Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Bicep and hamstring workout:

A real bang up workout today and nailed two PR's with hammer curls(loose form)85 x 7 and stiff leg db's 150 x 8. Again this session is not the most impressive with heavy arse weights, but hitting those two lifts were satisfying.

Hammer curls: 2 warms, 65/8 75/5 85/7 drop set
Close grip curl: 2 warms, 110/8 drop set
1 arm cable curl: 1 warm, 22/10,10
Stiff leg db: 2 warms, 125/8 150/8
Leg curl: 1 warms, 45/8,7 drop set

Side ab work: 4 sets
10 min cardio cooldown

Little animated at the end! Not usually my style, LOL

150 db deads

85 db hammer curls

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