep workout:

Again was a little tired going into the workout. The heat, and possible sinus pressure are the culprits. Anywho, relaxing before the workout, I was able to focus on the task at hand and really pushed it through. All in all a great workout, and made gains on the push press. Also, I was able to do some light tricep workout and its getting better.

Push press: 2 warms, 145/6 165/6,5 drop set
Side lateral with cable: 1 warm, 20/11 25/10
Rear delt raise ss
with Db shrug: 3 x
Tricep press: 4 x
1 arm rope press: 3 x
10 min light bike.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Biceps and Hamstring workout:

Was tired this morning pre workout, and thought of just resting. Most likely its from training so hard over the last few days, and now the mini heat wave here. Well, after I got going with a couple of warm up sets. It was rock and roll time. Even though bicep exercises are not impressive, but I was able to do 50's for a set of 5. That was a first. This was a ZAPPED workout.

In db curl: 2 warms, 40/6 45/5 50/5
Cable curl: 1 warm, 55/8,8 drop set
1 arm preacher curl: 25/13,11 20/15
1 leg standing curls: 1 warm, 30/11 35/9
Lying leg curl: 1 warm, 45/7 50/5 2 drop sets
Ab work
10 min cardio cool down.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Back and calves:

Fantastic workout, and did trap bar deads for the first time in months. After doing the first set of 315 for 6, I keep the next two sets the same but went nuts on the reps. The rush of energy took off!
Started with pullups again and made a couple of rep gains.

Pull ups: 8,8,7,6
Trap bar deads: 2 warms, 315/6 315/10,12
Seated cable row: 2 warms, 140/10,11
Straight arm pulldown: 35/12 40/11,10
Calf work: singles with 25/12,10,9 3 burn out sets
12 min cardio cool down.

Friday, June 06, 2008


Back to back great workouts. Sometimes just hitting one body part allows you to totally focus on the task at hand. Very happy with the numbers today as its starting to match pre sick numbers, LOL.
Was close to spent before the incline db presses.

Flat db press: 2 warms, 85/8 105/6,5,4
Chest dips: 3 sets to failure
In db press: 65/8 55/10,9
x reps with chains: 3 sets to failure
upper ab work.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Rest day on Wednesday, just mowed the yard.

Quad workout:

I love front squats! And today made one step closer to my goal. Last time my PR was 305 for a triple back in March, but this time, I will get 315 for reps soon. So I did make gains, and doing the hacks third was a challenge but helped the pump get crazy!

Leg Ext: 2 warms, 80/10,10
Front squat: 2 warms, 225/5 255/5 275/3 285/3
Hack squat: 1 warm, 1870/9,10,10 drop set X rep style
Sumo db squat: 95/15,14
Low ab work
7 min cardio cool down.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Back and Shoulder workout:

A real change in movements, and it was a killer workout. After hitting the pullups, (and let me tell you, not easy when you are 20 pounds heavier), I really was focused and instantly pumped. All in all a great workout.

Pull ups: 7,7,7,5 dropped to rack and burnout.
Seated cable row: 2 warms, 140/10 150/9 drop set
1 arm db row: 1 warm, 75/10 85/11
Push Press: 2 warms, 145/6 155/6 115/14
Side ups: 15/10 17/10,9

Cut the yard!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Chest and arms:

POW! Hit some great numbers on the new rotation. And with the diet cleaner, starting to feel tighter after about 1 week. The only downer is the elbow tendon still acting up a bit.

Flat db press: 2 warms, 85/6 95/7,6,5
In Db press: 65/10 75/11,9
Flat bench press (X reps with chains): 3 sets with 135
In db curl: 2 warms, 40/6 45/6
Db Kb: 2 warms, 25/10,11
1 arm preacher curl ss
with 1 arm rope pressdown: 3 x

Sunday, June 01, 2008

5/31/08 Rest day!


New round, new focus on front squats. Did not move as much before I was sick, but it will be back in weeks.
The workout was intense and fast paced. Stiff digging the ZAP at 2 caps.

Leg ext: 2 warms, 75/11,10
Front squat: 2 warms, 225/5 245/5 255/5
Stiff leg bar: 2 warms, 275/6 295/6 225/12
Walking lunges: 55/12 65/12
Calf work: 1 warms, 3 rounds of singles, 2 burnouts.
7 min cool down cardio.