Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chest and triceps.

Felt tired going into the workout today, and was just a subdued attitude. Surprisingly, I still made weight and reps gains throughout the workout. Pleased with the flat pressing, and increase with the chest dips. Flipped the tricep movements which resulted in sick pump. All in all, it ended up being a productive workout.

Flat bench: 3 warms 215/6 235/5 245/3,3
In db press: 1 warm, 85/8,9,9
Chest dips: 2 chains/ 11,10 1 chain/11
Flat fly: 45/12 50/11
Db ext: 1 warm, 35/7,6 drop set
Tricep pressdown: 60/10,9 50/12,11

18 min cardio

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