Chest and triceps workout:
Made a slight change will keep this way for a bit. Now going to train tri's after chest and bi's after delts. The thinking is to have more for my back days and no fatigue in the arms at all for deads. Not sure if it will make much of a difference, but we will see. The glaring difference is the reduced weight moved training tri's after chest, holy smokes. All good though. Great pump and energy today.
Flat db press: 3 warms, 105/5 115/5 120/4
In db press: 1 warms, 95/7 85/8,8
Flat chains bar press: 2 warms, 4 chains/10,8
Tricep pressdown: 1 warm, 70/8 80/7 70/9
Db Ext: 35/7 30/8 25/9 20/11
Missed cardio due phone calls and kitchen stuff!!!!
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