Sunday, January 17, 2010


Quads and calves:

Solid early morning workout. Was happy doing a single with 355 even though I was achy, LOL. This old body needs time to wake up. Other than that, increase across the board. Another note, I used knee wraps on a drop set. Made the set easier and did more reps, but a strange feel in which it didn't seem I could go as deep. Anyone?

Front squat: 4 warms, 275/5 315/3 335/2 355/1 drop set
Leg ext: 1 warm, 77/10 82/11
Walking db lunge: 1 warm, 75/6,6
Leg press x reps: 1 warm, 315/15,15
Calf work: dc sets

10 min cooldown


Chest and biceps workout:

Another morning workout, and did the work. Some gains throughout and the pump was on.

Slight in bar press: 3 warms, 185/8 215/5 230/4,5
Flat db press: 2 warms, 95/8,8
In db fly: 2 warms, 60/9,9
In db curl: 2 warms, 50/5 55/4 drop set
cable curl: 1 warm, 60/8 67/8 drop set

low ab work

15 min cardio

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