Thursday, June 11, 2009


Kaplow!, I smoked dem legs today! Felt so so going into the workout, and lead off with front squats. Sure, I am not breaking any PR's, but I felt like I could have kept on going. I almost lost the bar on the 305 due to the humidity in the gym today. Fronts really work the abs! Really solid.

Front squat: 3 warms, 225/5 255/5 285/3 305/3
Stiff leg bar: 2 warm, 305/8 325/6 225/13
Leg press: 2 warms, 360/13,14
Walk db lunge: 1 warm, 75/6.8
Calf raises: weighted singles 4 sets

Low ab work: 4 sets
10 min cardio cooldown.

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