Thursday, March 03, 2011


Shoulder and bicep workout:

Nice progress from the first round. Like this workout since its a little bit fast tempo and I can run through it. Continued with he dc set on the shoulder db press and man that is hard!! Bicep work improves a little each time but the forearm is still sensitive.

Side lateral: 3 warms, 45/5 50/5,5 drop st
Db shoulder press DC: 1 warm, 60/8,5,5
Rear delt raise on bench ss: 20 25 25
with Bar shrug: 185 205 205
In db curl: 2 warms, 35/8,7
Cable curl: 50/8,9,9
Con curl: 1 warm 25/12
Ab work: 3 supersets

27 min cardio

Off day from weights,
32 min cardio

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