Thursday, September 29, 2011

Solid two days of training, and the bw remains in the range I desire.


Back and calves workout:

All gains across the board for this third round and as I progress, adding a few extra sets here and there.

Pullups: 5 sets
T bar rows: 3 warms, 205/8 215/9 160/18
Lat pulldown under: 2 warm, 130/10 135/9 drop set
Db bent over row: 1 warms, 65/13,12
1 arm cable row (H): 50/9 40/12
Calf work: 2 warms, 90/15,15,13 3 burn sets

25 min cardio


Chest and triceps:

Again, increased the volume a tad for the fact of feeling good. Test out for the 3's on the flat db press and happy to get 5 good reps with the 112's.

Flat db press: 3 warm, 100/3 110/1 112/5
Chest dips: 2 warms, 4 chains/10,9 drop set
Slight in bench: 2 warm, 160/8,8
Flat db fly: 1 warm, 50/12,10
Tricep pressdown: 2 warm, 70/8,9 drop set
Db ext: 30, 25, 20
1 arm pressdown: 15/15,13
Ab work: 4 sets

25 min cardio

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