Quads and calves workout:
The start of the new split and it was a great workout. The focus is now on hack squats since the leg presses didnt agree with my knees so much. Pushed it hard and moved some nice weight on my hack press which resulted in a personal best. I also will be incorporating a dogg crapp exercise in each workout. The knees are better so I also brought back some light lunges.
Hack squat: 3 warms, 250/6 275/6 285/6 drop set
Squat with chains: total weight 225/8,8,8,10
Leg Ext: DC with 60#
Step bar lunge: kept it light but felt good,1 warm, 85/6 95/8
Calf singles: 1 warm, 3 working sets, 1 drop
10 min cardio cooldown.
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