Thursday, January 31, 2008

Chest and Tricep workout:

Great workout, and felt strong. Need to get 105's boys!~

In db press: 2 warms, 85/6 95/6 100/6,6
Flat bench: 2 warm, 175/8 185/9
Mid inc db fly: 2 warm, 47/10 50/8
Rope pressdown: 1 warm,, 40/8,7,7
Bar ext. 60/8,9 drop set
10 min light cardio.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Quads and calf workout:

Squat: 2 warms, 95 x 2 1/2 minutes (48reps I think?)
Leg ext: 75/10,10,8
Bar step lungs: 115/6 135/6 145/6
Calf raise bw: 2min straight with pause on top and bottom.
7 min cooldown bike.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Shoulder and bicep workout:

Feeling good but not in a good mood! Who know's?
So, when this happens, I just mix things up in the workout and do whatever.

Push press: 1 min set fast pace with 85
Side lateral: 2 warms, 40/6 45/6 ,8
Push press: 1 min set fast pace with 85
Upright row cable: 2 warms, 75/6,7
Barbell: high reps with 4 sets
10 min light cardio

Jan 28th

Cardio: 25 mins bike

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Back and hanstring workout:

Great workout today, period.

Lat pull under grip: 3 warms, 140/6 155/5 165/5,5
T bar rows: 2 warms, 160/8 180/8 135/12
Lat pulldown wide: 100/12,11,10
Leg curl: 2 warms, 55/6 60/5 40/8
Db deadlift: 95/10 100/10 105/10
Light cardio. 10 mins

Saturday 1/26

Chest and tricep workout.

Feeling better and it was a great workout. First time in a long time I did 225 on any type of bench press.

In bar press: 3 warm, 185/5 205/5 225/4,3
Flat db press: 75/8 85/9 90/8,7
Chest dips: 3 sets to failure:
Tricep pressdown: 2 warm, 70/6 80/5 drop set
Db Ext: 25/11/9 20/12

10 min light bike

Friday, January 25, 2008

Quad and calf workout:

Well, my brother sent me a link for the leg/squat workout. It focuses on time for squats. The goal is to squat a certain weight for 8 minutes straight. So, I started it today and with a slight modification, will be doing it.
The first couple of workouts as read, is to start off easy to to become use to the idea of time squating. So it was not extremely hard, yet!

link for workout:

Squat: 2 warms, 95 x 2 mins
Leg ext: 70/10 75/0,8
Bar sgtep lunge: 95/6 115/6 135/10
Calf Raise: 1 leg 25/12,9,8
BW raises: 2 sets to failure

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Shoulder and bicep workout:

Feeling better today, but not 100 percent. Still have sinus problems that just might be an infection. But the workout was great and made gains from the last one. Felt really good.

Push press: 3 warms, 145/6 165/5,6
Side lateral: 2 warm, 42/8,10
Db mid press delt: 1 warm, 65/10,11,8
In db curl: 2 warm, 50/4,4, 40/7
Cable curl; 50/9,9,9 drop set
10 min light bike

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back and hams:

Good workout today, but still have some sinus problems. Maybe the wheather, or an infection that wont go away. Regardless, made some gains today. Felt good.

Lat pull under: 3 warms, 152/5 162/6,5
T bar row: 2 warms, 160/8 170/8 135/11
Lat pull wide: 100/12,10,9
Db deadlift: 1 warm, 115/8,8,8
Leg curl: 1 wawrm, 45/8 50/7 40/8
10 min light cardio

Monday, January 21, 2008

Chest and triceps:

Not a bad workout today, as I was feeling a little tired and off. Could have been from the cold weather, and or sinus headache. But the workout was effecient and made some nice gains.

In bar press: 3 warms, 185/5 205/5 220/4,3
Flat db press: 75/8 85/9,8,8
Chest dips: Bw 4 sets to failure
Tricep pressdown: 2 warm, 70/6 77/5 drop set
Db Ext: 25/10,9 20/10
10 min light cardio


Complete rest day.

Hosted a seminar.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Quads and calves:

When I started the workout, squating was the last thing on my mind and was not really motivated. But as I got warmed up, and workout became a killer and made nice gains from the last quad workout.

Squat: 3 warms, 275/5 315/5 345/3,3 drop sets with 225/11 135/15
Leg Ezxt: 1 warm, 70/10 75/11,9
Hack Squat: 1 warm, 180/11
Walk lunge: 55/6,9

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Back and hams:

A decent workout today. I came down with something last night thats making my stomach a little sick and head grogy. Not sure what it is. But I did train and had an effective workout.

Lat pull under grip: 3 warms, 140/6 150/5 160/5,5
T Bar Rows: 2 warm, 160/8,8
Lat pull over grip: 100/10,9,9 drop set
Db Deads: 1 warm, 105/8,9,8
Leg Curl: 1 warm, 45/8 50/7 40/9

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Chest and triceps:

Strong workout today and felt great. Even same number of exer. as 3 day, added 2 more sets.

In bar press: 3 warms, 185/5 205/5 215/5,5
Flat db press: 75/8 85/8,7 75/7
Dips bw: 4 sets to failure
Tricep pressdown: 2 warm, 70/6 75/6 drop set
Db ext: 25/8 20/11,10,9

Light cardio: 10 minutes

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Quads and calves:

Started the new 4 day split today. The workout was great, but cut short due to training clients. I just lost the lunges, but will hit them up next time.
Squats went well and happy with the strength.

New goal!
I was asked to guest pose April 19th. Time to shed the fat.

Squat: 3 warms, 275/5 315/5 335/3,3
Hack Squat: 2 warm, 205/8 225/8
Leg Ext.: 1 warm, 70/10,11,10
Calf raise: 90/22,13,11
Calf: BW, singles 2x. doubles 1z

Monday, January 14, 2008

Off day from weight training.

Cardio: 22 mins
Ab work

Will be starting the 4 day split tomorrow and it should take me to March.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Back and delts:

Nice workout this morning mixed it up a bit due to my shoulder pain. A little earlier than usual due to my sons birthday party. So I finished the 3 day rotation that I started right after my show. Its been over 2 months on the split and I felt that I benefited from the increased frequwncy of body parts trained. Now its onto a 4 day, and excited to start it.

Pull ups bw: 5 sets to failure
Close pulldown: 1 warm, 110/8 120/8 125/7 drop set
Deads: 1 warm, 225/10 245/10 265/8
1 arm db row: 65/15
Side lateral: 20/8 30/8 40/7 dropped into 30/9 20/11
Light cardio: 15 mins

Friday, January 11, 2008


Nice workout today. Went in feeling a little tired but really got moving in the middle of the training. The added sets to leg press and curl was intense!

Leg Press: 4 warms, 540/5 585/5 630/5 3 drop sets
Leg Curl: 2 warm, 55/5 60/5 65/4 2 drop sets
Walk Lunge: 55/6,6,6
Sumo Db squat: 1 warm, 125/10,11
Calf work: 2 warms, 25/11,10 singles then 3 burn outs

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Back and delts:

Mixed it up a bit, but stay with the first two main exercises for the back. Made gains on both. For deads, I just did 2 sets, but standing on a plate for added range of motion. Also, sticking with lighter weight and buring out. For the next couple of months while doing deads, I plan on not doing less than 8 reps with any weight. Hoping to really work it, and protect the back!

Bent over rows: 3 warms, 225/5,5,5 drop set
Close row pulldown: 100/10 110/10 120/8,8
Dead: 1 warm, 225/12 on plate
Rack Pull ups: 2 sets to failure
Side lateral: 2 warms, 40/6 40/8 drop set
Front raise bar: 2 warms, 65/8 ,10
Light bike: 10min

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Chest and arms:

Great workout today and overall energy was up. Still have the head cold but getting better:

In db fly: 2 warm, s65/6 75/6,6
Flat Db: 75/10,8,8,8
Chest dips ss
with push ups: 2x
Short bar curl: 2 warms, 110/6 115/5 drop set
Short bar tricep press: 2 warm, 70/6 75/5 drop set
Con curl ss
with overhead db ext: 2 x
10 min light cardio

Monday, January 07, 2008


Took it a little light today but still went to failure. The reason is simply the back has been tight from awkward sleeping the last few days. Or it may be from WII boxing!

Leg press: 180/15 270/15 360/15,15
Squat 2 warms, 225/8,8
Leg Curl 1 warms, 45/8,8,8
Walk lunge: 45/6 50/6,6
Ca;f raise: 90/20,15,14
Calf body weight: 3 sets

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Rest day:

Llght cardio: 25 mins

Check in: BW, 170 BF, 12.2
Content with the body fat at this weight.
Earlier this week, I found out the video project will be postponed. So, I came off the diet a bit. No biggie for both. I plan on eating clean because I would like to be at 165 and hold with less than 10 percent. Time frame, two months.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Back and delts:

Nice workout today and made some good lifts with bent over rows.
Back is still a tad tight, so I didnt go nuts with the heavy weight on the deads, but still effective.

Bent over row: 2 warms, 185/5 215/5 235/4 185/10
Close pulldown: 100/10 110/9,8,8
Trap bar deads: 185/10 275/8 295/8
Front Raise bar: 2 warms, 75/8,8
Db shrugs: 85/9,8 75/9,8

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Chest and arms:

A solid workout today, but was just a little off. Not sure what was up. Regardless, made a couple gains.

In db fly: 2 warms, 65/8,8,7
Flat db press: 75/9,9,8
Mid incline 1.5 reps" 135/5,5,5
Short bar curl: 2 warms, 110/6,6
Short bar tri pressdown: 2 warm, 70/6,6
Con curl ss
with db kickback: 2x

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Change of routine and didnt miss a beat. This will be the last round of 3 day's before the new workout.

Leg Press: 3 warms, 540/5 585/5 610/5
Squat: 185/ 225/8 255/6 275/6
Leg Curl: 2 warms, 55/7,5
Sumo db squat: 105/14 125/9,10
Calf: High reps, 5 sets

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Back and delts:

Decent workout today considering staying up late last night.
Mixed it up a little to avoid deads since my low back is still tight. All in all a solid workout.

Lat Pull wide: 2 warms, 140/6 160/6,5 drop set
Bent over rows: 1 warm, 185/8,9,8 drop set
Rope pulldown: 100/9 85/11 75/12
Side lateral seated: 2 warm, 40/6,7
Upright row bar: 1 warm, 85/9,8
Light cardio: 10 minutes