Friday, January 25, 2008

Quad and calf workout:

Well, my brother sent me a link for the leg/squat workout. It focuses on time for squats. The goal is to squat a certain weight for 8 minutes straight. So, I started it today and with a slight modification, will be doing it.
The first couple of workouts as read, is to start off easy to to become use to the idea of time squating. So it was not extremely hard, yet!

link for workout:

Squat: 2 warms, 95 x 2 mins
Leg ext: 70/10 75/0,8
Bar sgtep lunge: 95/6 115/6 135/10
Calf Raise: 1 leg 25/12,9,8
BW raises: 2 sets to failure

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