Monday, December 12, 2011

Little Catch up time for the last three workouts:

Solid training, and hitting good numbers on the test out rounds.
Was content to do 250 for a single then double on the flat bench.
Overall mind to muscle has really been increasing of the last few weeks.
This may have to do with the mini experiment with Strike HD 8 and the dosing I am using. Just really good workouts!

The highlight was today for deads,
Personal best,

Here are the workouts:

Back and calves:

Pullups: 5 sets to failure
1 arm db row: 2 warms, 95/10 100/10 drop set
Lat pulldown under: 2 warms, 140/11,10
Bent over row over hand: 2 warms 175/12,13
Str arm pulldown: 45/12,13,11
Calf work: 8 total sets.

30 min cardio

Chest and triceps

flat bench: 4 warms, 210/3 235/1 250/1,2
Chest dips: 2 warms, 4 chains/11,10
Slight in db press: 2 warms, 75/8,7
Flat x reps: 3 sets
Tricep pressdown: 2 sets 75/8,7 drop set
Db ext: 30/7 25/12,10

30 min cardio

Hammy and deads:

Deads: 4 warms 315/5 365/3 385/1 405/1 425/3
Leg curl: 1 warm 55/8 60/6,6 drop set
Reverse bar lunge: 2 warms, 155/6 175/8
Stiff leg db: 2 warms, 90/15,18

22 min cardio

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