Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chest and Tricep workout:

Nice workout today and made some PR's on the db press. My right delt was a little sore from playing too much baseball on the WII! Happy with the pump and feel.

Flat db press: 3 warms, 95/5 105/6,5
Slight Inc Bar: 2 warm, 175/8,7 drop set
Inc Db fly: 45/10,11,12
Short bar tricep pressdown: 2 warm, 60/6 65/7 drop set
Overhead rope Ext. 35/10,9 25/11
10 min cardio

1 comment:

miked said...

Very impressed with the DB presses Joe - you are making great gains - gives me something to strive for when my shoulder comes back! You are going to need to expand your gym to add all of your new heavier weights!!