Monday, May 02, 2011


Chest and tricep workout:

Tested out on the flat bench and the goal was 8 reps. I was able to get 10 and so the increase will be on for the next wave. Had increases for all the movements again, and a fantastic pump all out! So far so good.

Flat bench: 3 warms, 175/1 195/1 200/10
In db press: 2 warms, 90/8 95/7 85/9
Flat fly: 1 warm, 60/10,9 drop in to
rack push ups, 2 x
Tri rope pressdown: 2 warm, 50/8,9 burn set
Tricep dips: 1 warm, 2 chains/10,10
Reverse tri pressdown: 40/15 45/12
Ab work: 3 giant sets

Split cardio
25/15 min

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