Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Back and hammy workout:

New round and ready to nail it. Leading off with old school in the corner t bar rows really drive the blood to the back. And now doing deads after a couple of movements. May not lift as much this way, but from a bodybuilding perspective, more effective in hitting the back. This time I will focus on higher reps on deads, going to aim for two sets for 10 plus reps.

T bar rows: 3 warms, 205/5 225/5,6
Lat pulldown under: 2 warms, 135/9 140/8
Deads: 3 warms, 315/12,12
Rope pulldown: 1 warm, 110/11,9
Assisted Glute Hams: 4 x

10 min cooddown.

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