Monday, March 22, 2010


Quads and calves:

Sinply smoked this workout. The plan was to do 2 sets with 390 and hit doubles.
Well, engery was up and did 390 for 3 and then 400 for 3. The big goal is to do 455 for a single without any wraps or belt. I have also learned, I need alot of warm ups! LOL
Video's are up on my youtube account, search fitfranco

Squat: 4 warms, 345/3 375/2 390/3 400/3
Sissy squat: 2 warms, 4 chains/20,18
Squat with chains: tot weight; 225/8 245/8 255/8,10
Leg ext: 2 warms, 85/12
Calf work: 2 warms, 90/16,14,13 2 drops

12 min cardio

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