Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Quads, calves and abs:

Banging all out workout. Felt great to lead off with squats again. Its been a few months since I have. Low back felt ok, so I knocked them. in Reseted without going crazy and will do one of my rep schemes to increase the squat. Lotsa warm ups were done! LOL Rest of the workout was on and killed it.

Squat: 5 warms, 315/3 335/3 355/2,3 drop to 225/15
Hack squat: 2 warms, 225/8 270/8,8 drop to 180/16
Leg Ext: 70/11,12,13
Walking dn lunge: 1 warms, 65/6 70/9
Calf work ss
with abs: 5 set

15 min cardio

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