Monday, October 10, 2011


Quads and abs:

After a two day rest mini getaway, and finding out the results of my clients from the big show on Saturday, I was ready to rock n roll!! 531 is it and first up were regular squats. Did what was needed but will have to get use to the heavier weight on my back. No worries.
The rest of the workout was killa!!

Squat: 4 warms, 275/5 295/5 310/5,6
Hack squat: 3 warms, 225/6 250/8
Leg ext: 1 warm, 80/11,11
Db step ups: 1 warm, 60/8 65/8
Squat: 165/10,18
Ab work: 4 sets

20 min cardio

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