Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Quads and calves workout:

Starting a new 4 day split. There is a switch in body parts and had a tad more volumes. I plan on rolling with this to completion, see where I am at, and then time a powerlifting split for September. Strength continues to grow, and energy high, all while eating cleaner with a slight bf drop.
Still going to focus on Front Squats for while. Felt great, but the bar was slipping today. May use some chalk next time.

Front Squats: 3 warms, 275/4 315/2 335/2 345/1,1 225/10
Leg ext: 2 warms 90/10 95/9
Db sumo squat: 2 warms, 165/11 175/12
Db split squat: 50/8 55/9
Calf work: 1 warm, 90/15,14,13 drop set

12 min cardio

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