Sunday, April 30, 2006

Back and Calves:

Lat Pull close/under: 3 warms, 130/8,7,6
T Bar: 2 warms 95/10 105/8
Lat Pull wide: 110/9 100/11,10
High Pull: 35/12,13
Stand Calf: doubles 2 x, singles 2 x. 3 way



Friday, April 28, 2006

Chest and weigh in.

Down 1/2 pound today and a few tenths on the body fat from last week.

Mid Bar Press: 3 warms, 185/8,8,6 drop
Flat Db: 65/10,9,9
Dips: 2 sets
Palm in Press incline: 45/12,12

For the last month or so, I have doing more reps with most movements instead or doing 6 or fewer. I think its helped but the poundage is not the same.


Today I do movements to reduce the pressure on the low back. Nothing crazy

Leg ExtL 2 warms, 125/10,9
Leg PRess: 225/15 360/12,13,13
Wall Ball: 45/15 50/14

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Barbell Curls: 2 warms, 90/10 95/7
Close grip bench: 2 warms, 145/10,8
Alt Db: 35/10 40/7,7
Tri Press: 55/10 70/10,8

Floor Ab work, The back is worse off then I thought. I will not be squating or doing deads for a couple of weeks.


Delt and Hams

Leg Curl: 3 warms, 65/6,6
Single Leg Curl: 20/12,12,11
Upright Row O bar: 2 warms, 85/10, 95/7
Side Laterals: 3 x ladder
delt press: 1 warm, 65/9,7,7

Monday, April 24, 2006

Back and Calves:

Bentover Rows: 2 warms, 185/8,8,7
Lat Over: 100/11 110/10 115/8 drops
Deads: 225/8 275/8 315/6 had a back spasm so I stopped!
Lat Pull Close: 100/12 110/11
Calves: High Reps 4 sets


Rest Day:

Went to a birthday party, little cheat but not bad.

Sunday, April 23, 2006



Mid Bar PRess: 2 warms, 185/10,9,7 drop set
Flat Db: 65/12,11,9
Dips: 3 sets
PI press Incline: 45/12,11

Here is the link for my latest pictures at 25 weeks out.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Good workout today. I started with extensions due to the tightness in the knee's. I will not move as much when it comes to squating, but feeling and failure are the keys

Leg Ext: 75/14 100/12 125/10,9
Squat: 185/8 205/8 225/8 245/8 drop
Leg Press: 2 warms, 495/9 drop



I did regular barbell curls for the first time in over two plus months, felt good, but the weight was not there.

Bar Curls: 2 warms, 85/8,7 drop
Close grip press: 2 warms, 145/8,7 drop
Db Preacher: 30/12 35/9,7
Tri Press: 55/12 65/10,7
Alt Db: 35/9,8
Rope Ext: 35/12,11

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Delts and Calves:

Push Press: 3 warms, 125/9,8
Upright Row Cable: 50/11 60/9,9,7 (have not done these in months)
Fr Bar SS with Laterals: 3 sets
Cable Calf Raise: 4 sets then singles.

Next time I will be switching hams with calves, so the hammies will get more work. I am 25 plus weeks out from my show. We took some pics today, and will every few weeks to monitor progress.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Back and Hams:

Deads: 3 warms, 315/8 405/2,1 315/7 225/15
Lat Wide: 1 warm, 120/9,7 drop
T Bar: 95/12,10,10,8
Leg Curls: 50/ 4sets to failure

Monday, April 17, 2006


After a day of cheating, and long travel for Easter, the workout was good.

Inc Db Press: 2 warms 85/8,7,7
Flat Bar: 155/8 175/8,7 drop set
Dips: 2 sets
PI Db Press: 45/12 50/11

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Strange workout due to stiffness in both knees. I led off with squats, in which I have not in almost two months. At that time, I was doing mid 300's for reps, and 385 for a double. Today, 275 felt like a ton. It just shows you that the body loses adaptation as fast as it gets it. All in all is was still a decent workout.

Squat: 3 warms, 275/5,6 2 drops
Leg Press: 2 warms 450/9,10 1 drop
Leg Ext: 100/11,9
Walk Lunge outside.

I plan on squating for the next 4 plus weeks, so it would be interesting to see if I re gain the strength

Friday, April 14, 2006


Weighed 162, and boby fat reading mid 10's. I do feel leaner, so I dont know how true the number is. I will start keeping track of the pinch method.

IN Db Curl: 1 warm, 35/9 40/7 drop set
Tri Press: 1 warm, 65/10 77/7 drop set
Close Bar Curl: 70/13 85/9,7
Bar Ext: 65/12 75/8,6
SS con curls with 1 arm rope: 2 sets


Rest Day!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Delts and Calves:

Side Lateral: 2 warms, 35/10 40/7 drop set
Front Raise: 2 warms, 65/9,8 drop set
Db Press/chest: 2 warm, 55/12,10,9

Calves and low abs


Back and Hams

Deads: 3 warms, 315/8 365/6 405/1 1/2, lost the bar! drop set on plate
Lat Wide: 1 warm, 120/9,8 drop
Close Row: 100/11,9,8
Leg Curl: 1 warm, 60/9 65/7 2 drops
Stiff Db: 65/16

Monday, April 10, 2006


Good chest workout today!

In Db Press: 2 warms, 85/9,8,6
Flat Bar: 155/10, 165/9, 175/8 drop set
Dips: 3 sets
Palm In Press: 45/12,12



Not the best due to my knee acting up.

Leg Ext: 2 warms, 125/10, 130/9, drop set
Hack Squat: 1 warm, 205/10,11 drop set
Squat: 185/8,13

Cut the workout short out of caution.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Incline Db Curl: 2 warms, 35/8,7 drop set
Bar Ext: 2 warms, 85/8,6 drop set
Close Grip Curl: 1 warm, 80/9,7
Rope Press: 1 warm, 45/10,9
Con Curl: 35/9 30/11
Dips: 18,15


Rest: Nothing!
Weigh in, 162.5

On target to hit 160 in 2 weeks, that would be 25 weeks out from the show!


Delts and calves:

Db delt press: 2 warms, 75/7,7
side Lateral: 25/10 35/8,9,8
FR bar: 45/12 55/10,9
Db Shrug: 75/14,12,12

Calves: mixed up

Lower abs

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Back and Hams

Did think I was going to train today, but I did!

Lat Pull Wide: 75/15 100/12 120/8 130/7 drop set
Bent Over Row: 175/10,10,9
Close Pull: 100/12 120/8 drop set
Bent Over Row: 135/16/14
Leg Curls: 1 warm up, 50/12 60/10 70/7 drop set
Stiff Legs: 185/10 225/8,7



Feeling a little sick today so I mixed things up a lot and just went on instinct.

Flat Bench: 3 warms, 175/12/11/9
Dips: 3 sets
Mid In Db: 65/9,7 drops
Incline Fly: 40/12,12

Was a little weaker, but overall a nice chest workout.

Monday, April 03, 2006


Leg Ext: 2 warms, 125/11, 130/9
Hack Press: 145/10, 190/10, 215/10,11
Squat: 185/10, 225/11,10
Walk Lunge: 2x


Incline Db Curl: (have not done these in over 2 plus months and it was a little tender) 20/12, 30/9,9,8
Tri Bar Ext: 2 warms, 85/7,6
Preacher Bar: 50/10, 65/10, 75/11
Rope Press: 35/12, 40/10,9
Con Curl SS with dips: 2 x


Delts and Calves and Abs:

Seated Db Press: 45/15 65/12 85/6 2 drops sets
Side Lateral Ladder: 3 x
Db Shrug: 85/12,13,11 drop set

Calves and Abs