Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Back and Hams

Did think I was going to train today, but I did!

Lat Pull Wide: 75/15 100/12 120/8 130/7 drop set
Bent Over Row: 175/10,10,9
Close Pull: 100/12 120/8 drop set
Bent Over Row: 135/16/14
Leg Curls: 1 warm up, 50/12 60/10 70/7 drop set
Stiff Legs: 185/10 225/8,7



Feeling a little sick today so I mixed things up a lot and just went on instinct.

Flat Bench: 3 warms, 175/12/11/9
Dips: 3 sets
Mid In Db: 65/9,7 drops
Incline Fly: 40/12,12

Was a little weaker, but overall a nice chest workout.

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