Sunday, February 14, 2010


Delts and triceps:

Really good early morning workout. Increase straight through and a personal best on the seated barbell shoulder press.

My family have booked a vaca for the early summer. Going away June 20th. So with that, is go time to lose some body fat. The goal to drop 10 pounds in the 20 weeks till the trip.

Bar delt press: 3 warm, 195/5 215/5,5
Seated side lateral: 2 warms, 40/8,9
Front raise: 2 warms, 80/8,9
Tricep press: 2 warm, 85/6 95/5 drop set
Db Ext: 35, 40, 35x2

ab work 4 sets

17:30 min cardio

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