Thursday, June 14, 2012


Shoulder and tricep workout:

Finished this round on a good note, made solid gains in the movments and feeling it today, the day later..

Side lateral: 2 warms 35/8 40/8 42/8 2 drop sets
Front raise db: 1 warm, 35/8 37/8,9 drop set with plate
Barbell shrug: 2 warm,s 185/11,10  burn out set
Rope pressdown: 2 warm,s 45/9 50/7 drop set
Bar ext: 45/12,11,10
Ab work: 4 sets

22 min cardio, 8 sprints


Back and biceps workout:

More gains made, and the lower back is easing up a bit.  Still not 100 percent, but feeling not a bad.
Looking forward to starting the new round to this split.  Looking at Sunday to picking it up!1

Pull ups: 5 sets to failure
Bent over db row: 2 warms 75/10,11  drop set
Close pulldown: 2 warms 125/11,10,9
Stand db curl: 2 warms, 35/8 40/9,8  burn out sets
15's: 3 x

22 min cardio, 8 sprints.

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