Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Quads and calf workout:

Back at it again and nailed the workout. Happy hitting 305 for a double on front squats.

Supplement update:
Taking a break from most supps except multi and omega.
I started a new USP product, so I wanted to clear everything else out so I can monitor my progression over the month.
I even took measurements!

Leg Ext: 2 warms, 82/10,10
Front Squat: 3 warms, 265/5 285/2 305/2 225/8
Leg press: 2 warms, 450/8 495/7 drop set
Sumo Db squat: 125/12,11
Calf raise: 2 warms, 3 DC sets, 2 burnouts
7 min cool down.

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