Saturday, April 16, 2011


Shoulder and bicep worout:

Great workout today and well rested. Made gains and finished up the first round of 10's on the jugger methods. Will do a slight deload next round and then onto the 8's! Gaind were solid and the bicep strength is just about normal. Happy with the results.

Db shoulder press: 2 warms, 60/5 70/1 75/12
Front raise plate: 45 50 55 57/10
Barbell Shrug ss: 185 215 235 235
with side latera: 25 x 4
In db curl: 2 warms, 40/5 45/5 47/6 drop set
Cable curl: 1 warm, 60/8 65/9 drop set

28 min cardio


Complete rest day!
Check in weight: 155.5
No cardio today.

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