Saturday, October 15, 2011


Shoulder and bicep workout:

Did what was needed to be done but was interrupted one to many time with some business that I had to attend to. Most times, I just let things go, but needed to give some attention this time. So the workout was a bit choppy. All in all still effective, just lack of focus at points. Its life!!


Quada and abs workout:

Made up for yesterdays workout by far. Solid gains, and the squating was much more confortable then last time. Felt great with the cooler air, and a ton of energy.

Squat: 5 warms, 295/3 310/3 320/3 330/4
Hack squat: 3 warms, 240/6 265/10
Leg ext: 1 warm, 82/12,12
Db step ups: 1 warm, 65/8,8
Squat: 165/10,20
Ab work: 4 sets

20 min cardio

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