Saturday, April 30, 2011


Shoulder and bicep workout:

Fantastic workout and with a nice faster tempo. All gains were made and not much of a struggle with the slight increases. Moving right along with the JN shoulder press scheme!
The one thing I have learn if anything from this prep is that you dont need to be fat to get stronger and have great workouts.
I am still a little ways off from contest shape, but the extra 15 pounds I had on me didnt do any good!!

Shoulder press: 2 warms, 70/8,8,12
Side lateral: 2 warms, 42/8,8 burn set
Rear delt raise ss: 20 25 25
Db shrug: 75 75 75
Barbell Curl: 2 warms, 80/5 90/8,8,10
Alt db curl: 1 warm,s 40/8 42/8
1 arm preach curl: 25/15,14
Ab work: 3 ss

28 min cardio

Complete rest day!!

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