Friday, September 28, 2012

Quads and calves:

Really solid workout today even though it was tough to get moving.  Sleep over the last few days has not been the greatest, and really dont know why.  Regardless, I pulled through and did what was called for on the start of the 531.  In addition, the new round of movements did me in good..

Squat:  4 warms, 225/5 245/5 260/5,8
1 leg-leg press: 2 warms, 140/10,12
Leg ext: 1 warm, 75/13,11,12
Wall ball squat: 80/10,12,15,15
Calf work: 6 sets

10 min cooldown

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Solid last two days of training.  I mixed up the exercises that were on tap, just for kicks.  Each were solid.
The highlight was doing singles with deads and not hurting myself.

Excited to start a new round of my 4 day split, and to start the strength rep program of the 531.  I really like this scheme for the fact it simple and productive.

Stay tuned..

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Chest and triceps

Just mixed it up today because I felt like it, lol.  Although I switch out a couple of movements
and strength is was solid with a great pump.

Flat db press: sets of 10 reps from 35 to 95 then drop
Incline db fly: sets of 10 reps from 40 to 55
Flat bench: 135/14,12, 12,11
Rack pu: 2 sets to failure
Reverse pressdown: 1 warm, 50/12, 55/9 drop set
Ly bar ext: 45/9,8 drop set
1 arm rope: 15 x2
Ab work

15 min cardio

Monday, September 24, 2012

Quads and calves:

Sometimes the best workouts are when you dont know what you are doing.
I added wrong and did more weight than scheduled.  Nailed it regardless.

Squat: 4 warms, 250/3 275/3 295/3,3,3 140/20
Leg ext: 2 warms, 90/10,11 drop set
Front squat: 2 warms, 145/5 165/5,5
Sissy squat: 2 x failure
Calf workout: 100 reps
Ab work

10 min cooldown.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Back and hamstring workout:

Hitting a groove now and feeling fine.  With the current progress, hoping to do 400 for reps by the new year, and that will be where I once was at before my last contest. . 
Time will tell and will pace myself   I also added a rest drop set for 20 reps.  I will inch this up also.

Deads: 4 warms, 245/3 265/3 285/3.10  drop 135/20
Chin ups: 4 sets to fail
Db bent over row: 2 warms, 70/10,11
PIP: 115/12,11,12  drop set
Leg curl: 2 warm, 50/8,8 40/10

10 min cooldown

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chest and triceps workout:

Went off course a tad bit for kicks.  I used a higher rep scheme and tad more volume.Although I didnt move as much weight, still got a great pump and burn on the chest.  Felt on point..

Flat db press: 2 warms, 85/8,13, 12
Slight incline bench: 135/10,14,14,13
In db press: 65/12,11,10,11
Rack push ups: 3 x to fail
Reverse pressdown: 1 warm, 55/10,10,11
Close db press: 50/10,10, 45/12,11
1 arm rope: 15x2
Ab work

15 min cardio

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Quads and calves workout:

Straight up killed it today. I spread out the weights a bit more on the squats and handled it will.
Slow and steady is the motto, and its working. Also threw in a rested drop set and will focus on 20 rep set. Finished the training with a ss and flat out wiped me out..

Squat: 4 warms, 240/3 265/3 280/3,5 135/20
Leg ext: 2 warms, 87/12,11
Front squat: 2 warms, 135/5 155/5,10
Sumo db squat ss
with sissy: 2x
calf work: 100 reps

10 nin cooldown.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Shoulder and biceps workout:

Did what needed to be done and hit my goal weights.
Feeling stronger with each workout and eager to see how I progress

Stand barbell press: 3 warms 125/8,8,8,
Upright row db: 2 warms, 45/8,10,11
Front raise plate
ss with side lateral 3x
1 arm cable curl: 2 warms, 27/10,11
Barbell curl ss
with alt db curl: 3x

15 min cardio

Monday, September 17, 2012

After two days of rest, I was eager to go.

Starting to creep up in weight for the deads and just being patient.
But what is cool the small increases in weight are allowing each dead lift session to be not as
taxing. If that makes sense? Although, the last set I am going 10 reps. Also, starting to spread the sets out a bit more. All gains were made.

Deads: 4 warms, 235/3 255/3 270/3,10
Chin ups: 4 sets to failure
Db bent over row: 2 warms, 65/10,12
PIP: 110/12,14,14
Leg curl: 1 warm, 47/8,8,8 drop set

10 min cooldown.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Chest and triceps.

Gains are good.  Made some progress from the last workout and I was pleasantly surprised.
On a roll and recently getting some clarification on my future plans.  Over the next couple of months, I will know for sure.  During my last prep, I learned a lot to better myself, and the recovery period was quite long.  But over the last month or so, the focus is back!  All in all, feeling great.

Flat db press: 3 warms 95/8,8,8
Slight in db press: 1 warm, 85/10,8 drop set
Flat bar plus chains: 135/10 145/10,10,9
rack pu's: 2 x
Reverse pressdown: 2 warms 55/10,9
Close db press: 50.10,12,11
1 arm rope pressdown: 15x2

15 min cardio


Most likely will be a rest day as we having some functions to attend, but its cool for the fact of hitting it hard for the past 5 days.  The next workout will be deads, and looking forward to it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Quads and calves..

Nicely moving along with the small increases on the squats.
Little bit faster tempo for kicks, but handled what was needed to be done.
Even the front squats were good, but holding back a little bit..

Squat: 4 warms, 235/3 255/3,3,8
Leg ext: 2 warms, 87/11,10
Front squat: 2 warms, 125/5 145/5,10
Sissy squat: 1 warm, 2chains/25,25
Calf: 100s

10 min cooldown.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Shoulder and biceps workout:

Feeling good and strong.  Nice start to the round and eager to move more weight next time.
I did upright rows using db's for really the first time.  Awesome feel to it and no pressure on the elbows.
The range of motion was improved.

Stand bar press: 3 warms, 125/7,7,7
Db upright row: 2 warm, 40/11,10,10
Front raise plate ss
with side lateral:  3x
1 arm cable curl: 2 warms, 25/12,10
Barbell curl: 1 warms 75/8,8,8 drop set
Alt hammer curl: 30/10 35/10

15 min cardio

Back and hammies:

Proud to say the back pain is almost gone. Even though feeling better, still going to take it slowly so I dont take any steps backwards. The deads felt good and strong, and not too hard. Doinglenty of warm up sets help and it felt good to push the last workout set. Baby steps, lol
Rest of the workout was solid and has some great starting weights.

Deads: 4 warm, 225/5 245/3,3,10
Chin ups: 4 set to failure
Db bent over row: 2 warms, 60/12,14
Lat pulldown pip: 100/14,12,13
Leg curls: 2 warms, 50/8,8,9

10 min cooldown.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Rest day yesterday after training 6 days straight.
Today nailed chest and refreshed with the new round.

Flat db press: 3 warms 90/8,9,8
Slight in db press: 75/10 80/9,9 drop set
Flat bar chains: 135 with chains/10,12,11,10
Rack pu's: 2 sets to failure
Reverse pressdown: 2 warm, 55/9,9
Close db press: 50/10,12,11,10
1 arm rope pressdown: 15/12,10

15 min cardio.

Side note: Time to tighten the diet up and focus on doing a slow body fat reduction.

Sunday, September 09, 2012


Quads and calves:

New round and almost over the hump with this back issue.
Although, still using relatively light weight for me, but a good sign of progression.
And even better, that I am not in any pain the next day as I write this.
Finally hitting my stride and looking forward to reaching the numbers I did before my prep.

Squat: 4 warms, 225/3 245/3,3,8
Leg ext: 2warms, 85/13 90/10
Front squat: 2 warms, 115/5 135/5,10
Sissy squat: 2 warms, 2chains/25,30
Calf work: 100 reps scheme.

10 min cardio cool down.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Solid last two days of training.

Yesterday nailed chest, and happy to hit 225 for 3 triples on the incline. The rest of the working was solid as I used a slight higher rep scheme.

Today on 4 hours of sleep I trained back and hamstrings.  Mixed it up but the deads went well. Reset with lighter weight, and doing triples.  Hoping the make the gains week to week

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Quick recap.

Train the last two days after two plan off days...
Yesterday was shoulders and biceps and today was quads.  The good news is that the squatting progressed nicely and actually was feeling not to bad.  I still only plan to add 10 pounds each time until I need to mix things up...