Monday, April 30, 2007

Quads and abs:

Leg Ext: 60/12 70/12 80/12
Front Squat: 1 warm, 225/7 275/5,4 185/11
Leg Press feet close: 1 warm, 385/10 430/11,10
Leg Ext: 3 descending sets to failure
Low ab work: 4 sets

I got more of an ab workout from the front squats. On of the best overall body exercises out there.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Side lateral: 2 warms, 40/6 45/7,7
HIgh incline delt press: 1 warm, 75/9,8,7
Trap Bar shrug: 1 warm, 185/10,9 drop set
Rear delt raise: 15/14,12,11

Nice workout today, with no pains.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hamstring and Calves:

Stiff Leg Db: 3 warms, 105/10 125/7,7
Leg Curl: 40/8 50/8,6 drop set
Leg Curl Ball: 3 set to failure
Stand Calf Raise: 90/23,14,14
BW: 23,15,15

Nice workout today, really felt the hammies.

Friday, April 27, 2007


Today was suppose to be a weigh in, but did not bother since I was off the diet the last two days. I added Anabolic Pump back in since being off of it for 1 month.

Home alone with my son, so the workout was rushed!

Bar Curl: 2 warms, 95/8 115/6,6
Close grip bench: 2 warm, 165/8 175/7,7
Super setted Db Curl and Tricep Pressdown, 3 x
Con Curl: 25/12,10
1 arm rope press: 17/14 20/10

Great pump today, most likely from the super sets. and stength wsa pretty good conisdering I have not done the two lead off in weeks.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Rest Day today and yesterday!

The family had a great time at Great Wolf Lodge. My wife and I felt like kids again.
Of course the diet was way off! But it felt good to take a 2 day off period from training, meal planning and supps. So back to work tomorrow with a fresh head.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Pull ups: 6,6,6,6,5,5 (wanted 6 x 6, but just missed)
Deads: 1 warm, 275/8 365/5,6 275/10
Close Pulldown: 1warm, 100/10 110/8,8
1 arm row: 1 warm, 75/10

Good workout today with a nice pump.

The next two days, the diet will not be tracked but will not get crazy. Going away for the day and night, so no training the next two days.
This coming Sat will be 26 weeks outs from the show. I am still holding off on pictures for 2 more weeks, then will take them every 4th week to track progres. I will then decide at the 16 week mark if I will compete or not.

Monday, April 23, 2007


In db press: 3 warms, 85/8,8,7
Flat Db: 85/7 75/7 65/9,9
Chest Dips: 3 sets to failure
Slight In Fly: 40/12,10

Nice workout today, and the left shoulder did not act up!

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Leg Ext: 2 warms, 75/12
Front Squat: 2 warm, 255/6 275/4 185/10
1 leg press: 1 warm, 180/10 190/10 drop set
Split Db Squat: 85/14 95/12

Good to mix things up today, and pushed it on the front squats.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Delts and Biceps:

Nice gains today even I trained much earlier than usual!

Db Press: 2 warms, 75/9,7,7
Seated Side Lateral: 1 warm, 35/9 40/7 30/11
Front Raise: 1 warm, 65/9 75/8,8
In Db Curl: 1 warm, 35/8 40/7,6
Cable Curl: 40/9,8,9

Friday, April 20, 2007

Rest Day!

I weighed in at 162.5 this morning but forgot to use the handheld BF device.

Although, I used the calipers yesterday, and I was down 1mm in the abs.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Back and Hams:

I wanted this to be a rest day, since my legs are still sore and that I hit back only 4 days ago. But, I will be rest tomorrow and maybe Saturday.
So, I did deads at the end of the workout, and kept it low volume.

Lat Wide: 2 warms, 130/8,8,7
Db Bench: 1 warm, 65/10,9,8
Deads: 1 warm, 275/6,8
Leg Curl: 2 wrm, 50/7,6 2 drops

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Chest and Tri's

Good pump today and made some gains from last workout.
And the shoulder pain was just a tad, so I think I am on the mend!

Flat Db Press: 2 warm, 75/8 95/7,6 75/8
Slight In Bar: 1 warm, 155/9 165/7 145/10
Dips: 3 sets to failure
Tri Pressdown: 1 warm, 60/8 65/7,6
Db Ext: 30/6 25/8 20/11
Cable Abs: 3 sets

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Quads and Calves:

Squat: 2 warms, 225/10 315/5 335/3,3 225/11
Hack Squat: 1 warm, 225/8 235/9 245/8
Leg Ext: 60/13,11,10
Calf Raises: 5 set of high reps

Felt good today. Probably could have squeezed out more weight on the squats. Will get it next time.
So, I have decided to cycle two passes of the four day split then 2 passes of the 6 day split, then repeat. I think it will be a good mix of shorter intense and volume training.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Delts and Biceps:

Db Press: 2 warms, 75/8 85/5,4 65/8
Seated Side Lateral: 1 warm, 35/8,9,8
Front Raise: 1 warm, 65/9 70/8,8
In db curl: 1 warm, 35/8 40/6,6
Cable Curl: 45/8 40/8 35/11

Nice workout today.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Back and Hams:

Good workout today. Lead off with regular deads, and have not done that in a while.

Deads: 3 warms, 315/6 365/4 385/3 405/2 225 on plate/12
Lat pulldown wide: 100/10 115/10 120/8,7
Db Bench Row: 55/10,9,9
Leg Curl: 2 warm, 55/6,5 2x drop set

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Chest and Tri's, little abs:

Here is the first of the 4 day split. Felt good! I will either do one or two passes of a 4 day split and then back to the 6 day for 1 or 2 passes. Not sure yet.

Flat Db Press: 3 warms, 95/8,6 75/8
Slight In Bar: 1 warm, 155/8,7,6
Chest Dips: 3 sets to failure
Tricep Pressdown: 1 warm, 60/8 65/7 drop set
Lying Tri Ext db: 30/5 25/8 20/11

Have not trained triceps after chest since last Oct! Man, they become fatiqued fast.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Rest day/check in:

Wieght was back down to 163.5, but the bf down to 10.6.
Meaning, I still continue to maintain muscle and loss body fat.


Quads and Calves:

Train later due to busy day. Felt a littl off, but finished strong.

Squat: 2 warm, 225/10 315/5,6,5 225/10
Hack Squat: 1 warm, 225/7,9,9
Leg Ext:: 60/12,10,9
Calf Raise: 5 sets of 20reps

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Felt a little of today. Actualy a little congested. So, I mixed things up, and lead off with standing DB presses. I have not done these in long time, and boy, you cant handle much weight!

Stand Db Press: 2 warms, 55/8,6,5 drop set
Side Lateral Ladder: 2 x
Db Shrugs: 1 warm, 85/10,9,9
Front Raise: 1 warm, 65/10,11

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hams and Calves:

Lying Leg Curl: 2 warms, 55/8,6 45/8
Single LC: 25/12 30/9 20/15
Stiff BarL 1 warm, 225/8,9
Calf Raises: 2 warms, 90/16 115/13,12
3 way raise to failure, then singles to failure

All in all a good workout, was a little stonger than last time I did this routine.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Arms and Abs:

Con Curl: 2 warms, 35/11
1 arm pressdown: 2 warms, 25/9
Bar Curl: 1 warm, 90/9,8,8
Close Grip Bench: 1 warm, 165/8,8,7
Alt Db: 40/9,7
Db Ext: 30/12,11
Low Ab work: 3 sets

Rest Day:

Bunnies got the best of me~

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Short on time today, so I mixed things up. Still an effective workout.

Pull ups: 5 sets of 5 reps, than 3 sets to failure
Bent over row: 2 warms, 205/7,7 drop set
Rope Pulldown" 1 warm, 85/11,10 drop set

Friday, April 06, 2007

Weigh in:

BW, 164.5 BF: hand held, 11 percent
Body weight has not moved too much, but the BF has according to the hand held tester. Since Jan 5th, I have lost only 2 pounds, but droped over 1 1/2 percent BF. Basically, that tells me the weight lost has been from BF only. Its interesting, but we will see.

Also, after some thought, I will be changing up the training again. I have been doing a 6 day split for the last few weeks, and although I do like the seperate workout for the hams/calves, and delts, I will put a 4 day split into the rotation to pick up the frequency. For example, after a go through the 6 day split with a rest day somewhere, I will do a 4 day split, then rest, and then repeat with the 6 day and so on. I will give this a try for a couple of months.

Chest and abs:

Shoulder still acting up but not as bad today.

Slight In Db Press: 3 warm, 85/8 95/7,6 drop set
Flat Bar: 1 warm, 155/8,9,8
Dips: 2 sets to failure
In Db PIP: 45/10 40/12
Cable Abs: 3 sets

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Stayed with the high reps, and fried them today. I didn't have much left after the leg press.

Leg Press: 180/20 270/20 360/20 405/14,13,12
Squat: 225/5,8,9
Leg Ext: 60/12 70/10,7 drop set
Walk Lunge: 45/14



Push Press: 3 warm, 165/5 170/5 135/11
Side Lateral Cable: 1 warm, 22/10,9,9
Db Shrugs: 75/12 85/10,9 drop set
Front Raise ss with Rear delt db for 2 sets

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Hams and Calves:

Lying LC: 2 warms, 55/6,4 drop set
Stand Single LC: 25/12,10,8
Stiff Leg Bar: 1 warm, 215/8,9
Calf Raise: No weight, 2x25reps 1 leg 3 sets for 12 to 17reps

Monday, April 02, 2007


Moved some good weight, but the forearms are acting up again.
I started Super Cissus a couple of days back, so lets hope it kicks in soon

Bar Curl: 2 warms, 95/8 115/6 120/5
Close Grip: 2 warms, 155/8 170/7,7
Alt Db Curl: 40/10 45/6 35/10
Db Ext: 30/10 35/7 25/11
1 arm cable cur: 20/13 22/8
1 arm pressdown: 20/12,8