Quads and calves workout:
Well, why waste time. I dove right into the 4 day split today and the focus was front squats. Now, I haven't done any fronts in months, so I wanted to see were I was at. I happily did 295 for a triple. So, the goal will be to do 385 at some point.
Very happy on how I felt and doing more volume. This 4 day split is a low to moderate volume version. The focus is still strength!
Leg ext: 2 warms, 75/10 80/10
Front squat: 3 warms, 265/3 285/3 295/3
Sumo db squat: 2 warms, 145 plus 3 chains/ 12,11
Split db squat: 55/8,8
Donkey Calf raise: 2 warms, 90/15,14,14 drop set
10 min cardio cooldown.
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