Thursday, September 23, 2010

Catch up time!


Chest and triceps:

Single out day for the chest and did what was called for. Also made nice gains on the chest weighted dips.

Flat bench: 4 warms, 220/5 250/3 265/1 drop set
Chest dips: 2 warms, 4 chains/9,8 drop set
In db press: x reps, 4 sets
Db ext: 1 warms, 30/8 32/8,7 drop set
Tricep pressdown: 1 arm, 65/10,10
1 arm pressdown: 20/11 15/13

25 min cardio


Deadlift hammie day:

Single out day for deads. Was feeling beat from the heat and alergies. Moved right through the workout. And did the 415 for the single. Wasnt too hard, so I went for 435. This was a personal best and now weighing 164, content. The first goal is 455 and then 475.

Deads: 4 warms, 335/5 375/3 415/1 435/1
Leg curl: 2 warms, 60/8,6 drop set
Front and back db lunges: 2 warms, 50/4,5
Stiff leg barbell: 1 warm, 225/10 245/12

15 min cardio

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