Monday, March 31, 2008

Quads and Calve workout:

All in all a great workout but hit a snafu! After doing a few warm up sets with extension, I was off to hitting the squats. Even with the lighter weight my groin acted up. It has been tender and sore, but this was much worse so I nix the squats. Not a new injury, but frustrating. So I was able to hit hack squats instead. Then oddly, I went and did really close stance squats ATG without a problem??? I think the wide stance while balancing is the problem.

Leg Ext: 3 warm ups
Hack Squat: 3 warms, 225/5 270/5,5 180/13
Close stance squat: 1 warm, 185/8,9,9
Leg Ext: 1 warm, 70/11,10 drop setC
Calf work: 90/22,18,15 then 3 sets to failure body weight.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Shoulder and Bicep workout:

Really good workout with only one meal in me today. Most of the time I train later in the day, but today I am off to Build A Bear for my daughters birthday party. She is turning the big 5!
Mixed up the bicep portion, and moved good weight with some rep gains.

Db delt press: 2 warm, 85/6 95/4,4 drop set
Front Raise Db: 2 warm, 40/6,7
Side lateral up/downs: 3x
Hammer Curl: 2 warms, 50/6 55/4 40/9
Barbell Curl: 1 warm, 85/11,10 drop set
10 min light cardio.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Back and hamstring workout:

Wow, really nailed it today! Felt great with a great pump. Deads were on point with pauses at the bottom with no bouncing.

Lat pulldown wide: 3 warms, 170/5 175/5,5 drop set
Bar deads: 2 warm's 335/6 365/4 385/2 225/14 standing on plate
Db bench row ss
with Rope pulldown: 3 x
Leg curl: 2 warm's55/6,5 drop set
Good mornings: 1 warm, 115/8,11
10 min light cardio

Friday, March 28, 2008

Complete rest day!

Finished this week was some really good workouts. Enjoying the rest today, but looking foward to frying up the back tomorrow!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chest and tricep workout:

Felt great today, and just about over this cold. Hit some good numbers again.
The one thing I have also noticed with using the USP Lab test product, is that I have more go and seem to be doing a few more sets to really burn things up.

In db press: 3 warms, 95/6 105/6,5 65/12
Flat bench: 2 warm, 185/7,7 drop set
Mid inlcine db fly: 1 warm, 50/10,8
Tricep pressdown: 2 awrm, 75/6,5 drop set
Double DB kick backs: 1 warm, 25/12,10
10 min light cardio

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Quads and calves:

Great workout today and made some nice gains from last time. The funny thing is that I have become not a fan of leading off with the leg press. For some reason it takes a while to get warmed up. Looking forward to doing heavy squats next round.

Weight: 170.5
Up a couple of pounds since I started the t-booster.

Leg Press: 4 warms, 540/6 630/6 655/5
Squat (ATG): 2 warms, 255/6 275/6,6
Leg Ext: 1 warm, 70/11,9 drop set
Calf work: Alt b/t singles and doublce to failure, 3 x
10 min cool down cardio

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Shoulders and Bicep workout:

Feeling almost 100 percent, but still have the cough. Regardless, nailed this workout and made gains from last time with some PR's again. In all my years of training, I cant remember having such a pump in the shoulders after doing presses. I have made them burn, but the blood flow is unmatched.

NOTE: will be adding 3rd dose of the USP Labs test booster today. This takes me into my third week.

Db delt press: 2 warms, 85/6 95/4,4 65/12
Front Raise db: 1 warm, 35/8 40/6 35/9
Side lateral up/downs: 3 x
Barbell curl: 2 warms, 105/6 125/5,4 drop set
Rope cable curl: 1 warm, 45/10 50/9
7 min cool down cardio

Monday, March 24, 2008

Back and Hamstring workout:

Feeling better today, but little tired from the little one being up a couple of times last night.
Stayed away from deads today, but the workout was right on with immediate pumps again.
Finished strong wanting to do more!

Lat Pulldown wide: 3 warms, 160/7,8,7
Db bench rows: 65/8 75/8 80/8,7 65/10
Rope pulldown: 100/10 110/9,8 drop set
Leg curl: 2 warms, 55/6 65/5,4 drop set
Stiff leg db: 75/10 85/10 95/11
10 min light bike.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday: Planned off day.

Well, it was going to happen sooner or later. AFter getting up really early the last few mornings, with my son having a cold he got from my wife, I now have it! No aches or pains, just cant breath and have a mild cough. So when I train with head colds, I mix things up a bit to keep the pump going and not caring about the pounds being moved. All in all it was a decent workout, and glad I got it done.

In db press: 3 warm, 2 big drop sets from 85's down.
Flat Bench: 2 warms, 185/6 205/6,6 drop set
Uneven push ups: 2 sets to failure
Rope pressdown: 2 warm, 45/9,8
Reverse tri press: 2 warm, 50/955/6
12 min cool down.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Quad and calf workout:

Made some rep and weight gains from last time. Felt more in the groove compared to last q/c workout along with them pumped out. I was going to rest today, but tomorrow going to the beach for an Easter egg hunt in Ocean City NJ! So thats my off day!

Leg press: 3 warms, 540/6 630/5 640/5 450/12
Squat: 2 warm, 245/8,9 drop set with feet close and pause at bottom
Leg Ext: 1 warm, 70/10,10
Walk DB Lung: 55/6 60/6
Calf work: 6 total set (mixed things up)
7 min cool down.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Shoulder and Bicep workout:

Thinking I had a poor workout yesterday, my mid upper back is really sore! So, happy with that. As I was told that is a weak point by one of my competitors, LOL

On to todays training, hit some PR's again (shoulder press and bar curl). Even though this is an easier workout, I was really focused for the first time in over a week.

Something good is going on!

Db press: 2 warms, 75/6 85/5 90/4 65/11
Front Raise Db: 2 warms, 35/8 37/8
Side lateral up/downs: 3 x
Barbell Curl: 2 warms, 95/6 115/5 120/5 75/11
Rope Cable curl: 2 warms 45/10,9
10 min light cardio

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Back and Hamstring workout:

Not bad today and hit some decent numbers for the first round. Just a little tired from the weather and late night.

Again the pump was instint.

Lat pulldown wide: 3 warms, 170/5,5,5 drop set
Bar Deads: 2 warms, 365/6,4 225/13 on plate
Close pulldown: 120/10,8 110/9 100/10
Leg Curl: 2 warms, 55/6,5 drop set
Good Mornings: 2 warms, 115/11,10
10 min light cardio

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chest and Tricep workout:

Ok, I have not done this routine in a while since I am on a new round. So, most times, I am not as strong the first time out. Well, I nailed a new PR on In Db presses. My body weight is the same, so the only change in the USP Labs test booster. I felt it only after a few days with better sleep, but now, after a week, I feel an extra edge during the workout.

In db press: 3 warms, 95/6 105/5,5 drop set
Flat bar press: 2 warms, 195/7,7 drop set
Mid in. db fly: 45/10 50/10,9
Rope Pressdown: 2 warms, 45/8,6
Reverse Tri pressdown: 1 warm, 50/9,8
10 min light cardio

Monday, March 17, 2008

Quads and Calf workout:

Great training session today. I havent led off with leg press in a while and did decent weight. Again, a faster paced workout since my wife was going to the doctor, but still very effective.

Leg Press: 3 warms, 540/6 630/5,5 drop set
Squat: 1 warm, 225/8,9,9
Leg Ext: 1 warm, 70/12,11,11
Bar step lunge: 135 x failure (lost count)
Calf: 90/22,14,11 singles, burnout doubles.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Complete rest day!

Had a nice posing class today. Its fun to watch people progress from class to class.

My wife is sick so when I was home, just taking care of the kids, and took it easy.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Shoulder and bicep workout:

Was a faster paced workout since I was bt clients, and my wife is feeling sick. So, I blasted through it, and again, fantastic pumps. Strength was good, but when I take less rest, the pounds reflect it.

Side lateral: 2 warms, 45/6 50/5,5, 40/10
Push press: 2 warms, 135/8,8,8
Front raise cable: 2 warm, 50/9,8
Db shrugs: 85/14,12
In db curl: 2 awrsm, 45/7,6 drop set
Cable curl: 1 warm, 50/9 60/7 drop set
10 min light cardio.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Back and Hamstring workout:

You know its going to be a good workout when you get a pump after the warm up set.
Hit a new goal with stiff leg deads today. But I did wear wraps, so a little cheat.

Lat pulldown under grip: 3 warms, 160/6 175/5,5 drop set
T bar rows(old school): 2 warms, 190/6,6 135/10
Lat pulldown wide bent bar: 120/10 110/9 100/9
Stiff leg deads: 2 warms, 275/6 305/5 225/10
Leg curl: 1 warm, 50/7,6 40/8
10 min lgith cardio

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chest and tricep workout:

Felt back on track and had an effective workout. Great pump, period.

Anther supplement update:

Taking a break from all stims including pre workout caffiene. So in place of, I am having straigth arginine, beta alanine and citruline malate.

In bar press: 3 warms, 185/5 205/5 215/5,5 drop set
Flat db press: 75/8 85/8,7 drop set
Chest dips: 3 sets to failure
Double db kickback: 2 warms, 30/10,9
Tricep pressdown: 60/9,8,7 drop set
10 min cool down cardio

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Quads and calf workout:

Back at it again and nailed the workout. Happy hitting 305 for a double on front squats.

Supplement update:
Taking a break from most supps except multi and omega.
I started a new USP product, so I wanted to clear everything else out so I can monitor my progression over the month.
I even took measurements!

Leg Ext: 2 warms, 82/10,10
Front Squat: 3 warms, 265/5 285/2 305/2 225/8
Leg press: 2 warms, 450/8 495/7 drop set
Sumo Db squat: 125/12,11
Calf raise: 2 warms, 3 DC sets, 2 burnouts
7 min cool down.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rest Day from weights.

Nothing exciting to report.

Ab work
Cardio: 25 mins

Monday, March 10, 2008

Shoulders and Bicep workout:

Back on track today, sort of! Felt great and moved some good weights.
Faster tempo today since I was between clients.

Push Press: 3 warms, 160/6 180/5 135/11
Side lateral: 2 warms, 45/8 47/8 drop set
Front raise: 2 warms, 75/8,9 drop set
Incline db curl: 2 warms, 47/6,4 drop set
Cable curl (facing away from pulley): 2 warms, 55/9,8
Been busy the last couple of days with travel, clients and flu like symptoms. So I did not have the chance to log the workouts. Not sure if I will be training today either.

Sunday 3/9:

Unscheduled Rest day: Went to New York for the day. It was my grandmother's b -day!

Saturday 3/8:

Back and Hamstrings:

Did have a decent workout and made gains from last time.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Chest and Tricep workout:

Little tired today so I didnt push as much weight as last time. So, I just lighten things up a bit and walked away with a great pump and burn. Sometimes its just about the feel and focus of a workout and not moving heavy weights.

In bar press: 3 warms, 185/,8,8,7 drop set
Flat db press: 75/11,9,9,8
Chest dips: 4 sets to failure
Db Ext: 2 1 warm, 37/8,7 drop set
Tricep Pressdown: 1 warmm, 60/10 70/7 drop set
10 min light bike
Chest and Tricep workout:

Little tired today so I didnt push as much weight as last time. So, I just lighten things up a bit and walked away with a great pump and burn. Sometimes its just about the feel and focus of a workout and not moving heavy weights.

In bar press: 3 warms, 185/,8,8,7 drop set
Flat db press: 75/11,9,9,8
Chest dips: 4 sets to failure
Db Ext: 2 1 warm, 37/8,7 drop set
Tricep Pressdown: 1 warmm, 60/10 70/7 drop set
10 min light bike

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Quads and calves:

Battling this sinus thingy since Monday has been knocking me out. But finally got some relief today and just in time before I trained.
Really nailed it and felt pretty good. Made gains from last time.

Let Ext: 2 warms, 80/10,10
Front Squat: 3 warms, 265/5 285/3 295/3
Leg Press: 2 warms, 450/8 495/8 drop set
Sumo Db squat: 125/15,11
Calf work: 2 awrms, DC style for singles and burnouts.
Ligh bike for 10 mins.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Rest day from the weights:

Cardio: 30 mins

Not much to report.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Shoulder and bicep workout:

Feeling rested today but the head is a tad clogged from alerigies. Big rain storm coming our way.
Fantastic workout today as I did one of my fav movements, the push press. Hit some decent weight since I was away from this a while.

Push press: 3 warms, 155/6 175/5 135/10
Side lateral: 2 warms, 45/8,8 drop set
Cleans: 2 warms, 105/8,7 (grip was going!)
Incline db curl: 2 warms, 45/6,5 drop set
Cable curl (standing away from cable): 1 warms, 45/8 50/9,7
10 min light cardio

Monday, March 03, 2008

Back and hamsting workout:

Little off today, as I am still feeling the weekend and all the driving I did on Sat(NY) and Sun(NJ). Needless to say, I had a nice workout today, and hit some decenet numbers.

Lat pulldown palms facing: 3 warms, 155/6 165/6,6
T bar rows: 2 warms, 170/8 180/8,7 drop set
Lat pulldown wide grip: 100/11,11,10,10
Stiff Leg Deads: 3 warms, 265/6 285/6
Leg curl: 1 warm, 50/8,7 drop set
12 min light cardio
Sunday March 2nd,

Chest and tricep workout:

Nice workout today and it was effective. I lead off with an inlcine bar press and picked up pretty close to what I left off with. The only problem is no spoter so I am alway a coouple of reps short of failure.

Inc Bar press: 3 warms, 185/5 205/5 225/3,3 drop set
Flat db press: 1 warm, 85/8,7,7
Chest Dips: 3 sets to failure
Tri Db ext: 2 warm, 35/8 40/6
Tri bar pressdown: 2 warm, 70/8,9
12 min light cardio

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Off day non scheduled:

Going up to New York today for a funeral. My wife's cousin tragically died in a house fire. Still sick to my stomach.