Sunday, August 22, 2010


Back and calves:

Early morning workout today as I wanted to hang with my family before my wife and kids go to the beach for a few days. The workout started off well, but then I strained my neck doing reg pulldowns. Wow, I had such a dulling and throbbing pain. I made it through the work with some gains but felt lousy. The t bar rows suffered as I kept it light.
Hours later as I type this, just starting to feel better. Stuff happens.

Lat pulldown wide: 3 warms, 160/8,7,7
T bar row: 2 warms, 185/10,11
Lat pulldown underhand: 1 warm, 130/8 140/8,7
1 arm db row ss: 75 80 80
with high pulldown: 35 40 40
Calf work: 5 sets of higher reps

20 min cardio

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