Monday, December 26, 2011


Shoulder and bicep workout:

Back at it after a two day rest. Had a great Christmas with the family.
Sure, I had my share of goodies, but not too bad in the grand scheme of things. Feeling good. And this workout showed the increased energy and finished strong with the round of 5's. I liked the breakdown of this routine. Will be increasing all weights next time.

Db shoulder press: 2 warms, 75/5 85/5 95/5,8
Bar shrug: 2 warms, 225/11,10
Seated side lateral: 2 warm, 30/11,12
Rope cable FR: 2 warm, 30/12,14
Barbell curl: 2 warms, 85/5 100/7,7
Alt db curl: 1 warm, 35/8 40/8
Rope curl: 30/15 35/19

25 min cardio, 4 sprints

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