Sunday, September 19, 2010


Delts and biceps workout:

Nice workout this morning. And just used one serving of All Out, and it was enough considering I just had one meal in me. Did what was called for and all increase from last round.

Stand delt press: 2 warm, 115/3 135/3 150/3,4
1 arm side lateral: 2 warms, 35/9 37/9
Db shrug ss : 85 95 95
with rear delt raise: 20 x 3
In db curl: 2 warms, 50/5 55/3 60/3
Cable curl: 2 warms, 72/8,8
1 arm cable curl: 25/13,12

25 min cardio


The Soloist said...


Do you beleive in heavier weights and less reps or more reps of lighter weights.


Joe Franco said...

I like to use all rep ranges. '
Just take a look at my journal.