Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Deadlift hammy workout:

Was looking forward to this workout as the deads have slowly increased. The test out round of the 531 and nailed it. The grip was better, and I will be increasing next round. The goal was 385 and did the single pretty easily and then did a second set for 4 reps. Looking forward to getting this back into the 400's...
All in all, hammies were fried.

Deads: 3 warms, 315/5 345/3 365/1 385/1,4
Glute ham raise assisted: 3 x
Db split squat: 2 warms, 65/10 burn set
Leg curl: 1 warm, 45/10 50/9,8 2 burn sets
Good mornings: 1 warm, 125/18

20 min cardio

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