Friday, June 08, 2012

6/7 and 6/8

Good training the last two days especially todays chest training.  I am thinking the alternating of doing chest and back 2 x per week will pay off nicely.  Sure, time will tell, but like it so far.

Shoulder and biceps:

Side lateral: 2 warms  35/8 40/8,9 drop set
Alt db front raise: 2 warms, 35/8,9
Barbell shrug: 135/18 155/17,15
Db press: 1 warm, 60/12 65/10
Barbell curl: 2 warms, 80/8 100/8,8 drop set
Rope curl: 2 warm, 45/11,12

22 min cardio - 8 sprints

Chest and triceps:

In db press: 2 warm, 70/8 80/9 85/9,8
Flat bencjL 2 warms, 165/10,8
Slight in db press: 65/12,11,10 drop sets
Rope pressdown: 2 warm, 45.10,9 drop set
Dips: 4 sets to failure
Close db press: 50.10,11,10

22 min cadio - 8 sprints.

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