Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Morning cardio: 30 min, 20 intervals

Arm training:

Basically matched the numbers from last time and the pump was good. Energy again was high throughout the workout, but really nothing to exciting to report. its an arm workout!

In db curl: 2 warms, 45/6 50/5 drop set
Tri pressdown: 2 warms, 80/6 85/6 drop set
Cable curl: 1 warms, 70/8 75/8 drop set
Db ext: 1 warms, 30/8 35/6 drop st
1 arm spider curl ss
with 1 arm pressdown: 3 x

Side ab work: 6 sets
15 min cooldown

1 comment:

Marina Kamen said...

Great workout! Thanks for posting it.