Sunday, March 28, 2010

Catch up time!


35 min cardio


Quads and calves:

After a long day of training clients, I had one of the better squat workouts in a very long time. It was smoked! Besides doing a couple heavies, the two drop sets were killer.

Squat: 5 warms, 345/3 385/2 405/2 425/2 315/8 225/15
Leg ext: 2warms, 85/11,9
Sissy squat: 2 warms, 2 chains/ 15,16
1 leg-leg press: 90/10,12
Calf work: 5 sets of 20 plus reps

12 min cardio


Chest and biceps:

Great workout early this morning. Didnt do any crazy weights, but felt like a real workout due to a faster tempo and pump. Mixed it up a bit.

Slight in bar press: 3 warms, 195/8 210/6,6 185/10
Flat db press: 85/8,8 75/10,9
In db fly ss with rack push ups: 2 x
1 arm cable curl: 2 warms, 22/12
In db curl: 1 warm, 40/6 45/6,6 drop set

17 min cardio

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