Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Quads and abs workout:

Felt good going into this one. Using the 531 scheme and nailed the 305 for the triple. Typically, I would do a second sets, but my lower back tighten up a little bit. I contribute this to the shoveling of snow earlier. So I played it safe, and went all out on the rest of the workout. Increases straight up!

Front squat: 4 warms, 265/3 285/3 305/3
Leg ext: 2 warms, 92/10,10
Bar lunge: 1 warm, 155/6 165/7 drop set
Wall ball db squat: 45 55 55
ss with Sumo Db: 85 x 3
Ab work: 6 sets

15 min cardio

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