Back and hammy workout:
Slamming today, and fried my back. Did more reps for pull ups but still off from months ago. Gains across the board and the energy was high as a push it on the deads. Yes, it was a workout fueled by USP Labs Jacked!!.
Pullups: 4 sets to failure
Deads: 2 warms, 365/6 395/5 405/4 275/11
Bent over db row: 1 warms, 85/8,8,8
Rope pulldown ss
with Bar shrugs: 3 x
Leg curl: 2 warms, 60/6,6 2 drop sets
17 min cardio
March Changes"
Diet is pretty much the same.
Cardio is increased by 1 more sprint and minute to the steady state. So I am at 10 sprints every 5th day, and doing 17 min ss.
Supplement, going to bring back Powerfull and AP by USP Labs.
Happy with the results so far and just going to continue to plug away.
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