Sunday, March 13, 2011


Shoulder and bicep workout:

Very product workout today, and the forearm is progressing nicely.
I was finally able to move some nice weight. Still far from normal but satisfying.
The shoulder workout did its job and made some gains. Faster tempo workout after a longer day of morning clients and before going out to dinner with family.

Side laterals: 3 warms, 40/9 45/8 35/13
Shoulder press db dogg crapp: 1 warm, 65/7,6,5
Rear delt raise on bench ss: 25 27 30 30
with Bar shrug: 185 205 205 205
In db curl: 3 warms, 40/6,8
Cable curl: 1 warm, 55/9 60/8
Con curl: 30/10 25/13
Ab work: 3 ss

Cardio: 25 min

Complete rest!!

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