Monday, January 26, 2009

Sat the 24th

Delt and triceps

Db press: 3 warms, 85/7,6,6
Upright row: 2 warms, 65/9 70/9 drop set with db shrug
Rear delt raise seated: 25/10 27/70,9 drop set
CGBP: 2 warms, 165/8 175/8,8
Rev pressdown: 1 warm 55/10 60/8
Over cable ext: 40/12,12

HIIT cardio
2 min warm,
8 sprints
5 min cool

Sunday: rest
30 min moderate cardio

Quads and calves workout:

Rock the quads today, and pump/burn was kicking. Made solids gains and a PB on the bar step lunge and the hack squat. The squating continues with the progression series and the 315 felt just as easy as the 285 did. The plan is to keep it going till I cant no more! LOL

Squat: 3 warms, 275/5 315/5,5,6
Hack squat: 2 warms, 270/8 285/8
Bar lunge: 135/6 155/6 175/6
Leg ext: 65/12,13,13
Calf work: 1 warm, 3 chain singles for 3 sets, drop set

10 min cardio cooldown.

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