Thursday, May 07, 2009

Shoulder and bicep workout:

Awesome finish to this round. Solid improvements and the best part is that my bicep strength it at 100 percent. Mix it up a tad, but stayed with the trend. Highlights were doing side laterals and incline db curls with 50's.
I have one more round to the four day split, and then I will decide to stick with this routine or move to a higher volume 5 day. We will see!

Side lateral: 2 warms, 45/6 50/6 40/9 drop set
Push press 1 warm, 155/8 135/7,7 drop set
Barbell shrug: 1 warms, 215/8 235/7 drop set
Floor raises: 1 set to failure
In db curl: 2 warms, 45/6 50/5,5
Cable curl: 1 warm, 62/8 67/8 drop set
Con curl: 30, 25

19 min cardio

Note: Limited supplement usage for over two months. Just the basics!

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