Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Quads and calves workout:

Lotsa energy today and felt great. The so called deload on the squats was nice, but went all out the rest of the workout. For the squats, I just went up in went slowly and focused on form. It was a good precurser for the rest of the training. Pushed it on the 1 leg-leg presses and fronts. Great finish and ready for the next round of JN
My last workout in the 30's, LOL

Squat: 5 warms, 255/5 275/5 295/5 315/5
1 leg-leg press: 1 warm, 180/8 200/10
Front squat: 2 warms, 235/6 255/6
Leg ext ss: 70/10 80/11
with leg press: 225/10 270/20
Calf work: higher reps 6 sets

18 min cardio

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