Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sat the 15th, rest day.
Was at the Yorton Cup, great show and a good time.

Chest and bicep rehab workout:

Well, I was going to do my biceps along with chest for the new spiit. But as I reported before, the right forearm is just too tender to any type of curling. So in place, I will do wrist curls and sup and pronation movements to help bring blood flow to the area. Also, I will do my abs on these days. So, the workout was solid but I was still beat from the mini trip. Happy with the new start and planning on progressing.

Note I started PRIME up after a 2 week layoff. Does is 3 x 3

In Db press: 2 warms, 85/8 95/6,6,7 drop set
Flat bar with chains: total 185/8,8,9,9
Weighted chest dips: 20/8 10/8 bw/9
Rehab work

Upper ab work
15 min cardio

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